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Economía y Sociedad U.S.A.

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Economía y Sociedad U.S.A.
Economía y Sociedad U.S.A.

Economía y Sociedad U.S.A.

Buenos días a tod@s,

Adjunto un correo que me llegaba ayer sobre cifras sorprendentes en la economía y la sociedad americanas

The Option Guru
19 Very Surprising Facts About The Messed Up State Of The U.S. Economy
Posted: 22 Oct 2014 11:47 AM PDT
00001-new-post-iconI stumbled upon this in The Economic Collapse Blog. Thought you all might be interested…
#1 After accounting for inflation, median household income in the United States is 8 percent lower than it was when the last recession started in 2007.
#2 The number of part-time workers in America has increased by 54 percent since the last recession began in December 2007. Meanwhile, the number of full-time jobs has dropped by more than a million over that same time period.
#3 More than 7 million Americans that are currently working part-time jobs would actually like to have full-time jobs.
#4 The jobs gained during this “recovery” pay an average of 23 percent less than the jobs that were lost during the last recession.
#5 The number of unemployed workers that have completely given up looking for work is twice as high now as it was when the last recession began in December 2007.
#6 When the last recession began, about 17 percent of all unemployed workers had been out of work for six months or longer. Today, that number sits at just above 34 percent.
#7 Due to a lack of decent jobs, half of all college graduates are still relying on their parents financially when they are two years out of school.
#8 According to a new method of calculating poverty devised by the U.S. Census Bureau, the state of California currently has a poverty rate of 23.4 percent.
#9 According to the New York Times, the “typical American household” is now worth 36 percent less than it was worth a decade ago.
#10 In 2007, the average household in the top 5 percent had 16.5 times as much wealth as the average household overall. But now the average household in the top 5 percent has 24 times as much wealth as the average household overall.
#11 In an absolutely stunning development, the rate of small business ownership in the United States has plunged to an all-time low.
#12 Subprime loans now make up 31 percent of all auto loans in America. Didn’t that end up really badly when the housing industry tried the same thing?
#13 The average cost of producing a barrel of shale oil in the United States is approximately 85 dollars. Now that the price of oil is starting to slip under that number, the “shale boom” in America could turn into a bust very rapidly.
#14 On a purchasing power basis, China now actually has a larger economy than the United States does.
#15 It is hard to believe, but there are 49 million people that are dealing with food insecurity in America today.
#16 There are six banks in the United States that pretty much everyone agrees fit into the “too big to fail” category. Five of them have more than 40 trillion dollars of exposure to derivatives.
#17 The 113 top earning employees at the Federal Reserve headquarters in Washington D.C. make an average of $246,506 a year. It turns out that ruining the U.S. economy is a very lucrative profession.
#18 We are told that the federal deficit is under control, but the truth is that the U.S. national debt increased by more than a trillion dollars during fiscal year 2014.
#19 An astounding 40 million dollars has been spent just on vacations for Barack Obama and his family. Perhaps he figures that if we are going down as a nation anyway, he might as well enjoy the ride.
Happy Trading


Bastante sorprendente, a pesar de no ser inesperado.



Re: Economía y Sociedad U.S.A.

Sí, hace un par de años toda la prensa escrbibía que el euro desaparecía, que los PIGS quebraban que los USA ... . Y ahora los estados están más endeudado pero todo el mundo quiere ver brotes verdes. Agradezco este post ya que me cuadra más con la situación real del pais. Saludos


Re: Economía y Sociedad U.S.A.

Bueno claro, ¿por qué crees que ganaron las elecciones los republicanos?
La economia real va peor, pero el gobierno presenta cifras para decir que va mejor, y así es para los 4 más ricos. Como aquí.

No hay mas que mirar el consumo de petróleo. Si baja es que la economía baja. Y el consumo USA lleva bajando desde 2005. Ahora producen 3.5 millones de barriles diarios más que en 2009 y sin embargo consumen menos petróleo. Aunque lo extraen ellos, no se lo pueden permitir. Lo refinan y se lo venden a los chinos.

Blog: Game over?


Re: Economía y Sociedad U.S.A.

Al otro lado del Atlántico quien se fía de unas cuentas, "dopadas hasta dios sabe dónde" por un QE sin precedentes en la historia económica mundial.

Y a este lado, ya no creía mucho en las cifras "macro gubernamentales", pero con la introducción de datos del narcotráfico y prostitución...

Las cuentas Chinas, provinientes de uno de los Estados más opacos del mundo.

¿Cúal es el estado financiero real?

Un saludo.