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Pulso de mercado

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Pulso de mercado

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Pulso de mercado
773 / 12.966

Re: Pulso de mercado

Tiene narices, me han visto, han llegado al 31 y empieza a subir,jjaja.
PD: Ojala nunca me las den, seria buena señal.

“Los dos guerreros más poderosos son paciencia y tiempo.” (León Tolstoi)


Re: Pulso de mercado

Te están vigilando:)


Re: Pulso de mercado

Bueno enola , ya somos dos alcistas. Comprado en 9650 del ibex.


Re: Pulso de mercado

Buena señal que oro se gire....


Re: Pulso de mercado

Ahora a soplar para que suba ;)


Re: Pulso de mercado

Enola, ¿has pensado en la posibilidad de que EEUU "pudiese" perder la calificación de AAA??????

¿y en el viernes 29...?

Sigo opinando que cada hora que pasa, la cuerda está más tensa... hasta que EEUU no solucione el problema iremos cayendo... (probablemente hasta el viernes)

Saludos y suerte, ...igual has dado en la "diana" :-))


Re: Pulso de mercado

Damon ayer subí un escenario de posibilidades...

Déjame que te lo linkee...

His scenarios are....
1. 5% likelihood. The ceiling isn't raised and we get a default. This would lead to a "severe recession" which would have severe implications around the world.

2. 66% likelihood. The ceiling is raised in time and there's a small fiscal package including the fabled "2 stage process" (the market will dismiss the second stage as a "cheap trick"). This will lead to an immediate downgrade to AA, the market won't be satisfied, the CDS rates would rise and the dollar would be weak. Growth would slow and QE3 would be necessary in 2012.

3. Less than 1% chance. The ceiling is raised in time and a large, front loaded tightening package is agreed. This would lead to a recession but a happy market.

4. 25% chance. The debt ceiling is raised and a $4tr package is agreed that is back end loaded and not credible. Triggers are weak, reporting is rhetoric and the markets "hate it". Rates rise the economy is weak and global political and financial credibility is significantly reduced.
5. 1% chance and this is the only one that is positive for US economic activity. The ceiling is raised, a large package is agreed which is backloaded but credible. The problem is Willem "just can't see how this rosy scenario happens". Which ever of these comes about it will be negative for US demand, activity and growth and will lead to an "almost certain downgrade of the US sovereign".


Respecto a la rebaja de deuda, puede y digo puede que haya una tregua hasta septiembre...


Re: Pulso de mercado

¿Cheap Trick? ¿Has dicho Cheap Trick?

Toma Cheap Trick...

(Permiso pa que se la dediques al Lulita, jajajaja)
