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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
1.341 / 3.346

Re: Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

A ver si esta vez salgo para almorzar, y me encuentro con una subida ENORME !!!




Bopfan a vuelto despues de 2 meses y las anteriores veces se empezo a calentar la accion con sus comentarios, de momento no ha hablado de precios pero todo llegará.............

I haven't focused on Bonderman. In my view he isn't calling the shots. His bonds won't be worthless; they just won't buy him the company because equity is very valuable.

I've focused on the court's remarks when she denied appointment of the examiner, a decision I believe was entirely pragmatic (i.e., an unnecessary expense since WMI knows the pre-seizure worth of the company to the penny). What stood out for me as I told Matt this morning was her terse warning to WMI that she didn't want to hear any complaints from the EC of non-cooperation. Viv can weigh in on this, but, in my experience, for a judge with her neutral demeanor to speak in that sharp manner was a very ominous warning. In brief, WMI is to share the numbers with the EC so its professionals can do their own valuation.

Finally, I'm not interested in the value of Bonderman's WMI portfolio, only my own, and since WMI's DS and plan won't go anywhere and the EC now has very capable professionals, I'm sanguine.


Re: Bopfan

Posteado en investorshub:
Ilene es la persona que se ofrecio para recibir por mail las cartas con la objeciones para luego imprimirlas y llevarlas en mano.

Terry Carter posted

Posted by: terrycarter
In reply to: None Date:5/13/2010 12:52:50 PM
Post #197746 of 197746

*****Very Important*****

Email message from Ilene

Alexander, I wonder if I might ask a favor of you? I cannot access IHub from work. Would you be able to post a message letting the board know the packets will be delivered by 3PM, and that I will provide a further update when I get home? If you can't access IHub either, no worries...


Lo moción de Susman

Puede ser presentada hasta las 10pm hora española.
Hay que tener en cuenta que a veces KCCLLC y PACER pueden tardar hasta 24h
en que aparezca para el público.

Ya queda menos :)


Re: Lo moción de Susman

Perdonad que pregunte esto a estas alturas pero, para qué es la mocion que se supone tiene que presentar hoy Susman?

Qué pasa si no la presenta?


Re: Lo moción de Susman

Ahora si que me puse nervioso! 110 minutos nos separan de la hora "D" ! Es correcto?
