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En qué están invirtiendo Buffet y Gates

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En qué están invirtiendo Buffet y Gates
En qué están invirtiendo Buffet y Gates
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En qué están invirtiendo Buffet y Gates

SEC "Form 4" and "13F-HR/A" Filings Reveal:
Buffett and Gates Could be
Staging a Takeover of This Stock

Combined, these super investors now have $1.9 billion in this little-known company. Investors who claim their own stake in this stock today could make a lot of money in a hurry...
Two of the world's richest men have been quietly gobbling up what amounts to $1.9 billion worth of one company's shares... and for some reason, Wall Street hasn't caught wind of it yet.

But by sifting through this company's SEC "Form 4" filings, we've discovered the startling truth: Bill Gates is piling into the stock at an alarming rate. He bought shares 23 times in 2008... and another 39 times in 2009.

Buffett and Gates now have $1.9 billion in this one stock.
And after examining Berkshire Hathaway's SEC "Form 13F-HR/A" filings, we've discovered that legendary investor Warren Buffett is starting to load up on the very same stock.

In fact, he doubled his stake in this company at the end of 2009 and then upped his holdings by ANOTHER +30% in the first quarter of 2010 -- bringing his total ownership to 10.8 million shares.

At this rate, it wouldn't be surprising if Buffett buys the entire company outright. The last time he did that, shares of his target firm jumped +29% the day of the announcement.

Investors who were smart enough to buy the stock a few months earlier, when word first surfaced that Buffett was buying, were treated to gains of +60.6% in less than a year.

History could be repeating itself here, and investors who act today could profit right alongside both Buffett and Gates as they pile into this booming stock. Get the name, ticker symbol and in-depth analysis of this stock emailed to you below...

“Los dos guerreros más poderosos son paciencia y tiempo.” (León Tolstoi)


Re: En qué están invirtiendo Buffet y Gates

que mala es la envidia.



Re: En qué están invirtiendo Buffet y Gates

Jejeje, te estás convirtiendo en un asiduo de los magazines en inglés


Re: En qué están invirtiendo Buffet y Gates

Es raro que no anuncien que Amancio Ortega y Emilio Botín también están comprando acciones en cantidades masivas de esa misma compañía, porque lo sé de buena tinta.

Si me ingresais 20 € en mi cuenta 5555-55-5555-555555555 os envio un e-mail diciendoos de qué compañía se trata. Jamás habréis hecho una mejor inversión, podéis ganar un 1000% en una semana.


Blog: Game over?


Re: En qué están invirtiendo Buffet y Gates

Jeje. Por qué será que ese tipo de "anuncios" me suenan mucho:).


Re: En qué están invirtiendo Buffet y Gates

Pues tiene buena pinta, el negocio parece bueno.

“Los dos guerreros más poderosos son paciencia y tiempo.” (León Tolstoi)


Re: En qué están invirtiendo Buffet y Gates

Comenta que has averiguado del tema.

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