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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
811 / 3.346

Re: nos hun-di-mos



Re: Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

Mr simpson aunque parezca que mi opinión dista un poco de la tuya e incluso de la de Postman o Chaarles, creo que estas diferencias son mas en referencia a los tiempos que al resultado final de este caso.

Lo que yo os revato son las razones que me dais, por las que JPM o Jimie Dimon estan tan nerviosos y acorralados.
Acorralados bajo mi punto de vista lo estan se mire por donde se mire, pero nerviosos, creeis que estan tan nerviosos?, sinceramente eso no lo hemos visto por ningún lado.

Por un lado por que, mi impresión es que JPM gana más retrasando el proceso y llevandolo a juicio que pagando ahora (no tengo datos, eso es verdad). Hay que recordar que en Marzo del año pasado JPM ya se levanto de la mesa de negociaciones, por que? quizas por que confiaba que no llegariamos a este punto con un EC formado y dando caña, pero la realidad es que en ese momento, en el que se habia sentado a negociar, no consideró pagar una cantidad que a dia de hoy imagino que se habrá multiplicado por 3 por 4 o por 5.

En cuanto a Jimie Dimon, tenemos que pensar que el no es el dueño del banco, sino la familia Rockefeller y que si al banco le sale mas a cuenta pagar una cantidad mayor dentro de 4 o 5 años, se hará y si depaso tienen que cagarse a Jimie, se lo van a cargar sin pestañear.

Quizas esa es la premisa que nos esta fallando, que creemos que Jimie Dimon saldra de la madriguera cuando el peligro sea inminente, pero es que considero como vosotros que para él ese peligro ya es inminente, y sin embargo ni se ha movido. Quizas no es que no quiera, sino que no se lo permitan, esta claro que el banco esta por delante de él.

No se, hay muchas variantes que se pueden manejar en este caso, pero ninguno indica un nerviosismo acerrimo por parte de JPM, teniendo en cuenta que todo parece estar en su contra y que de ir a juicio las cantidades a pagar y las implicaciones penales serán muchisimo mayores y mas graves.

Por otro lado el fin de la extensión del periodo de exclusividad, para el 26 de Mayo, no indica el final de este proceso, WMI puede salir de la bancarrota y seguir con el pleito contra JPM de la forma mas normal del mundo.

Por supuesto tomaros esto como una simple opinión basada en mi percepción del caso durante estos 18 meses y de las decenas de fechas definitivas que ya me ha tocado pasar y que nos prometian un final inminente.
Por supuesto si esto llega a juicio y se alarga entre 3 y 5 años, ya ni 24$ serán suficientes para conseguir un acuerdo aceptable, asi que mirandolo desde un punto de vista optimista cuanto mas tiempo pase mas valdrán al final nuestras acciones.

Esperemos no cobrar para cuando estemos jubilados jejeje.


Re: Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

El caso es que pinta que entremos en juicio, con lo que mis WaMu las convertiré en mi jubilación. :-P


Re: Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

Que me dices!!!!!!!!!!me pensaba que era la rama seria de la caixa para comprar valores,entonces que solucion tenemos????montamos nostros un broker español español que no trinque a sus clientes??


Re: Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

Mañana jueves wamu se ira a los 0.95 subira mas de un 300%.



Para los que les gusta la intriga, esto estaba cantado. Vamos a por el Board of Directors pues muchos de ellos estan/ban trabajando para JPM así que lo que queremos es un nuevo BOD para empezar.

Adversary case 10-50731.

Complaint by Official Committee Of Equity Security Holders against Washington Mutual, Inc., et al.. Fee Amount $250 (72 (Injunctive relief - other)). AP Summons Served due date: 07/1/2010. (Sandler, Bradford) (Entered: 03/03/2010)



Plaintiff, the Official Committee of Equity Security Holders (the "Equity Committee" or
"Plaintiff"), representing shareholders of Debtor, Washington Mutual, Inc. ("Debtor" or "WMI"), bring this adversary proceeding pursuant to Federal Rule of Bankruptcy Procedure (collectively, the "Bankruptcy Rules") 7001 and Revised Code of Washington ("RCW") 23B.07.030 and
23B.07.010 to compel a WMI shareholders' meeting.


1. This action is brought as a result of Debtor's failure to convene its annual shareholders' meeting for nearly two years.Debtor, a publicly traded company, has also failed to submit any required annual and quarterly reports, including financial statements, with the U.S.
Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") for two years. Consequently, Debtor has deprived the Equity Committee and other shareholders of useful and relevant information regarding WMI's operations and has prevented them from nominating and voting for WMI directors.

2. Accordingly, Plaintiff seeks an order pursuant to RCW 23B.07.030(1)(a) summarily compelling Debtor to hold the required shareholders' meeting on a date certain, to be fixed by the Court, in accordance with Washington law, and to issue additional orders pursuant to RCW 23B.07.030(2) and 23B.07.010.


WHEREFORE, Plaintiff respectfully requests that this Court enter an Order:
(i) Directing Debtor to promptly convene and hold an annual shareholders' meeting for the nomination and election of directors;
(ii) Designating the time, place, and procedures to be followed to hold the annual meeting, as well as the form of notice of the meeting to be delivered to all shareholders by Debtor; and
(iii) Entering further orders as necessary to accomplish the purposes of the

This Court has jurisdiction over this adversary proceeding pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§ 157, 959, 1334, and Bankruptcy Rule 7001. This is a core proceeding within the meaning of 28 U.S.C. § 157(b)(2).
Venue of this adversary proceeding in this Court is proper pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§ 1408 and 1409.

WMI is a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Washington. It maintains its registered office in Thurston County, Washington. WMI's registered agent for service of process in Washington is Corporation Service Company, 300 Deschutes Way SW, Suite 304, Tumwater, Washington 98501.

The Office of the United States Trustee appointed the Official Committee of Equity Security Holders on January 11, 2010 (the "Equity Committee") [Docket No. 2130]. On
January 27, 2010, the Equity Committee filed an Application to Employ Venable LLP ("Venable") as counsel nunc pro tunc to January 11, 2010 [Docket No. 2256], and the Court entered an Order approving Venable's employment on February 22, 2010 [Docket No. 2404].

WMI is a savings bank holding company and the owner of Washington Mutual Bank, which was the largest savings and loan association in the United States of America. On September 25, 2008, the United States Office of Thrift Supervision ("OTS") seized Washington Mutual Bank from WMI and placed it into the receivership of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ("FDIC"). The FDIC sold the banking subsidiaries (minus unsecured debt or equity claim) to JP Morgan Chase for $1.9 billion. The next day, September 26, 2008, Debtor filed a voluntary petition for relief under Chapter 11 of Title 11 of the United States.

WMI has issued approximately 3 million shares of Class R Preferred Stock, approximately 20 million shares of Class K preferred stock, and approximately 1.7 billion shares of common stock.

Members of the Equity Committee are shareholders of WMI and the beneficial owners of shares of preferred and common stock of WMI. They are entitled to vote in the election of directors of WMI at an annual meeting.

RCW 23B.07.030(1) provides that the superior court of the county in which a corporation's registered office is located may, after notice to the corporation, summarily order a meeting to be held: (a) On application of any shareholder of the corporation entitled to vote in the election of directors at an annual meeting, if an annual meeting was not held within the 3 earlier of six months after the end of the corporation's fiscal year or fifteen months after its last annual meeting or approval of corporate action by shareholder consent in lieu of such a meeting; or (b) On application of a shareholder who executed a demand for a special meeting valid under RCW 23B.07.020, if (i) Notice of the special meeting was not given within thirty days after the date the demand was delivered to the corporation's secretary; or (ii) The special meeting was not held in accordance with the notice.

WMI's 2007 fiscal year follows the calendar year, and therefore ended on December 31, 2007.

WMI's last annual shareholder meeting was held on or about April 20, 2008.

WMI's 2008 fiscal year ended on December 31, 2008, and an annual WMI shareholders' meeting was not held within six months after the end of WMI's 2008 fiscal year.

An annual WMI shareholders' meeting was not held within fifteen months after its last annual meeting or approval of corporate action by shareholder consent in lieu of such a meeting.

WMI's 2009 fiscal year ended December 31, 2009. WMI has not set a date for an annual meeting of shareholders in 2010, which, under WMI's Bylaws, would normally by held on April 20, 2010.

WMI has not taken any action by written consent to elect WMI directors in lieu of an annual meeting.

RCW 23B.07.010 provides that a corporation shall hold an annual meeting of shareholders for the purpose of electing directors.

RCW 23B.07.030(2) provides that the court may, after notice to the corporation, 4
fix the time and place of the meeting, determine the shares and shareholders entitled to participate in the meeting, specify a record date for determining shareholders entitled to notice of and to vote at the meeting, prescribe the manner, form, and content of the meeting notice, fix the quorum required for specific matters to be considered at the meeting, or direct that the votes represented at the meeting constitute a quorum for approval of those matters, and enter other orders necessary to accomplish the purpose or purposes of the meeting.

WMI should be compelled to schedule and hold an annual shareholders' meeting on a date certain, pursuant to RCW 23B.07.030 and 23B.07.010. [THE REMAINDER OF THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK.]