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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
2.277 / 3.346

El EC responde

1/18/2011 6568 Motion to Shorten Notice and Schedule Hearing on Motion of the Official Committee of Equity Security Holders for an Order Pursuant to Bankruptcy Rule 2004 and Local Bankruptcy Rule 2004-1 Directing the Examination of the Washington Mutual, Inc. Settlement Note Holders Group 281 k

Associated Motion to Shorten Notice:


Re: El EC responde

EC is asking for expedited notice on this: requested hearing on 1/20, objections due at hearing.

Myadad dice:

It is directly related to whether bonds should be paid at the note rate or the federal rate and is pertinent to JMW's ruling where she said she had no proof of shenanigans on the par of the bondholders. The EC is trying to provide the proof she said she lacked. The fact that there could be criminal repercussions is just a bonus for us. If nothing else, I suspect if JMW will just sign the order and give the EC the right to explore, this will likely be a huge incentive to bring the Hedge funds to the table. I think we get some real insight into JMW's thought process by seeing how she handles this.

El Juez dice:

Great tactical move by Susman. Glad to see they're still alive and kicking. This is like a foot in the door, from which position they can incrementally fight back against Rosen's so-called "amendments": First, undermine the presumption that the contract rate is "fair and equitable" by showing the actual behavior of vulture hedge funds. With that, the federal judgment rate eliminates all previous "impaired classes", putting preferreds in the money and requiring a new vote. Then, pursue the conflict of interest angle to undermine the GSA entirely. I like it.


Re: El EC responde

Ahora es cuando debemos ver los colores auténticos de la Juez si lo firma estaremos OK. Si no lo firma pues veremos que hace Susman.

Si el EC ha esperado hasta el último minuto para poner esta moción debe ser porque tienen algo muy claro y así de camino trastocar los planes de Rosen de que todo está OK cuando la realidad ya la conocemos todos pero igual la Juez aun no se ha enterado y poniendole los records de trading en sus narices lo ve claro cristalino.

Los Hedge Funds son los que ahora mismo deben estar con el culo apretado si ven que la Juez firma la moción.

Me gusta como piensa el EC solo pegan cañonazos en el momento apropiado. A ver si tenemos suerte.


Re: El EC responde

Entonces NO estamos bien como tu dijiste ayer, porque el EC ha respondido. De momento todo sigue el curso marcado por la juez, tiron de orejas al POR, Rosen no apela, y dice que va a modificar los flecos que le dijo y la juez lo firma y para marzo POR aprobado. El Rosen este es un cachondo, va a dar la puntilla a la equidad justo como en marzo del año pasado, como cuando nos dio la estocada.



Re: El EC responde

Ya sabemos que Simpson mantiene inalterado su optimismo mientras no cancelen las acciones.

Esta el juicio pendiente de nuevas decisiones de la Juez y de las modificaciones de los debtors al Plan, más esperas sin saber que nos depara pero de momento el POR sin confirmación.


Re: El EC responde

A ver si tenemos suerte.
yo preferiría Justicia.

Re: El EC responde


No no estamos bien... pero tampoco lo deben estar los Hedge Funds ni Rosen. La firma decidirá el camino...


Re: El EC responde

Did you notice that all of the documents and the depositions are to be Susman's NY office? I'm sure most of that is to make it convenient for all of the hedge funds and lawyers ... but it also has them in Preet Bhahara's NY jurisdiction. He's been investigating all of the insider trading by these hedge funds and making numerous arrests.

If this is in fact true, then they will need to be passing off all of the information they get to the US Attorney General's office.

JMO ~~ No way can Judge Walrath deny Susman the opportunity to discovery in this because he would totally justified in appealing and turning the investigation over to US Attorney General's office to find the information.

I'm going to bet there is some serious discussions going on right now because these guys have worked themselves into a place that is smack dab between "rock & hard spot"!!