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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
2.379 / 3.346

Re: Hearing 28 marzo 9.30am

12 $ por accion comun. Jajajajajajajajajajajajajaja. Mr-Simpson no esta solo en esta parodia para sacar cuartos de los incautos inversores que se creen esta trola, ya al final del proceso cuando van a borrar todo valor de las acciones en cuanto la honorable Juez sentencie. Alguien se acuerda del desplome de marzo y de noviembre, pues ahora viene el definitivo.

If it's $31B, what are commons worth? Let's assume for the sake of argument, or for pure fantasia and euphoria, if Susman's accounting ($31B) is correct.

What then isthe effect on equity? Rosen et al has been most voca with his $7B figure. Susman's is more than four times that amount.

Not sure I have all the data necessary for making the computations, but that higher valuation not only puts commons in the money, but does so at around $12.16 per share. And a lot more if the preferred classes are required to take any sort of haircut.

Would welcome opposing and supporting comments. $12+ per share is looking pretty good to me.


Re: Hearing 28 marzo 9.30am

Lo bueno de no estar solo es que puedes aguantar 2.5 años gracias al sentimiento de hermandad que hay entre la comunidad WAMU. Se trata de que prevalezca el sentido común y que el banco se devuelva a sus legítimos dueños que son los accionistas y finalmente que se pague por el daño que se ha realizado a la comunidad inversora. Dicho esto yo estoy convencido que el 2011 es el año del cambio de ciclo en este caso (seguramente los próximos 2 meses) y leer este tipo de posts de alguien que estuvo el 21 de marzo en Corte me hace reafirmarme aun más en lo que creo.

Mañana no es un día clave pero si nos acerca más al próximo...dicho esto Besugo lame por donde piso y da tu toque mágico y sutil a cada uno de mis posts (lazarillo)

Spot1roth dice:

There is no doubt after attending the recent hearing on 3/21 that the tide is turning in favor of Equity. I have said after the 3/21 hearing that I thought there was NOT any doubt that this Judge would like to see Equity in the money. Now does that mean just preferred or all of Equity? This is the ten to fifty billion dollar question. One of the most important things to note is Rosie does NOT know what Susman and Company has. This is going to get very revealing because if I was hiding all of my eggs and claiming liabilities are greater than assets, one would really have to worry about what kind of eggs PJS found. This should be easy to find out what WaMu had before bankruptcy, especially with the likes of Iron Mountain, previous tax accountants, previously filed taxes and much more that could have been found current all the way up to the seizure date. Now if Susman shows even some of these assets that Rosie has been hiding, he then has bankruptcy fraud stamped on his forehead. This should bring on a multibillion dollar malpractice claim against Weasel/Gotcha and Mangle, claw back of all of the legal fees now approaching one hundred and thirty million and much, much more.

What will Rosie claim and how will he act at Monday’s hearing? This should be very telling, as these multiple crimes have to be wearing on him. I saw him close up on 3/21 and he is aging very fast, not to mention appears very nervous when anybody mentions anything about assets. I am normally a very good read of an individual, especially after seeing and learning how one acts. Rosie to me now seems rattled, frustrated and very concerned as opposed to say one year ago. There is a huge change which tells me he is not sleeping well and is getting attacked on multiple fronts that we do not see. Keep in mind, great lawyers are usually several steps ahead of the average opposition, so this should tell you that Rosie has to know where Susman is headed and he does not know what he can or cannot show. His real and only recourse is to come clean and let assets start showing greater than liabilities if he is to avoid much of his personal disaster which is now coming is way at warp speed. I say Rosie cannot be stupid enough to go down with the ship, but his window of time is very close to being closed permanently for him, his firm and close to one thousand other lawyers. Is he greedy enough to compromise the whole entity? I say no and if I am correct the equities will be moving north substantially VERY soon. I expect you will see some positive action in this regard tomorrow.

Keep in mind, the Judge has not even ruled on E&Y which is a surprise because she usually signs these kind of filings the very first day or so. Now Rosie has a lot of homework to do and he has to show assets are larger than liabilities if he is to avoid this personal disaster. I just love this because he just does NOT know what non Debtor entities Susman has or does not have. Keep in mind Rosie has worked very hard at making many of these go away but history, previous filings and Iron Mountain does NOT tell stories. Also it is very clear to me this Judge has given EVERYTHING to her bosses from the Government except WMRRC and the NOLs which she, IMHO wants equity to have. She probably does not know and does not care about the entire naked/short illegal shares and this works to our benefit immensely. So with this little company carved out with the NOLs, if Rosie does not act positively with Equity there is no way he can keep from losing control. This is his only way now and this time starts very soon and maybe some indication on 3/28. The Judge wants him to stay in control without any diubt, but he has to give Equity their share or risk total implosion and devastation. I am more positive about ALL of Equity being in the money more now than ever. I sense Rosie bleeding internally and about ready to explode from an aneurism!


Re: Hearing 28 marzo 9.30am

Jajaja el unico sentimiento que teneis los pumpers es el de autobombas que habeis practicado hasta cazar a numerosos inversores que han comprado a precios desorbitados y no tienen como recuperar su dinero, ni en comunes ni en preferentes, ambas con caidas descomunales. En cuanto a los legitimos dueños la juez va a tener en buena consideración casi todo el informe que emitió el examinador para eliminar a la equidad y dar todo el poder a los debtors como ya prevalece en cada hearing. Deja de fantasear Mr-Simpson el DS finalmente será aprobado, ya falta poco, entonces callarás. En cuanto eliminen las acciones desapareceras tan pronto como llegaste, dando las condolencias finales a los que se han dejado un buen dinero que nunca debieron invertir en semejante basura que recomendaste como la compra del siglo. Muchos lamentan tu aparicion con las dichosas acciones en caida libre.


Re: Hearing 28 marzo 9.30am

Las boberias que hay que leer de que si Rosen esta envejecido y nervioso con este proceso, que si Susman va a presentar este o el otro activo para favorecer a la equidad. La juez ya dijo claramente lo justo y benevolo que es Rosen para que esten ahora haciendo una pelicula sobre si ha cometido fraude y va a ser encarcelado Jajaja, de verdad no se quien se puede creer estas autenticas bufonadas que se siguen soltando sin verguenza alguna para que mas inversores apuesten por comprar estas acciones. Lamentable y patético.


Re: Hearing 28 marzo 9.30am

Me da que el que desapareceras seras TU esbirro de JPM y Basher confirmado.

Tu eres la sanguijuela pegada a mi culo así que no te esfuerces que cuanto más avance el caso menos sentido tendran tus chorradas repetitivas.


Re: Hearing 28 marzo 9.30am

Di lo que quieras Mr-Simpson ya todos saben que tu especialidad es masacrar el capital ajeno solo para que suban las acciones que compraste baratas.


Ruanda & Burundi

Comienza la semana "muchachos", afilen bien sus machetes. Los expectadores merecemos una buena contienda.

La guerra de estos dos locos me recuerda a la sostenida por los Tutsi y los Hutus, en el centro de mi amada África.


Re: Ruanda & Burundi

A Mr-Simpson habria que ponerle una camisa de fuerza para que no tocará ni tan siquiera una tecla de ordenador y asi evitar que arruine a mas usuarios pero a ti Inmigrante a parte de la camisa de fuerza hay que colocarte vigilantes las 24 horas ya que denotas ser un sujeto peligroso y ansioso de carnicerías.