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Un pajarito me ha dicho que se acabo la caida

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Un pajarito me ha dicho que se acabo la caida
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Un pajarito me ha dicho que se acabo la caida
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Re: Un pajarito me ha dicho que se acabo la caida

¿Cuanto capital requiere esa prima de riesgo? Supongo que el riesgo será de pillar algo. Pero bueno, aquí sabemos preservar lo importante.

Blog: Game over?


Re: Un pajarito me ha dicho que se acabo la caida

con esa prima si que hay subida asegurada! aunque la cuenta te haga crack!


Re: Un pajarito me ha dicho que se acabo la caida

eso si que esa una prima de riesgo


Re: Un pajarito me ha dicho que se acabo la caida

Pues es una lástima. A mi me gustaría ver si esos números que dices lograr también los logras fuera de agosto... seguro que ganarías más adeptos... y clientes, que al fin y al cabo es lo que quieres, ¿no?



Re: Un pajarito me ha dicho que se acabo la caida

He recibido este email
Se Busca PASTA descaradamente.

¿Que piensas?

-------- Mensaje original --------
Asunto: Re: Profitable Capital Investment.
Fecha: Fri, 8 Jul 2011 00:31:57 +0000
De: admin
Responder a: admin
Para: [email protected]

Please give only 1 minute, thank you.

PAMM account - this is the most convenient option and asset management, in which
the trader operates a total capital investment, operating funds through a single
account. The investor opens a managed account in his name, himself a trader does
not have access to the received funds other than for trading, and profit for
themselves how the work of management and making a profit for all his PAMM
With ThePAMM you can earn much more than with bank interest rate deposit or
investment fund, more than your annual income… and this is just a start. 100%
per year? Not with us… We are capable to generate much more for you.
There are currently more than +120% profit!

Also, you can become our partner and benefit from 30% to 50% of the profits.

"Money should work"
Investment conditions in the PAMM account:

The minimum investment amount from $ 10.
Distribution of profits:
>From $ 10: 25% of traders, 75% of investors.
>From $ 500: 15% of traders, 85% of investors.
>From $ 1000: 10% of traders, 90% of investors.
Best PAMM conditions!

Distribution of profits takes place automatically,
after the withdrawal of investment.
Minimum investment period: 7 days.
Average monthly profit: 30%.
Currency Replenishment USD.

100% safety of deposits.

P.S.: Please excuse us if this letter has brought you earnings and stable

1. It is necessary to open an account
2. Any of the convenient way for you to fill it to the amount of $ 10
3. Log in to your account, your trading account is your username.
4. In the private office (cabinet client) in the left menu, select:
Service companies> PAMM System> PAMM investor, and activate PAMM investor.
After this procedure, your merchant account will PAMM investor, which will
be used to invest in a PAMM account.

Then we need to go to PAMM monitoring, and then click to invest.
Choose the amount you want to put it.

After confirming the PAMM trader of this amount, it will move into management,
after which the funds will accrue.


Re: Un pajarito me ha dicho que se acabo la caida

Muchas gracias Maltijo


Re: Un pajarito me ha dicho que se acabo la caida

Como se que no controlais los futuros os pondre una cosa que he hecho esta tarde..
me he puesto corto con 25 cfd de oro..asi que mas menos si el oro cae en los proximos 24 48h un 2% yo ganare un millon y medio aproximadamente de las antiguas pesetas..el stop lo tengo en 1855 dolares per onz

soldier dixit!!


Re: Un pajarito me ha dicho que se acabo la caida

y son totalmente mios ...casi 12.000 pavos en garantias que se me pueden volatilizar parte de ella si a partir de las 23.00h hora de greeewich el oro se va por ejemplo a 1880 dolares por que veas qeu SOY BUENO EN CORTO LARGO Y MEDIOPENSIONISTA JAJJAJA

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