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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3.149 / 3.346

Re: Distintas Opciones de Retorno

Me extraña el comportamiento de Sussman y asociados, ya que no proporcionan ninguna noticia sobre los litigios, el y su equipo de abogados deberian estar pendiente de los activos y dar a conocer si efectivamente se estan recuperando, poco a nada se sabe de los ltm, parte de accionistas cree que recibiran algo y otros dicen que no, al momento de la incautacion habia 300 billones en activos y 4 billones en la cuenta, pienso que a Sussman le han dado dinero para su iinaccion , el tiempo pasa y ese el mejor aliado de los ladrones, l verdad que Sussman me ha decepcionado, la prensa americana parece mas una prensa infantil que crea mitos y personajes de gente nada reelevante


Re: Distintas Opciones de Retorno

Te entiendo. Yo no voy a valorar nada hasta finales de año. Puede que al final del camino haya una sorpresa o puede que nuestra sorpresa sea WMIH (fruto de las gestiones del caso)

Susman solo ha cobrado 25.000 USD en 2013 así que ellos no están ordeñando al estado.

El tiempo pondrá todo en su sitio y sabremos realmente si fue bueno para los pequeños accionistas o no... los Pre dependen en gran parte de los Escrows.


WMIH - The Way Forward

Large Green Sunday, 02/02/14 03:18:18 PM
WMIH - The Way Forward

I shall continue my investment strategy that I have employed since March 19, 2012. I am also very happy with all of my escrow shares, but only time will tell their ultimate fate. The escrow share finality should show their results by year end 2014 and they could be worth nothing but I highly doubt this. Then we will see what the former Piers owners were really after before the insider trading debacle that landed them without escrow shares and a cap of only $10.50. I was very fortunate to be able to purchase many WMIH shares between the mid forty cent and sixty cent range for most of the last two or so years. They have hit a recent high of $3.00 and there should be more very positive WMIH news released within a couple of weeks – maybe less.

One can continue to sit back and analyze, critique, debate and play down some of the most successful money players in the world and then wait and see what they do next. However, do not expect to see the price stay around the $2.50 level once the next piece of information is released, just as the price did not stay in the mid forty cent range. This is what most sensible investors would like to discuss – an event before it happens - so they can make an educated decision. Material related facts would not be available to honest investors in advance.

I will continue to use a known and very successful strategy of following the BIG MONEY PLAYERS as I have in the past. They generally have a very good track concerning investments. They also have much more credibility than message board posters. If one’s investment strategy is to wait until WMIH reaches five, ten, twenty dollars a share or much higher after the information is released and then discuss, that is also a cautious method which is most appropriate for many investors.


WMIH: Radiografía

-KKR purchased $11M in CP. We now have approx. $81M in cash. No dilution until exercised. "Dilution" applicable with respect to fully diluted earnings calculation (not applicable yet) and IRC ownership calculations.

-KKR was issued 61.4M 5-year Warrants at an average of $1.375/share. No cash proceeds and same "dilution" as above.

-KKR must buy the PIK Notes ($150M total) from WMIH in order to exercise the Warrants. Cash proceeds from the Warrants will be $84M.

-Interest on the PIK will accrue semi-annually and will be added to the principle (not paid).

-The AAOC senior credit facility of $125M is still in effect. WMIH can add additional senior debt.

-Additional equity offering is a total of $1B of which KKR can participate up to 50%. KKR cannot own more than 42.5% of WMIH.

-The IRC and associated Treasury regulations with respect to NOL use and ownership restrictions are in effect as long as WMIH has NOLs and intends to utilize them.

As of this IA, WMIH now has about $81M in cash and access to $275M via senior and subordinated debt. Now we wait.



Ok mejores noticias para el WMIH Accionistas leyó a continuación.
Law360, Nueva York (31 de enero de 2014, 14:12 ET) - Dos filiales de la firma de inversión global de KKR & Co. LP han comprado unos $ 11 millones de dólares de WMI Holdings Corp. de valores, las compañías dijeron el viernes, en una inversión KKR dijo que se pretende ayudar a la acumulación de valor para los accionistas reasegurador. Según un comunicado emitido el viernes por KKR sede en Nueva York, la inversión $ 11 millones por sus filiales - KKR Management Holdings LP y KKR Fund Holdings LP - se destinará a financiar futuras adquisiciones de WMI. Además, en el acuerdo, KKR ha comprometido a adquirir hasta 150 millones de dólares ... Sal Así que en realidad la KKR está comprando 11M ^ valor de las acciones WMIH que lo hace alrededor de 4M acciones por encima del 2,8 $ por acción y este acuerdo solo whould mover el precio por shar ein el futuro por encima de los $ 3 y los panties debe sentirse muy asustado por this.I encantar


Nephila...¿potencial candidata a M&A?


Próximos Hearings 20 febrero y 14 marzo

February 20, 2014 at 10:30 a.m. (EST) U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware
824 North Market Street, 5th Floor, Courtroom 4
Wilmington, Delaware 19801

March 14, 2014 at 10:30 a.m. (EDT) U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware
(Hearing with respect to (i) Motion of 824 North Market Street, 5th Floor, Courtroom 4
WMI Liquidating Trust for Partial Wilmington, Delaware 19801
Summary Judgment with Respect to
Certain Employee Claims and (ii)
Motion of WMI Liquidating Trust for
Partial Summary Judgment with
Respect to Providian Claims
[Docket Nos.

La fecha de 2 años será el próximo 19 de marzo... si los claims se liquidan el 14 de marzo tendríamos la carretera despejada para alguna noticia en el mes de marzo.