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Como estan atizando hoy al Ibex

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Como estan atizando hoy al Ibex
Como estan atizando hoy al Ibex
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Re: Intervención de la CNMV

Alguno tiene problemas con el broker interdin??. La pagina esta caida desde hace varias horas.. vaya dia para andar con problemas tecnicos :P.


Me pierdo

Pero son rumores sin fundamento, o hay algo más?? Cuando digo algo me refiero a datos objetivos y una firma que lo acredite. ¿Me estoy perdiendo algo?



Re: Me pierdo

El único dato que ha salido hoy es que el paro a mejorado en unos 24.000 puestos de trabajo y que Fitch y Moody's han ratificado la AAA de España.

El resto, rumores.


Re: Como estan atizando hoy al Ibex

Opino igual, lo más preocupante no son los rumores (que yo veo infundados), sino la forma en la que estos manipulan el Ibex 35 como si de un chicharro insignificante se tratara...

Veremos que pasa esta semana, imagino que rebotara por tanta sobreventa, porque a día de hoy meter a España en el mismo saco que Grecia es una barbaridad.


Re: Me pierdo

Entonces, aquí hay manipulación manifiesta. Veremos si se buscan y encuentran responsables, y se toman medidas para que esto no se repita. Alguno hoy se ha forrado de lo lindo, no será muy dificil averiguar quien.



Report Spain Wants $364 Billion Aid is 'Madness'

Artículo publicado en la CNBC Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero on Tuesday dismissed as "complete madness" a market rumor that his country would soon ask for 280 billion euros ($364 billion) in aid from the euro zone. He also told a news conference in Brussels that such rumors could damage Spain's interests and that this would be "intolerable" and Spain would fight them. "I was told something about that rumor and the truth is I give it no credit, it is complete madness," he told journalists. "These rumors can increase differences and hurt the interests of our country, which is simply intolerable and of course we intend to fight it," he said. Spanish markets slumped on Tuesday on concerns of spreading contagion from Greece to other indebted euro zone countries.

Zapatero said Spain has much lower debt levels than most EU countries.

He said he had confidence in Spain's public accounts and it was strongly solvent, but his country had to restructure its financial sector as soon as possible, referring to Spain's regional savings banks. Will Investors Stop Buying Spain's Obligations?Greek Banks Plunge 10%Greek Crisis Averted, But Euro in DangerHas Europe Used up Its Ammo on Greece?Get the Latest European Headlines Zapatero, whose country holds the rotating European Union presidency, said euro zone leaders will give their definitive support for emergency loans to Greece at a summit on Friday.

Fitch Reiterates 'AAA' Rating

Fitch Ratings reiterated its credit rating on Spain as 'AAA' with a stable outlook Tuesday. "That's the rating we have on them with all that implies," a spokesman at the credit rating agency in London told Reuters. Credit rating agency Standard & Poor's last week cut its ratings on Spain's sovereign debt to AA, saying a longer-than-expected period of low growth could undermine efforts to cut the budget deficit. Fitch sovereign analyst Brian Coulton told Reuters on April 28 the fiscal adjustment program put in place by the government was a strong one with measures which seemed credible, although he cited the economy's performance as a medium term risk. Spain's Socialist government has promised to cut its budget deficit from 11.2 percent of gross domestic product in 2009 to the EU limit of 3 percent by 2013 with measures including a hike in value added tax and a freeze on civil servants' pay. The Spanish stock market fell 2.8 percent on Tuesday on euro zone sovereign risk concerns. The premium investors demand to hold peripheral euro zone government bonds rose and the cost of insuring against defaults was higher as worries remained over a bailout plan for Greece and fears of contagion to other issuers.

Re: Como estan atizando hoy al Ibex

¿Quereis decir que no estamos todos un poco "acojonados" y nos estamos volviendo paranoicos con tantos rumores? Al final van a ser verdad. Eso si, el gobierno y la oposición mirando las "musarañas"! A ver si en la reunión de mañana se espabilan!

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