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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
2.813 / 3.346

Re: EC en Control !!!

Pues hay temerarios que se juegan todo su capital en estas acciones, como el autor del hilo, al menos es lo que he leido en mas de un post, de hay vienen mis comentarios sobre sus practicas de bombeo indiscriminado.


Re: EC en Control !!!

¿o sea que creer en algo firmemente no puede permitir que alguien tome sus propias decisiones?

¿a que oraculo debo consultar entonces? ¿al que dice que tengo que hacer lo que vosotros me digais?

Besugo deja de juzgar a los demas por las decisiones que toman y centrate en las tuyas.
Desde el primer dia he defendido al EC y este caso va a salir bien gracias a su labor y la de los accionistas que nos han apoyado.


La Audiencia se retrasa para el 8 de Diciembre

El mediador pide 2 semanas más


Re: La Audiencia se retrasa para el 8 de Diciembre

Wamu,... the story continues,... xD


Re: La Audiencia se retrasa para el 8 de Diciembre

¿Hay alguien que dudaba que el objetivo son las NOL Enero 2012?

:) :)


El efecto del retraso de la Mediación (Marymbobh)

The mediation is delayed for another couple of weeks. Of interest to equity is what the delay means. A delay means that the mediation continues to make progress but that the details of a final agreement are still in flux. That should be good for equity. Why? Just a few weeks ago, POR v6 was in the dock for approval by the bankruptcy court. If POR v6 had been confirmed, equity would have received nothing. Given that context, equity has nothing to lose from where we were only a few weeks ago. If equity were receiving nothing from the agreement now being hammered out with the mediator, equity, as the primary participant, would have no reason to participate and the mediation would have already ended. Therefore, equity is receiving something...but what? There is not enough money for the waterfall to reach equity (any equity) unless JPM and the FDIC are ungifted by the debtors and that seems unlikely since neither JPM nor the FDIC are participants in the mediation. It's certainly possible that the debtors have told JPM and the FDIC that they are getting nothing and both have accepted through intermediaries but again that seems unlikely. More likely is that the available assets will go to the creditors but equity will receive ownership of the NOLs and of the litigation rights against JPM. The 'how' of that is where the current negotiations are likely focused. Details matter here...and this is a very complex case. It's likely that there will be more delays as the plan develops but the end result based on the mediation contining to progress is likely to be a new POR that the creditors, debtors, and EC all support that will be on a very fast track for confirmation. Once that is confirmed and equity is in the driver's seat on the litigation, the next call will be to JPM's counsel who are, no doubt, following everything as closely as possible even perhaps to the point of having observers outside the mediation location(s). The bottom line is that continuing progress and continued silence from the creditors, the debtors, Weil, and the EC are very good for equity.


Re: El efecto del retraso de la Mediación (Larry888)

Here's the "perspective"..with a little more discovery..this GSA is DOA.
The SNH have more info to spill, as does the Debtors and JMW has given the EC the leverage to pry into several areas, some of which open up automatically. These miscreants will start to give up more dots to link together.

The parties looking to get out of this mess are now dimished to just JP Morgan..and they may be up against the wall pretty soon without resolve..

I believe ANICO will be a severe blow to the FDIC and JPM and that time, as well as other adjudications is getting closer. Those delays aren't because of stalling, they are because everyone is now positioning themselves against FDIC which included the FDIC..I finally think they got it that JPM screwed flowers, and no kisses!


Re: El efecto del retraso de la Mediación (Larry888)

nos estamos posicionando en las trincheras para que en 2012 lleguen los tanques a saludar a FDIC y JPM.
Mas tiempo para posicionarse a tope ;) ;)