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Threshold Pharmaceuticals, Inc (THLD): Opiniones

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Threshold Pharmaceuticals, Inc (THLD): Opiniones
2 suscriptores
Threshold Pharmaceuticals, Inc (THLD): Opiniones
656 / 1.539

Re: Threshold Pharmaceuticals, Inc (THLD): Opiniones

Tecnico solamente.
Eso si, mi título me lo dieron en CEAC !


Re: Threshold Pharmaceuticals, Inc (THLD): Opiniones

mira aquí, se ven 5 posiciones

hay un 1500 a la compra en 6,37


Re: Threshold Pharmaceuticals, Inc (THLD): Opiniones

No hay cojones a perforar 6,41 menuda efectividad de tapon !!

EDITO: En cuanto abro la bocaza va y lo perfora.

Proctor el volumen no ha aumentado, supongo que hayan quitado dicho tapon, no ?


Re: Threshold Pharmaceuticals, Inc (THLD): Opiniones

sigues a bordo???
porque mira que están zarandeando el barco, parece una patera!


Re: Threshold Pharmaceuticals, Inc (THLD): Opiniones

Toda vida he sido un bocazas y no cambio....jaja.
Me imagino que hayan quitado el tapon, pero en las paginas como google o yahoo las posis que ponen son de 200 acciones o 1000 y pico lo que no se me antojan correctas cuando proctor ve cifras mucho mayores en su broker de pago.


Re: Threshold Pharmaceuticals, Inc (THLD): Opiniones

una cascara de nuez, más bien.

Bueno, he encontrado esto en otro foro. Es tranquilizador, pero pufff, yo estoy acojonatis:

If your going to make money investing you need to be smart. The 1Q financial release yesterday shows the importance of understanding a company, it's industry, management, and history.

You need to understand revenue recognition accounting and its impact on the business.

hed a NON-CASH expense to create a timely net operating loss so they wouldn't have to pay THLD is smart! They establisas much tax on the money they earn and which will reduce taxes in the future. They amortized milestones payments for the same reason.

Revenue recognition in the bio-tech industry it complicated. Look at the tax code. Bottom line Thld is not sacrificing the money received from Merck KGaA to the government. It is setting up to pay less taxes on the income it receives from future sales.

The net operating loss generated from the increase market value of options and warrants also, provides a valuable asset to any profitable company interested in buying THLD.

If you don't understand what management is doing you are likely to think Threshold is not doing well. But don't be fooled these guys know the business and how to run it.