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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
534 / 3.346

Re: Nos cepillamos a Weil?

Imagino que eso estará establecido en el plan de salida. Se dirá que la empresa va a liquidación con A mayor que L y el propio plan establecerá la forma en que se disribuyen sus activos, obviamente pagando todos sus créditos y el resto a los accionistas.La otra alternativa es que la empresa siga funcionando mediante por ejemplo la compra de otro banco u otra empresa. Se anunció que en 2010 quebrarán unos 200 bancos más locales y regionales en USA


Re: Nos cepillamos a Weil?

Si, si, lo unico que te quiero decir, es que en este caso, el control sobre el plan de salida ya no lo tendrian los bonistas, sino los accionistas, lo cual es claramente mucho mas ventajoso para nosotros.
Por el momento solo nos queda esperar y ver como van transcurriendo los acontecimientos.


Propuesta de admisión de Gregory A. de la Cruz en representación del Comité Oficial de los accionistas.

Coordinación de abogado de todos los acreedores seguros en el caso de quiebra de General Growth Properties correctamente reestructurado 14 billones de dólares de deuda segura. {{{GGWPQ... de.30 a $ 11.00}}}

Yeah ... I'm impressed with his brief list of significant accomplishments (some are recent):

Significant Matters

Coordinating counsel for all secured creditors in the General Growth Properties bankruptcy case successfully restructuring $14 billion of secured debt. {{{GGWPQ .. from .30 to $11.00}}}

Represented entertainer Michael Jackson in the out-of-court restructuring of his assets.

Represented the State of Maryland in the bankruptcy involving the Preakness Stakes.

Debtors’ counsel in the Thornburg Mortgage bankruptcy case.

Successfully restructured $2.0 billion of debt and confirmed Maryland’s largest plan of reorganization in the CRIIMI MAE bankruptcy case.

Creditor's Committee counsel to the first committee of tenant in common investors in the Carolina 7 bankruptcy case initiated by Sunwest Senior Living.

Successfully litigated some of the country's leading CMBS "repurchase" claims, where Mr. Cross has defined the rights of CMBS Trusts and mortgage loan sellers.

LAST but certainly NOT least:
Has led several fraud investigations and conducted trials involving complex international transfers of assets. Created denial of discharge and fraudulent conveyance records which have led to criminal convictions for bankruptcy crimes.


Re: Propuesta de admisión de Gregory A. de la Cruz en representación del Comité Oficial de los accionistas.

Buenas noches Venerando,
Justo acababa de ver el artículo en yahoo. Lo que no acabo de comprender, seguramente tu me lo podrás explicar, es si esto significa que Gregory Cross es el abogado que va a representar al EC, que a su vez nos representa a todos los accionistas?
De quién depende su aprobación? del EC? O el EC lo propuso y queda en manos de la jueza al "oficializarlo" dar curso a esto también.
Por lo que pude ver, que este hombre tenga tan buena reputación, obviamente es muy favorable, pero evidentemente sus hororarios serán bastante importantes y entonces su aprobación también depende de si una vez oficializado el EC a éste se le limitan los gastos, verdad?
Por favor, me podrías confirmar si esto es medianamente así ó si lo estoy interpretando erroneamente.
Gracias y saludos.


Re: Propuesta de admisión de Gregory A. de la Cruz en representación del Comité Oficial de los accionistas.

Greg Cross trabaja para Venable así que YES representa la EC o lo que es igual a todos nosotros.


Re: Propuesta de admisión de Gregory A. de la Cruz en representación del Comité Oficial de los accionistas.

Aquí teneis los datos de este super abogado

Si la Juez Walrath acepta su moción significará que el abogado estará presente en el hearing del 28 y que pondrá una respuesta contra Weil y lo que es más importante la moción de Weil ira a la basura. El día 28 enero va a ser super interesante. Ya tenemos blindados en esta guerra.


Articulo Dow Jones Bankruptcy review

Muy buenos datos pero ninguna mencion del EC (Patetico)

By Peg Brickley
Of DOW JONES DAILY BANKRUPTCY REVIEW,,SB126393026311514588,00.html?mod=article-outset-box

Washington Mutual Inc. (WAMUQ) says it needs more time to file a Chapter 11
plan due to continued battles with J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. (JPM), which bought
its chief property, Washington Mutual Bank, or WaMu.

Creditors have been hoping for a quick deal to settle disputes over who gets
some $4 billion in Washington Mutual cash and who will get to collect a tax
refund that may reach $5.6 billion, thanks to WaMu's losses.

A filing Friday with the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Wilmington, Del., holds out
little hope of a speedy ending to the saga of WaMu, the mortgage-burdened
thrift at the heart of the biggest banking collapse in U.S. history.

Monday was the deadline for Washington Mutual's plan to be filed, setting out
how the bank holding company plans to distribute its assets to creditors.
Washington Mutual, however, says it can't file a plan yet because "there is
still substantial uncertainty regarding the ownership of (Washington Mutual's)
most significant assets."

Those assets include some $4 billion in cash that was in its bank accounts at
WaMu when the thrift was seized and sold, along with tax refunds that may total
as much as $5.6 billion. Washington Mutual is fighting J.P. Morgan for the
money, with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. also weighing in.

WaMu's former parents has asked that the plan filing deadline be pushed to
March 26 due to the "hurdle" of continued litigation.

Unless it knows what it has to distribute, formulating a Chapter 11 plan will
be "extremely difficult, if not impossible," lawyers for Washington Mutual

Regulators worried about the thrift's soundness seized WaMu in September 2008
and sold it to J.P. Morgan for $1.9 billion, sending parent company Washington
Mutual into bankruptcy.

Besides dealing with the cash fights, Washington Mutual is trying to question
former U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and dozens of others in a
wide-ranging probe over how the WaMu deal came about. Creditors suspect J.P.
Morgan engineered WaMu's near collapse in order to acquire the thrift at "fire
sale" prices.

J.P. Morgan has declined to comment.

Judge Mary Walrath will hear debates over the probe later this month. She is
already weighing the question of who gets the $4 billion cash.

Washington Mutual says the money in the accounts belongs to it, just like the
cash of other WaMu depositors remained theirs when J.P. Morgan bought the bank.

According to J.P. Morgan, the cash should be treated like a capital
contribution from a worried parent company to an ailing subsidiary.

(Dow Jones Daily Bankruptcy Review covers news about distressed companies and
those under bankruptcy protection.)

-By Peg Brickley, Dow Jones Daily Bankruptcy Review; 302-521-2266;
[email protected]


Re: Propuesta de admisión de Gregory A. de la Cruz en representación del Comité Oficial de los accionistas.

¿Blindados? Así lo espero porque a 0.15$ la acción, como nos soplen un poquito nos hunden... a ver si ocurre algo positivo el 28...