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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
1.463 / 3.346

Re: Esto es de locos...

Yo no he podido comprar aún... He estado algo liadillo, pero tampoco he visto ninguna oportunidad interesante para entrar (esperaba comprar por debajo de 0,10$).

Creo que estos días previos al 3 de junio las comunes se mantendrán con cierta alegría, y más si Susman presenta un POR alternativo interesante (pero como siempre me equivoco con mis pronósticos, no me hagáis caso). Así que me mantendré alerta y posiblemente me espere ya a los días o momentos previos al 3 de junio.

PD: MR S enhorabuena por la criatura. Menos mal que la vida aún tiene cosas auténticas y gratificantes: los hijos.



Re: Esto es de locos...

Me decide y compre 150 preferentes mas!! Pague u$s 26,15

Gooo wamu !!!



Re: Esto es de locos...

Ojalá que empapelen a unos cuantos directivos y magnates de Wall Street. Eso si que le iba a sentar bien a los mercados.

Estos días las he pasado putas para no vender. Hace un par de semanas puse una orden y no se cruzó. Desde octubre ya hice mi apuesta por el 1000% en las P's. Además,he entrado y salido con un 150% de beneficio en las Q's y vuelto a entrar con un 79% de pérdidas, y esas las vendí. Hoy he recordado que los muy cabrones de JPM pretendían obligar a vender las acciones de wamu a los exempleados y ahora empleados de wami; les tienen que joder algún día, JPM, GOLDMAN, y unos pocos más... no juegan limpio ni por asomo y Wamu es la diana perfecta, o por lo menos lo parece, un especulador no puede dejar pasar la ocasión. Ahorradores americanos y justicia.

Ojalá volvamos a tener precios de 90 en las P's, me saldría. Luego compraría Q´s otra vez de 0,17 a 0,25 y las vendería a 150%.

Esto va para largo osea que quizás tenga tiempo.

Luego me despediré señores.

¿O quizás no?

Esperar, escuchar y leer. En fin, trabajar en la fortaleza del pensamiento.

Me encanta Tata Motors.


Lista de implicads en Project West

En el momento que Susman "Superman" llame a declarar a Jamie "Demonio" esto puede ser jaque mate para JPM.

El resto de la tropa que tambien serán llamados

Name Title
1 Althea L Duersten Managing Director - Chief Investment Office
2 Barry L Zubrow Chief Risk Officer - Credit Dept
3 Benjamin Lopata Managing director - Tax Dept
4 Brian A Bessey Corp -M&A Dept
5 Charlie Scharf EVP/CEO - CEO Chase Retail Financial Services
6 David B Lowman CEO - Home Lending Dept
7 Douglas Braunstein Head of Americas IBC and M&A
8 Fernando Rivas Managing Director IB-FIG
9 Frank J Bisignano Chief Administrative Officer
10 Gordon Smith CEO- Card Service Dept
11 Gregg B Gunselman Executive Director - IB-FIG
12 Jay Mandelbaum EVPI Strategy & Development Exec - Admin Dept
13 John F Bradley HR Director
14 John R Chrin Managing Director (IB-FIG)
15 Kevin Watters SVPlBusiness Banking Executive
16 Louis Rauchenberger MD & Corporate Controller - Accounting Dept
17 Martha Gallo General Auditor- Accounting Dept
18 Mike Cavanagh EVP/CFO
19 Neila Radin Legal Compliance
20 Raymond Fischer CFO-LOB
21 Sally E Durdan EVP/Corporate Finance Executive - Retail Admin Dept
22 Scott E Powell Branch Banking
23 Stephen M Cutler General Counsel
24 Thomas D. Novack Managing Director IB-FIG
25 Adam Gilbert Managing Director
26 Brian Keegan Managing Director - CSAS
27 Dan Cooney SVP I General Counsel
28 Genevieve E Hovde Analyst IB-FIG
29 Jamie Dimon JPMCCEO
30 Joseph Evangelisti Corporate Communications and media Relations
31 Scott Albinson JPMCbanker
32 Sean Carmody Associate IB-FI G
33 Tim Main Head ofNA FIG


Re: Lista de implicads en Project West

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May 25, 2010 4:56 PM
The WaMu Bankruptcy Won't End

Posted by Zach Lowe

The Washington Mutual Chapter 11 case has been contentious from the start, complete with accusations of sabotage. So it's fitting that a global settlement that would pave the way for resolving the mess seems to be perpetually out of reach.

The newest twist: A group of senior bondholders who own debt from WaMu's banking unit announced Monday that it is opposing a proposed settlement between the bankrupt estate, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, other bondholders, and WaMu's new owners at JPMorgan Chase, according to Reuters and this release from Boies, Schiller & Flexner attorneys representing the dissident bondholders.

Meanwhile, a separate group of WaMu shareholders, this one represented by Susman Godfrey, has also expressed concerns about the proposed settlement. This group is upset at the possibility that the bankrupt estate (advised by Weil, Gotshal & Manges and a litigation team from Quinn, Emanuel, Urquhart & Sullivan) may be leaving money on the table in the proposed settlement. Boies Schiller's clients have similar concerns, but also claim the settlement short-changes their class of bondholders while benefiting others, Reuters says.

As you can see, there are a ton of moving parts here. In broad terms, the controversy stems from a series of disputes between the WaMu estate and JPMorgan over the latter's acquisition of the troubled bank during the height of the economic crisis. As you may recall, the FDIC rescued the bank, placed it into a receivership, and then sold it to JPMorgan (represented at the time by Sullivan & Cromwell) for $1.9 billion.

Washington Mutual has since made two claims: Fierst, that by leaking false information about WaMu's finances, JPMorgan discouraged rival bidders that might have been able to save the bank. Second, that JPMorgan wrongly withdrew $4 billion in deposits from WaMu shortly before WaMu's bankruptcy filing, according to court records and this round-up from the Associated Press. The WaMu estate pursued potential litigation against JPMorgan and sought broad discovery of documents related to the JPMorgan-WaMu deal. The two sides have also argued about how to split up tax refunds WaMu is to receive (and, in some cases, has already received) linked to past losses, the AP says.

The estate and JPMorgan (represented again in the bankruptcy litigation by S&C) have agreed on the broad parameters of a settlement that would return most of the $4 billion in deposits to the estate and revise how everyone would split up the tax refunds. The FDIC and its legal team at DLA Piper must also approve the deal, and the agency indicated last week it would do so, according to The New York Times. Various parties who hold debt linked to WaMu's parent company (represented by several firms, including White & Case and Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr) are either leaning toward approving the deal or reviewing it, according to the AP.

But Boies Schiller partner William Isaacson says bondholders who hold debt in WaMu's bank unit stand to recover much less than other noteholders in the proposed deal. We reached out to Isaacson to learn a bit more about his clients, but we haven't yet heard back. We'll let you know if we do.

A hearing on the proposed plan is scheduled for June 3 in federal bankruptcy court in Delaware.


Re: Lista de implicads en Project West

Te veo optimista de nuevo,los post del pasado finde diciendo que ibas a vender un parte de las acciones,que al final no hiciste creo que machaco a muchos wamus........a ver si vamos para arriba


Re: Lista de implicads en Project West

Todo el mundo flaquea aguna vez Ten Shin, Frankfurt me confirmo que era un farol y cancele la acción a tiempo...menos mal que la apertura fue 0.11 yo las tenia limitadas a 0.115 asi que me salve por los pelos.

Hoy he visto la luz de nuevo, el 3 de junio toca ver las reacciones en la corte pero una cosa tengo muy clara entre Rosen y Susman despues de ver la moción del Discovery es que no hay color...

Walrath no podrá ser complice de Rosen (si es que alguna vez lo ha sido) por mucho tiempo más se les acaba el tiempo....

PD: El 27 de mayo si algun banco o corporación grande desea comprarnos y valorarnos y perseguir este juicio o los 26 Bilones de perdidas acumuladas que empiece la subasta !!!!