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Pulso de mercado

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Pulso de mercado

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7 suscriptores
Pulso de mercado
4.536 / 12.966

Re: Pulso de mercado

a ver si como las últimas veces no se queda en eyaculación precoz...


Re: Pulso de mercado

Hola, soy nuevo en esto. Dada la noticia de arriba, es momento de entrar en bancos? Y cuales, los grandes o los medianos?


Re: Pulso de mercado

Pues a mi juicio, eyaculación precoz.. un buen día para vender pues no creo que la próxima semana los mercados se crean esta "solución" o cuadratura del circulo.

Dejo el texto completo y comento:

"We affirm that it is imperative to break the vicious circle between banks and sovereigns. The Commission will present Proposals on the basis of Article 127(6) for a single supervisory mechanism shortly. We ask the Council to consider these Proposals as a matter of urgency by the end of 2012. When an effective single supervisory mechanism is established, involving the ECB, for banks in the euro area the ESM could, following a regular decision, have the possibility to recapitalize banks directly. This would rely on appropriate conditionality, including compliance with state aid rules, which should be institution-specific, sector-specific or economy-wide and would be formalised in a Memorandum of Understanding. The Eurogroup will examine the situation of the Irish financial sector with the view of further improving the sustainability of the well-performing adjustment programme. Similar cases will be treated equally.

We urge the rapid conclusion of the Memorandum of Understanding attached to the financial support to Spain for recapitalisation of its banking sector. We reaffirm that the financial assistance will be provided by the EFSF until the ESM becomes available, and that it will then be transferred to the ESM, without gaining seniority status.

We affirm our strong commitment to do what is necessary to ensure the financial stability of the euro area, in particular by using the existing EFSF/ESM instruments in a flexible and efficient manner in order to stabilise markets for Member States respecting their Country Specific Recommendations and their other commitments including their respective timelines, under the European Semester, the Stability and Growth Pact and the Macroeconomic Imbalances Procedure. These conditions should be reflected in a Memorandum of Understanding. We welcome that the ECB has agreed to serve as an agent to EFSF/ESM in conducting market operations in an effective and efficient manner.

We task the Eurogroup to implement these decisions by 9 July 2012."

1) Recapitalización bancaria directa: Cuando se establezcan los cambios en tratados oportunos (Solución para final de 2012)y se establezca un mecanismo de control en el BCE.

2) La asistencia financiera a la banca española se hace ya, con fondos del FEEF, posteriormente cuando se establezca el ESM se pasarán a este, sin ser deuda senior privilegiada. Eso si, se hará con la firma de un memorandun por parte de España (obligaciones IVA al 21% el 1 de octubre -de buena fuente-) y con la garantía de España, pues éste dinero incrementa la deuda española. Es decir, lo que teníamos antes, incremento de la deuda española de un 10% y recomendaciones de obligado cumplimiento.

3)Unión bancaria y fiscal. Se sigue trabajando y avanzando

Próxima reunión Octubre: ¿Aguantará España e Italia con el GREXIT?

Buen trading


Re: Pulso de mercado

hemos tocado los 7.000, 2


Re: Pulso de mercado

Buenos dias! Voy a probar si esto es como los demas dias, vendiendo en la noticia.

Corto BBVA 5.53

EDITO: y vendidas las de ayer bbva a 5.505 abierto en 5.005


Re: Pulso de mercado

pues ya vas ganando pasta.... tiene toda pinta que como en citas recientes..