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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
2.400 / 3.346

Re: Mememe mememe mi neguito chiquilin

Ay canamas camandonga!
¿qué tiene mi cocotín?
mi neguito chiquitín,
Epéese a que le ponga
su chupón y su sonaja.
Meme meme, buenalhaja,
pepita de tamarindo.
Duéimase mi nego lindo:
¡meme meme, há-ha há-ha...!

Su mare no vino ayé,
su mama se fue antianoche;
dicen que subió enun coche...
¡pero tiene que volvé!
Su maire é buena mujé,
-a veces medio marraja-.
Yo no sé si nos ultraja
¡pero si resutta cieito...!
(Mejó tú no etés despieito)
¡meme meme, há-ha há-ha...!

¡Mi cocotín, mi coquito!
si hay frío ¿po qué tu quemas?
Con tu ojo abieito no duemas,
¿Po qué tá quieto, neguito?
¡Míame, nego bonito!
¿Po qué tu cabeza baja...?
¿Quele su leche con miaja?
¿Quele jugá con lo michi?
¿Qué le pasa? ¿quele pichi?
¿meme meme? ¿há-ha há-ha...?

¡Ay canamas camandonga!
¿qué tiene mi cocotín?
Mi neguito chiquitín,
Epéese que le ponga...
que le ponga su motaja.
Meme meme ahí en su caja
Pepita de tamarindo.
Duéimase mi nego lindo:
¡Meme meme, há-ha... há ... ha...


El día de Tepper y Appaloosa

Será interesante ver que ocurre hoy si testifica o NO.

"Pump the Jam" Bopfan dice:

He's the ringleader; the others don't want to take heat for something he spearheaded even though any insider trading were their own volitional acts. If no grace has been given and Tepper's criminal counsel says "no", then I expect Tepper is talking with the heads of the other funds to try to effect some kind of settlement.

Whatever is going on, it isn't what the SNs want. If you recall from the OJ Simpson case, OJ exercised his right not to testify during his criminal case, but in civil court he had no such protection and was burned at the stake.

Participating in this civil action is lunacy; if I were in the SNs shoes I'd be willing to accept civil contempt, the FJR, and the $2.2B disallowance rather than heighten the risk of criminal prosecution.



Re: El día de Tepper y Appaloosa

Appaloosa - Apr 19, 2011 (today)

Centerbridge - Apr 20, 2011

OwlCreek - amended to Apr 28, 2011 (moved back
from Apr 14, 2011)

Aurelius - rescheduled to May 4, 2011 (moved
back from Apr 21, 2011)

Debtors Deposition of EC.....??? Upon date to be agreed upon by parties.....NOT YET Set....


Que empiecen las especulaciones (Tepper y Centerbridge pospuesto hasta el 5 de mayo)

04/19/2011 7155 Amended Notice of Deposition of Appaloosa Management L.P. (Related Docket No. 7019) Filed by Official Committee of Equity Holders. (Attachments: # 1 Certificate of Service) (Taylor, Gregory) (Entered: 04/19/2011)

04/19/2011 7156 Amended Notice of Deposition of Centerbridge Partners, L.P. (Related Docket No. 7000) Filed by Official Committee of Equity Holders. (Attachments: # 1 Certificate of Service) (Taylor, Gregory) (Entered: 04/19/2011)

On Pacer

Let the speculation begin.

Esto a mi parecer pinta positivo... ¿porque han decidido todos retrasar las deposiciones con la aprobación del EC?

Hasta el 13 de mayo fecha límite para Objeciones al POR solo quedaría una semana desde esa fecha...


Re: Que empiecen las especulaciones (Tepper y Centerbridge pospuesto hasta el 5 de mayo)

la próxima es...

28/4/11 10am Owl Creek Asset Management

4/5/11 10am Aurelius Capital Management
5/5/11 10am Appaloosa Management
6/5/11 10am Centerbridge Partners


¿Se soltaron los dementes? la luna hace estragos sobre Machu Picchu

¿Te volviste loco Wilfrido?

perdón, Wilfrido no, Oscarcito... jejeje


Re: Que empiecen las especulaciones (Tepper y Centerbridge pospuesto hasta el 5 de mayo)

¿nadie quiere mojarse y ver esto como algo interesante? :) :) :)


Tepper está furioso y ahora quiere ir por Nate Thoma

4/19/2011 7160 Motion of Appaloosa Management L.P. for an Order Compelling Nate Thoma to Search for and Produce Documents and to Respond to Interrogatory Requests

Guys: I've been under the assumption that Nate Thoma had already turned over all his DD to the EC for use by them in the depositions. After all Nate produced/offered all of his evidence right there in front of THJMW, et al. Also, unlike others involved in this BK, Nate was only privy to publicly available information.

I think the only mistake Nate is committing is his failing to respond at all. I don't care if he just responds with GFY it's public information so go look it up like he did, but he should respond with something.

I think Nate should just say that he originally got the idea from the Insider Trading accusations previously leveled by JPMC and then proceeded to check in to it. He could then tell them to just have JPMC produce the information they relied on for their accusation and then Nate will supplement that production with whatever is missing;)

FYI: Here are the only postings I have seen by Nate Thoma from 10 Feb 11, there are 3. It appears as if Nate has put in place his own firewall by filtering everything through his uncle in New Jersey.