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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3.117 / 3.346

Re: WMIH...empiezan las buenas noticias $1.40 (+27%)

Suppose the BOD isues 151 million new shares of stock to give to KKR for their 1 Billion. This raises the total to # of shares to 355 million. 151/355 = 42.5%. So that would mean each share would have a CASH value of at least 1 billion / 355 million = $2.81 per share. But that is CASH value. If the company uses that BILLION dollars to buy businesses with income and growth potential, and the stock eventaully trades at higher than average price to earnings ratios (since our earnings will be tax free for many years), it is easy (for me) to envision a share price of 10x the CASH value, and perhaps significantly more. Unless there is something wrong with my logic (which would not surprise me)


Re: WMIH...empiezan las buenas noticias $1.40 (+27%)

1, 50 Ahora, enhorabuenaaaa.
A ver si ocurre un milagro de los que no existen y toca algo a los scrows de Wmpk. Pero va a ser que no, verdad Simpson?


Re: WMIH...empiezan las buenas noticias $1.40 (+27%)

Eso solo lo saben los insiders... :)

Este es el primer regalo pre Navidad... y va a despertar a muchos que no daban un duro por WMIH... well THINK AGAIN!!!

It appears to me that KKR is getting a great deal on their initial $10.55 million investment for preferred stock for $1.10 that converts to common. Common is already up to over $1.40. Also they will have options to buy another 61.4 million shares of common at an average price of $1.375 per share. So if I am reading this right , KKR will have the opportunity to own almost 72 million common shares with a purchase price of around $1.32 per share. They also will be able to capitalize the company by buying $150 million in notes now and with an option to buy another 1 Billion worth of stock later (probably preferreds).

However, I am not at all upset that KKR is getting a deal You have to make an attractive offer to get anyone interested. What we have now is basically 6 Billion of NOL's which are only worth something if can get someone to invest in the company. We have to offer a deal to get someone to invest. Basically we are offering KKR a chance to own about 25% of the company for an investment of around $1.32 per share while KKR is offering us a way to unlock the values of the NOL's. KKR isn't investing $1.32 per share to make back $1.32 per share. They expect the value to go way up from there. Most of these big money firms are hoping for a rise of at least 5 times and maybe 10 times on their investment. I think we are looking at maybe $6.50 to $14 per share down the road. That may not be the $50 some here were hoping for but it is a whole lot better than $1.10 we were at Friday.


Re: WMIH...empiezan las buenas noticias $1.53 (+39%)

Llevo esperando este día muuuucho tiempo juas juas juas... la paciencia es una virtud
pero saber leer las señales que te dan los Hedge Funds al invertir cualquiera puede hacerlo.

Besugo... David Tepper tiene 19 Millones de acciones de WMIH porque tiene más luces que la Feria de Abril.

Ahora a disfrutar del resto de la semana que aunque en Andalucia seguimos de puente esto le alegra el espiritu a cualquiera no por la subida sino por todo lo que significa tener a KKR como tu Partner para explotar todos los NOL´s presentes.


Re: WMIH...empiezan las buenas noticias $1.68 (+52.73%)

De momento desde que WMIH empezo a cotizar a 1 dolar desde sus comienzos como empresa renovada no gana mas que el SP-500 y los que compraron preferentes en su dia WAMPQ a 80 dolares aun asumen perdidas de mas del 50% sobre ese precio, veremos en adelante si aun recuperan lo que les queda de minusvalias porque no es la primera vez que estas acciones se van a sus origines de 1 dolar incluso llego a 0'38 en su mayor depreciacion


Re: WMIH...empiezan las buenas noticias $1.68 (+52.73%)

Sigue con tu discurso y no sigas al dinero... Que ya tendrás tiempo de reaccionar cuando sigamos subiendo.
¿Te has leído bien quien es KKR?


Re: WMIH...empiezan las buenas noticias $1.68 (+52.73%)

Dejate de cuentos y vende algunas acciones para pagar las perdidas que ocasionaste a Ten Shin que lo tienes en la picota.
Lo de KKR como acabe en cuento de hadas y sea otro montaje bombeador vas a ver una caida epica.