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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
2.554 / 3.346

Re: The waiting Game... estamos todos igual... más escenarios

Lo que tu digas Belleza, pero deja ya el bombeo que ya ves que nadie compra a estos precios. Se que te tiemblan las piernas esperando el próximo movimiento de Rosen, pero hay un dicho sobre tener solo las acciones que te permitan dormir por las noches. Saludos a tu mujer, ya he visto el comentario que has borrado. Jejeje.


Re: The waiting Game... estamos todos igual... más escenarios

La he querido dejar al margen... me parece lo correcto. La tengo aquí diciendome dale caña al impresentable ese... pero me voy a centrar en lo que estamos que es bastante.


Rosen fuera de su elemento...Susman da la callada por respuesta

Rosen is out of his element. He is a bankruptcy attorney used to only dealing with the malleable bankruptcy statutes in a court system known for it's deference to debtors and creditors.

Now he is faced with trying to deal with one of the top litigating firms in the country and he does not know how to handle it.

So he resorts to his tried and true bag of tricks that usually work in the bankruptcy courts on his home turf(ie. Delaware). That's why we continue to see public spin in his courtroom presentations and meaningless bluffs to go ahead with POR 6.

Meanwhile SG remains silent only speaking up to correct Rosen's falsehood about the length of discovery should it be needed.

In this case you have to Tustin somebody or else you shouldn't be risking you hard earned money.. I have decided that SG is the party that I will put my faith in until this bizarre game plays out.

If anybody can find evidence that SG has sold out their clients in any other cases then please provide us with that information.


Re: The waiting Game... estamos todos igual... más escenarios

La caña te la debe estar metiendo a ti, diciendote que porque te has de jugar los biberones en una Bk, ya me imagino el panorama que tienes, o sea no me pases pelotas que no son de mi incunvencia.


Re: The waiting Game... estamos todos igual... más escenarios PPS

Quote from: Estreamer on Today at 07:05:08 AM
I'd just like to add one observation to this discussion. Everyone has always said since the beginning of this case (especially Bopfan), that we'd know when it was over and getting settled because the preferreds would start running, especially the K's, which don't have ownership limits. To now see them do no such thing, and not think "Hey maybe the insiders as usual know what we don't know" is just naive, in my opinion. If there was a deal on the table that involved something better that what Rosen presented in court and the EC nodded to, P's wouldn't be priced at 4 cents a dollar. This case has wide visibility not, and other players in the industry would be buying everything in sight.

Sorry, that's just the reality of it from my perspective.

E -- I understand your point, but I don't think the potential settlement that weasel pants outlined is factored into the PPS. I think the market is pricing Equity as some sort of "mystery option" that will reach maturity upon news of V7 (or not), then we'll see what we've bought.


Re: The waiting Game... estamos todos igual... más escenarios PPS

Un día menos... todo está en calma. Ligeras subidas en K´s y pequeñas bajadas en Q´s.