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Bancos Norteamericanos bajo presión para cumplir normativa basilea, cuidado

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Bancos Norteamericanos bajo presión para cumplir normativa basilea, cuidado
Bancos Norteamericanos bajo presión para cumplir normativa basilea, cuidado

Bancos Norteamericanos bajo presión para cumplir normativa basilea, cuidado

Basel Said to Weigh 3.5 Percentage Point Fee to Curb Bank Growth2011-06-16

18:27:35.658 GMT By Jim BrunsdenJune 16 (Bloomberg) -- The Basel Committee on BankingSupervision is considering proposed capital surcharges of asmuch as 3.5 percentage points that the largest banks may faceif they grow any bigger, according to two people familiar withthe talks.Draft plans circulated before a meeting next week wouldsubject banks to a sliding scale depending on their size andlinks to other lenders, said the people, who declined to beidentified because the proposals aren’t public. Banks wouldn’tinitially face the highest surcharge, which is intended as adeterrent to expansion, one person said. The largest banks mayface a 3 percentage point levy at their current sizes, theperson said.Governments are split over how far to toughen bank capitalrules following the worst financial crisis since the GreatDepression. The U.S. Federal Reserve could back a surcharge ofas high as 3 percentage points, a person familiar with the talkssaid last week. Financial shares fell when traders interpretedJune 3 remarks by Fed Governor Daniel Tarullo as leaving thedoor open to surcharges of as much as 7 percentage points.The figures will be discussed further at meetings next weekin Basel, Switzerland, with some countries pushing for weakerrequirements than set out in the draft proposals, the peoplesaid. The Basel committee’s press office declined to comment.The members of the Basel committee are unlikely to agreenext week on whether the surcharge should be made up purely ofcommon equity, which includes mainly ordinary shares andretained earnings, or if part of it could consist of so-calledcontingent capital instruments, one of the people said. Contingent Capital Contingent capital includes securities such as CoCo bondswhich convert to ordinary shares when a bank’s capital fallsbelow a predetermined level.The Group of 20 countries has decided that banks need tohold more capital to avoid future taxpayer-funded bailouts. Therequirements being discussed next week would go beyond capitalrules for internationally active lenders that were published bythe Basel committee last year. These measures, known as BaselIII, require banks to hold capital equivalent to 7 percent oftheir risk-weighted assets. For Related News and Information:Bloomberg coverage of Basel committee: NI BASEL Worldwide credit crunch: WWCC On banks and regulations: TNI BNK RULES --With assistance from Craig Torres in Washington. Editors:Anthony Aarons, Edward Evans To contact the reporters on this story:Jim Brunsden in Brussels at +32-2-285-4304 [email protected];


Re: Bancos Norteamericanos bajo presión para cumplir normativa basilea, cuidado

Es la leche, siempre lo lanzan con el mercado europeo cerrado...

Esto es una jungla


Re: Bancos Norteamericanos bajo presión para cumplir normativa basilea, cuidado

Como también bajen los bancos usa (además de BAC y C)...esto se va a poner feo.

Lo digo por MS, GS, STT; WFC...
Además de aseguradoras como : HIG;MET,AET,AIG,...