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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
712 / 3.346

La Juez Walrath esta a punto de agotar su paciencia

I agree with the sentiment of the board . . . and like most of us have learned, the judge cannot rule on something that has not been presented to her to rule on! Every time there is the opportunity for THMW to rule on something - one of the parties interjects with another item to be ruled on before she can make an ultimate ruling.

I felt the frustration in her voice. She is the Queen in the chess game and everytime there is the opportunity for her to move there is some distraction out there which prevents her move. Frankly, I heard a whole lot of . . . . I'm getting real tired of this stuff, you guys better know what you're doing, because if you don't, I will decide for you!

I really don't think the average investor, street dot com, reuters, or any of the others understand this. We, IMO, have a huge advantage here, I heard frustration from a person who is not used to having to go through this kind of thing in her courtroom . . . her comments were an outburst of sorts. I took it as all good! As did many on this board. Judge Mary is ready to kick butt, but she will follow procedure up until the point where it is no longer something she is expected to do! She will rule if she is put in that corner and I think she will rule on several items at once. She understands that the end of March is right around the corner and the time to play patty cake is over. She wants this to be settled one way or another.


WMB bondholdes

Bank bondholders will never see a penny. Out of 1.8 BLN, FDIC is going to adjust against some administrative costs and future claims!

WMB bondholdes whether Sr or Jrs are completely destroyed by FDIC.

They should have cooperated with WMI and sued the heck of both JPM/FDIC to fight this out.

Both JPM and FDIC played the dirty trick of divide and rule, with WMI having so much money to fight, WMI will eventually WIN!

Right now Bondholders needs to get out of WMI BK and solely concentrate on Suing FDIC/JPM for Fraud!

I'm not sure whether this will work, since FIRREA is in place and most of the documents relates to deceiving WMI holders not WMB debt!

Once JPM settles with WMI, they can easily wash off their hands for Bondholders!

It is unfortunate but since fought against us, they deserve this treatment!


Un obstáculo menos

Que los bonistas de WMB están fuera está claro. A los que tienen que perseguir son al FDIC+JPM.

Poco a poco se va allanando el camino...


Re: La Juez Walrath esta a punto de agotar su paciencia

THJMW isn't stupid and she knows they're talking "global settlement". She knows this means all parties will settle with one another. Yet she consistently allows parties (involved in global settlement talks) that have no business in her courtroom to party crash and use up resources and time.

You want to see a quick global settlement... toss the WMB bondholders out and rule on the SJ. You want to drag things out another decade, allow the WMB bondholder's lawn care specialists to plead the case that they've lost work due to the bonds being wiped out, and as such they also feel the need to take depositions.

Honestly, it's getting to the point where I'm sick of hearing it. We can sit around and say she just wants everything to be air tight. But I believe there's a vested interest in dragging this out as long as possible and keeping as many empty hands in the bk court as possible for as long as possible.

THJMW needs to do her job. If she's ready to rule, she should rule.

Why did Rosen have to tell her "It's my understanding that if you rule today the FDIC can file for immediate relief?" If that's standard protocol, shouldn't she know that... or was that a dish Rosen and his pals cooked up special for the FDIC to keep THJMW from ruling without making it obvious to us that he was doing such?

No more delays. No more WMB house guests who were turned away by the FDIC, showing up to waste out time and our money. If they don't belong there, toss them out. If there are statutes in place to give them the boot, stop hearing them out for months on end and kick them to the curb.

Then and only then will you see the FDIC and JPM willing to make serious concessions in a global settlement. If JPM and the FDIC don't want a global settlement, kick these scrubs out and then let us focus OUR case and let them focus on theirs.

Until THJMW closes some doors on hopes of recovery from the estate from parties with no legit claim to the estate, "global settlement" talks will hit walls built upon hypotheticals.

JPM knows this, the FDIC knows this, Weil knows this, and THJMW has GOT TO KNOW THIS.


Re: La Juez Walrath esta a punto de agotar su paciencia

Comentan en los foros que esto seguirá bajando poco a poco (para no levantar sospechas)... así que agarraros los machos!!! ¡¡la traca final!!


¿Qué significa esto?

¿Alguien me puede traducir lo que significa esto?

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Short Report (Increase in Shorts
and decreased volume)..

Report closes 1/29 BiWeekly Volume 124m.... Shorts 41.8m

Short increased by nearly 200k shares.

Report closes 7/15 BiWeekly Volume 55m.... Shorts 56m
Report closes 7/31 BiWeekly Volume 64m.... Shorts 56m
Report closes 8/15 BiWeekly Volume 59.6m.. Shorts 55.8m
Report closes 8/31 BiWeekly Volume 250.6m. Shorts 52.6m
Report closes 9/15 BiWeekly Volume 133.5m. Shorts 51.3m
Report closes 9/30 BiWeekly Volume 415m.. Shorts 45.6m
Report closes 10/15 BiWeekly Volume 106.7m.. Shorts 44.7m
Report closes 10/30 BiWeekly .. Shorts 44.78m
Report closes 11/13 BiWeekly .. Shorts 42.05m
Report closes 11/30 BiWeekly Volume 59m.... Shorts 41.88m
Report closes 12/15 BiWeekly Volume 120m.... Shorts 41.59m
Report closes 12/31 BiWeekly Volume 210m.... Shorts 41.78m
Report closes 1/15 BiWeekly Volume 137m.... Shorts 41.57m

Again, Note that less 1% of shorts covering to total biweekly volume.

Price per share is being dictated by shorts.

They are Whom that are in control.

Flush the shorts with a new CUSIP and see what happens.

I say: If shorts are flushed: WAMUQ is an Easy Dollar Stock..



Re: un obstáculo menos

Ptolomeo no se como lo ves de claro, ¿Una solución global dejando a los bonistas fuera?


Re: un obstáculo menos

A los bonistas de WMB, no a los de WMI.

Ya lo dijo Walrath, los bonistas de WMB no tienen nada que hacer aquí...

Vamos, eso es lo que he entendido, que alguien me corrija si me he equivocado.