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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
566 / 3.346

Re: Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Re: In the money????

Gracias Rubén por tu respuesta. Yo también lo interpreté de esa forma, pero quería ver vuestras opiniones.


Valoración diferentes escenarios de WMI

No se si era esto lo que querias poner Ptolomeo, sino lo es comentalo.

Poor man's waterfall analysis (spreadsheet)
By Sleepless

Questions keep coming up about assumptions included in the spreadsheet analysis I posted a couple of weeks ago, so I decided to expand that to a number of scenarios. I'm assuming this is the kind of approach taken in the "waterfall analysis" we have seen in some law firm billings (especially for unsecured creditors' committee). What I have done is probably a very simplified version. The MOR values are from Oct. 2009 because I forgot to change to Nov. 2009 values, but the changes are very trivial.

I will attach:
(1) screenshot of the spreadsheet
(2) the spreadsheet itself for downloading (produced with OpenOffice in xls format)

How to use the spreadsheet:
The only column that will perform calculations is the one labeled "changeable" (col B). You should change only the values in the four bluish cells. When you change one of those values, the important stuff below will automatically be calculated for you. The five bottom most cells (with values) use if:then statements, so don't mess with them. The changeable column is currently set to the baseline assumption (col C).

The rest of the columns (col C through col J) show the results of different assumptions and have values that are fixed - they will not automatically calculate for you. Each assumption is listed in the row "Scenario description" (row 2).

The share price outcome is shown in the bottom three rows (26 to 28).

Si pinchais en la imagen se ve mas grande y se puede apreciar mejor.


Re: Valoración diferentes escenarios de WMI

En el último escenario que se plantea podriamos llegar a los 38.745$ por acción para las comunes.
Si llegamos a la mitad me conformo jejjee.


Re: Valoración diferentes escenarios de WMI

¿La hoja excel se puede bajar de algún sitio?

Veo que las columnas 2 y 3 dan valor 0 a las comunes, ¿qué supone en ese caso?