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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
1.304 / 3.346

Re: 0,12

Susman podia haber dicho al menos esta boca es mía y no hacer como Venable.
Joder con los super-abogados.
El 0.12 ha durado un suspiro, lo dicho a 0.05 van a ver antes al Santander.
De posavasos tengo yo la foto de Rosen y tambien en el WC.


Re: Leyendo la transcripción del veredicto...

Yo solo tengo comunes.
Soy novata en esto es la 1ra. vez que entro en esto y mia como debuto jajaja!!
no entiendo mucho pero desde mi logica no entiendo la quietud del EC.
no entiendo para que estan todavia si lo unico que hacen es escuchar y dejar que nos bombardeen.
o tienen una estrategia armada o estan entregados.
ya nos enteraremos


Re: 0,12

Es que Susman no estaba. Mando a dos alumnos suyos.



Re: 0,13

Pues estamos en buen momento para que envien pasantes. Espero que Hammer lo este viendo igual que nosotros.
Ten Shin ya ni postea, debe estar en cuidados intensivos.


Re: 0,13

Es horrible ver que se te va la pasta al retrete,tengo mas confianza en una superdevaluacion del euro en plan 5 euros=1dolar que en el tema wamu,cmo se nos ha robado cunado nos acaben de joder tendriamos que platearnos auna revolucion a la griega acabar con esta gentuza los de nuetro bando tambien,tendriamos que poner las camras de gas a funcionar de nuevo,prefiero morir como espartaco a contemplar este latrocinio a nosotros los accionistas.


Re: 0,13

Si usa es una república bananera, es tan fácil como no invertir ni un duro en sus acciones, que las compren ellos''. Yo lo tengo claro si esto termina mal, y con la ampliación de poderes que le quieren dar a la Fdic que roben a otros, yo no invierto un duro a medio ni largo plazo en yankilandia, me quedo en europa, que por lo menos sabemos de que pie cojea cada uno.



Contra bashers

Who in his right mind would pay for 40 full time bashers 24 hours a day to convince us that equity will be canceled? Why would they pay them so much money to rain down on us the fear factor relentlessly? The answer is right under our noses. They want our equity shares because they are not going to be canceled. They want our equity shares because they know that they have more value than what the MMs would want you to believe. Look at the facts:
The WMI, Inc. MOR shows that there is $6.9 Billion in assets plus 1 Billion in WMI, Inc investments. We know that the NOL based IRS refund is $5.9 Billion and the money is pending or stashed in the accounts listed at the bottom of the MOR as confidential and restricted. Simple addition shows total assets at the end of March 31, 2010 to be $13.8 billion. Lets minus the MOR listed liabilities of $8.3 Billion That leaves $5.3 Billion left for equity to be distributed to 3 million WAMPQ shares ($3 Billion), 20 million WAMKQ shares ($500 Million) and 1.7 billion WAMUQ shares ($2 Billion) assuming that the REITs are disallowed. If the REITs are not disallowed then add $4 Billion to the asset side and $4 Billion to the liability side since they off set each other.(My fundamental belief is the REITs belong to WMB not WMI, Inc. since the underlying assets is with WMB/JPM}. Clearly The Ps get paid fully a $1000 each. The Ks get paid fully $25.00 each. The left over $2. Billion distributed to 1.7 Billion Qs get $1.20 each.
That is so obvious from the MOR. This cash that is on the table. Never mind the nondebtor subs that are marked to market of 2008 not market value of 2010 (originaly listed at $32 billion when the BK was filed on Sept 26, 2008 and later widdled down by the BOD so they can stay in the BK otherwise they would have been kicked out as solvent). Never mind the value of the Fradulant Transfered assets to JPM by the FDIC in the Washington DC court filing estimated value at $20 billion. There are many more to recite...But I'll stop here. I hope I stated the reasons why Bashers are here in large numbers. They want your equity shares because they have value. They will use fear to scare you into selling to the MMs who are waiting for you to cave in and sell. I am not a pumper. I am a long holder before Bk and will not sell.