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Ira en Reino Unido por medidas de la FED y el Departamento del Tesoro

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Ira en Reino Unido por medidas de la FED y el Departamento del Tesoro
Ira en Reino Unido por medidas de la FED y el Departamento del Tesoro

Ira en Reino Unido por medidas de la FED y el Departamento del Tesoro

En Reino Unido ven el asunto como un intento de EUA de mover desde Reino Unido a EUA el centro principal de trading al echar abajo a los principales bancos británicos. Las viejas rivalidades entre EUA y Reino Unido en el siglo 19 se despiertan otra vez...

Regulators irate at NY action against Standard Chartered
The broadside against Standard Chartered has touched a nerve in Britain, where some investors, and at least one lawmaker, have alleged it might be part of a plot by U.S. authorities to undermine London as a banking center. Standard Chartered is the third British bank to be ensnared in U.S. law enforcement probes in recent weeks. Barclays in June agreed to pay $453 million to settle U.S. and British probes that it rigged the Libor benchmark, and, a month later, a U.S. Senate panel issued a scathing report criticizing HSBC's efforts to police suspect transactions, including Mexican drug traffickers. "I think it's a concerted effort that's been organized at the top of the U.S. government. This is Washington trying to win a commercial battle to have trading from London shifted to New York," said John Mann, a member of parliament's finance committee who also called for a parliamentary inquiry.

Mientras tanto parece que las rivalidades de EUA con Rusia se despiertan en una nueva guerra fría que nadie nos anunció.
¿Será el conflicto sirio la tumba de un mundo unipolar?
Es la geopolítica del dinero (banca) y España ha sido sólo un peón en ese ajedrez mundial.