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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
343 / 3.346

Re: Los que estáis metidos en WAMU... ¿os lo jugáis todo a WAMU?

Creo que la distribución te la tienes que montar tu solito.

Claro las Iberdrolas no te las van a limpiar pero para que se multipliquen por 5 o por 10 igual ya eres abuelo.


JPM el monstruo de los Billones

Estan vendiendo para fortalecerse en Cash

+ $4 billion of extendable securities in a self-led deal. The final maturity date of the securities is Dec. 1, 2015.
+ Earlier this month, JPMorgan sold $1.5 billion of notes under private placement. These notes carry a dividend of 7.20% and will be payable semi annually in June and December every year, with first interest to be paid in Jun 2010.
+ Also, earlier during Sept. 2009, JPMorgan launched a sale of $1.5 billion of senior notes with maturity 2015.
+ JPMorgan warrants held by the U.S. government were sold for $936.1 million on Dec. 11, 2009.

So, 4B + 1.5B + 1.5B + 936.1M = $7,936,100,000


Re: JPM el monstruo de los Billones

Será para pagar la cena de fin de año.


Re: JPM el monstruo de los Billones

Pues echando números rápidos no me cuadran las cifras.

WAHUQ, 1710M de acciones a 14.6USD con precio objetivo unos 50USD. Harían falta 60 billones USD sólo para pagar esta deuda.

WAMPQ, 3M aciones a 37.75, precio objetivo unos 800USD, haría falta 2.3 billones para pagar a estos.

WAMKQ, 20M acciones a 1USD, precio objetivo unos 20USD, harían falta 0.38 billones para pagar a estos.

WAMUQ, 1710M acciones a 0.13USD, precio objetivo unos 40USD, harían falta 68 billones para pagar esto.

con estas cuentas rápidas que he echado, harían falta 63 billones de USD para que las WAMUQ empezaran a ver algo de pasta? ¿no se mide así?

Probablemente haya dicho una salvajada...

Sí, aunque llevo siguiendo este post unas decenas de páginas probablemente tenga que leermelas todas. Menos mal que empiezo vacaciones...

Los prospectos esos ¿dónde los puedo encontrar?


Re: JPM el monstruo de los Billones

WAHUQ es deuda. No tienen 1.7 Billones de acciones sino solo 10 Millones.

Solo nos faltan 1.3 Billones para que empiecen a cobrar preferentes con unos $4B empezarían a cobrar comunes más o menos.

Si nos pagaran (cosa muy improbable) $60 Billones las comunes valdrian $30 más o menos. Creo que estaremos mas en la cifra de $40-$50 Billones


SEC filings:

Total Outstanding Shares/Units: 10,073,595

WAHUQ - These are Trust preferred shares/units, and are the very first to get paid due to restructuring/liquidation, even before preferred shares.

Original face value $50 with a warrant to purchase 1.2081 shares of common stock of Washington Mutual,inc. There are only 10,073,595 shares/units trading.

WAHUQ shares were not issued directly by WMI, they were issued by WM Capital Trust 2001, as junior unsecured creditors to WMI.

WAHUQ shareholders are subordinate bondholders for WMI.

Holders will get paid after senior unsecured debts, and before other preferred shares of WMI. If WMI doesn't have enough assets to pay off WAHUQ the full $50/share, then the other two preferred stocks will get paid nothing.

Many people don't know WAHUQ is trust preferred stock, that means it is subordinate unsecured debt to WMI.

WaMu Capital Trust 2001 was created in 2001 solely for WMI to generate its capital funds in the tax benifit way. WMI borrowed $503.7M from the company's trust, and the trust issued and sold 10.08M preferred shares at $50/share for that amount. WMI has to pay back this $503.7M debt to the trust, then the trust would distribute to shareholders.

* In the event, WaMu, Inc filed B.K pursuant to its Article SEC filing on page 58 of : WAHUQ, as a unsecured creditor, its unpaid interest during B.K period will be added to its face value of $50 and to be paid on the date of distribution. Interest will be about $2.75 per share yearly.


Re: JPM el monstruo de los Billones

Creo que por haber entrado después de la bancarrota se nos tratará como especuladores y nos joderán...!!! Jesus ha colgado textos en los que se dice así. Si no lo queréis ver es que estáis ciegos. Mucho ojo... Yo antes de mediados de febrero me saldré tmb de preferentes espero que no sea tarde y que se hayan revalorizado un 100%


Re: JPM el monstruo de los Billones

Ese "creo" es una apreciación tuya. Hoy hemos comentado el tema. No hay nada que confirme lo que dices y si tienes algo aportalo.


Re: JPM el monstruo de los Billones

Aquí lo pone claramente... Y fue colgado por Jesús hace varios días y comentado por Rubén...

Section 1102(b)(2) of the Bankruptcy Code provides that committees of equity security holders will ordinarily consist of the persons who hold the seven largest amounts of equity securities of the debtor. When appointing members to a committee of shareholders, inquiry should be made concerning whether the holders acquired their interest before or after the commencement of the case. If the interest was acquired postpetition, the holder may well be designated as a "speculator" and potentially afforded different treatment under a plan. See In re Four Seasons Nursing Ctrs., Inc., 472 F.2d 747 (10th Cir. 1973). Since the appointment of these members may distort the "representativeness" of the committee, this circumstance should be considered by the United States Trustee in making the appointment.