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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
2.533 / 3.346

Re: Preferentes con volumenes minimos

por eso le pregunto a Maxi, le veo una persona documentada y muy realista. Lo siento por Mr. simpson pero lo ve todo muy claro, y ni todo es claro ni todo oscuro.


Re: Preferentes con volumenes minimos

Mientras no le reclames como hizo Hugo Chavez que compro DIMEQ y perdió hasta los calzoncillos, no hay problema para dar consejos gratuitos.
Por cierto aun esperamos que nos de el numero de cuenta para transferirle el valor de las pérdidas. Jejeje


Re: Preferentes con volumenes minimos

yo no le echare en cara nada a nadie si por un casual compro unas poquitas.
quiero un pequeño analisis REALISTA de la situacion para decidirme si comprar o no.
Tu Besugo te veo en el lado contrario de Simpson aunque ultimamente te veo bastante acertado y coherente en tus razonamientos.


Re: Preferentes con volumenes minimos

Manzana: Haces bien en no preguntarme a mi porque después del por c--- que has dado con la cancelación lo que manda huevos es que ahora te quieras subir al burro :) :)

Lo primero que podias es cambiar tu foto del Titanic y poner una más acorde a tus nuevas sensaciones más que nada para que la gente no te relacione con ese otro Manzana.


Re: Preferentes con volumenes minimos

yo quiero un pequeño analisis REALISTA de la situacion para decidirme si comprar

YO YO YO YO YO yoismo, QUIERO QUIERO QUIERO... Manzanilla es todo un caso jejeje


Transcript del Hearing

so discovery by EC is still ongoing....not dependent on whether or not v7POR discussions breakdown...thereby causing the June 29th date to push back to July 5th....for hearing date..

"We have spoken with counsel for the equity committee
3 and, specifically, with respect to the discovery that the
4 equity committee had been undertaking prior to reaching this
5 tentative settlement and the need for the equity committee to
6 continue to finish that discovery. And last night, I spoke
7 with Mr. Sargent on behalf of the equity committee and he
8 indicated that he thought it would take about seven days to ten
9 days to complete that discovery. And we would push back the
10 hearing in order to accommodate that discovery time frame."

On MR. COFFEY own words ..."While we don't know the details
8 of it, my understanding is that what's being discussed is
9 fairly significantly different than what is on the table
10 currently." ...

MR. ROSEN: "Your Honor, I think we're in violent
13 agreement. That's exactly what I said."

Page 30.

Violenta manera de Rosen de decir que esto va para adelante !!!!!


Re: Transcript del Hearing (EC pide 3 semanas para Discovery no 7 dias como dice Rosen)

Para demostrar las tretas del corrupto Rosen si el POR 7 no va a ningun lado el EC iniciará las 3 depositions que faltan y que mandaran el POR 6 al infierno y unos cuantos a la carcel.
¿quien quiere apostar a favor de Rosen?

Les tenemos cogidos por las pelotas si señor !!!

MR. SARGENT: I tried to interject earlier, I'm sorry,
9 there's something wrong with he phone connection. I just had a
10 statement I wanted to make -- similar statement that I wanted
11 to make for the record on the schedule. This concerns the
12 discovery that we need to take between now and the July 5th
13 confirmation date if it does go forward. Everything Mr. Rosen
14 said about, you know, what we need and the schedule was correct
15 except that I think I heard him say that the equipment
16 committee only needs seven to ten days to complete the
17 discovery. And that's too short. We're been saying three
18 weeks would be the minimum. And I think that stays that way.
19 The reason that I suggested to Brian on the phone last
20 night was that July would work if that'll give us the three
21 weeks. But I think implicit in that agreement is the
22 understanding that the parties who are on the other side of
23 that discovery are not going to object because this very
24 compressed time frame is too short. You know, we're agreeing
25 to try to do this in such a tight time frame to try to
1 accommodate, on the one hand, the need to complete these
2 settlement negotiations without moving forward on the
3 discovery. On the other hand, if the settlement negotiations
4 fall apart, we need to go forward as quickly as possible on
5 confirmation.
6 We don't -- there's three depositions that we need to
7 take. Those have been noted and then continued or cancelled
8 several times. The parties are well aware of that. We've
9 drafted a motion to compel and provided that to the other party
10 over a month ago so they're well aware of that and I think the
11 only other piece of discovery that we need is a fairly narrow
12 30(b)(6) from the debtor. So as long as we're not going to end
13 up back in front of the Court in two weeks with somebody saying
14 we don't have enough time to respond to this, we're perfectly
15 fine with this schedule. So I just wanted to make that clear
16 for the record.


munRe: Transcript del Hearing (EC pide 3 semanas para Discovery)

Ya veremos simpson, siempre has sido un bocas, recuerda todas las que ha ganado rosen por goleada. Jejeje
comunes a 0`106 desplome total y continua el goteo interminable.