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Threshold Pharmaceuticals, Inc (THLD): Opiniones

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Threshold Pharmaceuticals, Inc (THLD): Opiniones
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Threshold Pharmaceuticals, Inc (THLD): Opiniones
223 / 1.539

Re: Threshold Pharmaceuticals, Inc (THLD): Opiniones



Re: Threshold Pharmaceuticals, Inc (THLD): Opiniones

Totalmente irrelevante,

Seguís sin querer ver que el mercado de THLD es páncreas y próstata.

Lo otro es un wildcard para que de verdad dónde van a ganar dinero se agilicen los trámites /calendarios, por eso piden el fast track para Tejidos de Sarcomas Blandos.

It has interpretation value for due diligence. Some of the information/analytical bits you can gleam from the news are

1. SST is a rare disease and harder to treat in adavnced stage.

2. FDA is willing to approve new drugs even if short term improvement in progression free survival (not necessarily the gold standard of overall survival) is shown along with better safty profile.

I think both GSK and Ariad drugs showed comparable survival, but as reported in the following Reuters news article, Ariad had trouble in this area.

"Panelists noted findings that four out of five patients who participated in the Taltorvic study experienced adverse effects severe enough for the treatment to be scaled back or discontinued."

Putting it all together in the scenerio for THLD

1. TH-302 has shown both excellent safty and strong survival in prior studies as compared to standard of care.

2. The same characterstics have been confirmed in the pancreatic cancer (probably even harder to treat than STS) phase II data, at least in PFS data.

3. It appears that THLD innovative approach and proof of concept is working at least at phase II study level.

4. MRCK might look for another partner in USA for this indication and more as Ariad's drug for this indication is likely to fail or hard to be approve within a few years.

5. Other biggies might look for drugs/molecule to give GSK competion for this indication and for the whole nine yard of cancer drugs. THLD is an attractive target.

As with any biotech investing, this information is helpful in refining your risk/reward calculation. One can not completely remove all the risks with Biotech investment. Same goes for THLD.

But things appear very positive sa far


Re: Threshold Pharmaceuticals, Inc (THLD): Opiniones

También lo dice su cotización, que ni se ha inmutado.


Re: Threshold Pharmaceuticals, Inc (THLD): Opiniones

Son ganas de querer buscarles tres pies al gato:)


Re: Threshold Pharmaceuticals, Inc (THLD): Opiniones

Donde podeis ver el pre-market??



Re: Threshold Pharmaceuticals, Inc (THLD): Opiniones

Yo creo que estamos todos un poco nerviosos porque miramos la cuenta y no nos lo acabamos de creer. Y más si uno es novato como yo y no ha visto nunca +80% en un valor. En cualquier caso se agradecen los aportes aunque sea para poder espantar posibles riesgos.