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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
963 / 3.346

Re: Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

Abrimos en verde Wamuq 0.203 +4% y Wampq 64.0 +10%. Buena señal.


Re: Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

Fue tal la caía brutal de la semana pasada, que no puedo operar en tiempo real hasta que las preferentes esten arriba de U$S 150 !!! Espero que no deba esperar mucho ...


Re: Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

Enviar la carta a la sec, y los que tengais posibilidad desde un correo coorporativo, es decir el que utilizais en la empresa por ejemplo [email protected]. Ya que un correo coorporativo es más dificil que lo redireccionen como spam, que si es uno gratuito de yahoo o hotmail. También cambiar el asunto ponerlo cada uno diferente, porque si ven que le petamos mucho el correo todos con ese asunto redireccionaran como spam dichos correos que lleven ese asunto. Como ha dicho mr.simpson esto es la guerra, y todos tenemos que aportar nuestro grano de arena en la medida que podamos.

Por cierto sería muy interesante pensar como podemos votar los accionistas que estamos fuera de usa en la reuninón prevista para abril. Enviando el voto por correo, por fax etc... entre todos lo podemos conseguir.



Re: Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

We need to send the letter to SEC too, about the manipulation.
[email protected]

Please see my letter below. I sent it already.

Blantant Manipulation on WASHINGTON MUTUAL Common stock - wamuq

Dear Sir/Madam:

I'm a shareholder of Washington Mutual Inc(WMI) and would like to make a formal complaint with regard to blatant manipulation occured on this stock yesterday during specific trading hours.

As you may aware the WMI filed for Ch 11 bankruptcy and the case is being handled at DELAWARE BK Court. The company entered into some sort of verbal settlement agreement and it was presented to the BK court during regular trading hours.

As soon as the Attorney for the Debtor (WMI Estate) started his speech, the share price tanked from 40 cents to a level of 9 cents under 15 mins, for no rhime or reason. Many long term shareholders unaware of the consequences sold the shares at the lowest possible price, since the Market Maker would not accept any Sell order even though the Sell was placed below the Bid Price as well as No indivual could buy even their price was Higher than the ASK price.

Overall a total of 250-275 MLN shares traded and most of the trades occured at the Lowest price of the day.

Whoever was the market maker made a Cool loot totalling around 60-75 MLN $$ within 3 hours of the day.

I suspect there is a definite collusion between the Law Firm Weil Goshtal, current WMI board and its creditors committee to perpetrate this fraud on small, unsuspecting individual investors.

I would like to know, why based on SEC rules and regulations when the Material change occured why was not the WMI Management put out a PR before the Market open? Are they not obligated to provide this information to the shareholders and the investing public, so that they could approach the market armed with necessary information. This is certainly a Violation of SEC norm, relating to Public companies.

Secondly despite the grey market, who was the principal player, who acted with minute precision to efffect this fall at the right time i.e as soon as Mr.Rosen of Weil & Goshtal started his speech. When he did not even utter 2 words, the stock started plummeting.

This is NOT the first time the stock reacted this way. Even on another occassion when he opened his mouth the stock tanked bigtime. Is Weil & Goshtal helping certain hedge funds to short and cover their position?

It may be a pinksheet stock, however the volume and the loot occured during the 3 hours is more comparable to genuinely listed stock.

The shareholders become important right now, since the Equity Committee has approached the Court, for an AGM as well to elect new Board Members. Since majority of the shares traded yesterday, involves individual, by depriving of their rights, the current BOD and management might have a part in this action.

I would request you to consider whether you could Cancel all the trades occured during these hours, so that the status of shareholding remains the same as on earlier day.

I would appreciate your action in this regard.

If you have any questions, please let me know.

Thanking you,
Yours truly,


Re: Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

Ya está enviada,

Por cierto, te responden al ratito:

Dear Sir or Madam:
Thank you for your recent e-mail to the group electronic mailbox of the Division of Enforcement at the United States Securities and Exchange Commission in Washington, D.C. We appreciate your taking the time to write to us. This automated response confirms that the Division of Enforcement has received your e-mail. You can rest assured that an attorney in the Office of Internet Enforcement will review your e-mail promptly.

We are always interested in hearing from members of the public, and you may be assured that the matter you have raised is being given careful consideration in view of the Commission's overall enforcement responsibilities under the federal securities laws. It is, however, the Commission's policy to conduct its inquiries on a non-public basis -- so this may be the only response that you receive. If your complaint is more in the nature of a consumer complaint (such as a dispute with your broker or a problem with your brokerage or retirement account), you should contact our Office of Investor Education and Assistance -- they may be able to help you. You may reach the Office of Investor Education and Advocacy via telephone at (202) 551-6551 or through the Web at HYPERLINK " ".

The Commission conducts its investigations on a non-public basis to preserve the integrity of its investigative process as well as to protect persons against whom unfounded charges may be made or against whom the Commission determines that enforcement action is not necessary or appropriate. Subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, we cannot disclose to you any information which we may gather and we cannot confirm to you the existence or non-existence of an investigation, unless made a matter of public record in proceedings brought before the Commission or in the courts.

If you are unsure where you should direct your inquiry or you want to learn more about how the SEC handles inquiries and complaints, please visit the SEC Complaint Center at HYPERLINK "".

Be advised that changes are in the offing that may affect the way you interact with the agency. On or about April 1, 2010, we will be phasing out this mailbox and directing all investors to a new and improved web form that will be part of a revamped complaint-handling database, maintained by a new Office of Market Intelligence, that will enable us to serve you better. We will keep the public informed of developments as they occur.

Should you have any additional information or questions pertaining to this matter, please feel free to communicate directly with us at HYPERLINK "mailto:[email protected]".

We appreciate your interest in the work of the Commission and its Division of Enforcement.
Very truly yours,
Thomas A. Sporkin
Deputy Chief, Office of Internet Enforcement
United States Securities & Exchange Commission


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Y para bien o para mal, me he pasado 100% preferentes hasta que no vea las aguas más calmadas...

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