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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
1.176 / 3.346

Re: tentuplica no sirve con el mercado OTC

Si es verdad, tampoco me quedé tan lejos, solo fallé por solo 0.10 que por entonces lo subiamos como Indurain los puertos de montaña


Re: Estaría bueno...

Lo de abrir otros temas ya lo he dicho yo tambien en otros posts.
En cualquier caso tambien nos hemos comido post tuyos con Adruna comentando el color del cielo de Argentina. Ja Ja.


Re: tentuplica no sirve con el mercado OTC

Satinfotec la proxima vez recuerdame vender al menos el 50%, que es lo que teniamos que haber hecho entonces.


FINRA Inquiry about WAMUQ - Please helpess

Some time ago I filed a complaint to the FINRA about what happened on March 12, when the stock tanked even before Rosen had started to talk about the proposed "settlement". Now I received the following answer:

"The staff of FINRA’s Office of Fraud Detection and Market Intelligence is currently conducting a non-public investigation pertaining to Washington Mutual, Inc. (“WAMUQ”). As part of our review, the staff is requesting additional information supporting your allegations. The staff appreciates a response to the following questions:

1) Please provide additional information and documentation substantiating your allegations that “there is a definite collusion between the Law Firm Weil Gotshal, current WMI board and its creditors committee to perpetrate this fraud on small, unsuspecting individual investors.”

2) In your March 17, 2010 email, you stated that “this is NOT the first time the stock reacted this way. Even on another occasion when he opened his mouth the stock tanked bigtime.” What occasion, specifically what date, are you referencing? Please provide additional information pertaining to the occasion referenced in your above statement.

3) How long have you been a shareholder of WAMUQ? How many shares of WAMUQ do you currently own?

Please share your thoughts and the information and facts you have, then I will collect and forward it to my contact person!


Dear Senator Coburn

Dear Senator Coburn
I am U.S. born citizen who has served and greatly loves his country. I still believe this is the greatest nation in the world. Although our beautiful and gracious skies have turned gray I believe our best days as a nation could still be, and may be ahead of us.
I have taken special interest in a PSI investigation which you are a contributing member of. “Wall Street and the Financial Crisis”
I was absolutely dumbfounded by the initial course and direction of the televised hearing. When the hearing began almost immediately Senator Levin began his droning attack on Washington Mutual and its past purchase of long Beach Mortgage Company, at that point I knew that a well orchestrated cover-up could possibly be in the offing. As the hearing went on I was absolutely appalled by the ridiculously obvious and post-mortem assessment, and subsequent AGENDA, which was clearly written all over it.
The PSI investigation which so obviously and clearly was needed began to vanish. After eighteen months of investigation I was absolutely shocked to find the focus of this investigation had clearly, and possible by design, missed the target completely.
Besides yourself and Senator Kaufman it was almost incomprehensible to witness the biggest theft in our nation’s history go unchallenged and instead be directed as a smear campaign to cover up one of the biggest heists in our nation’s history. Your direct questioning of Kerry Killinger, and possibly the motives behind it, was really starting to get to where this investigation should have started.
"Why and how was Washington Mutual, allowed to be systematically targeted, choked off, manipulated, and even possibly even conspired against, only to be sold for unfathomable pittance by the very hands of institutions both within and outside our government to a suitor that so blatantly cherished it?
Why when JPMC tried to buy Wamu back in late spring of 2008, and subsequently was turned down, be allowed to initiate a campaign “Project west” that would then be allowed to work directly with the FDIC/OTS in which finally culminated in the seizure and sale of one of this nation’s oldest banks to the very one who so coveted its geographical foot print, multitude of assets, and corporate subsidiaries just six months prior? Why to this date will the FDIC even under request for documents under FOIA not provide these documents surrounding this event? Why was the WAMU sold overnight without even a 3.1a purchase agreement listing its assets and the Full Disclosure of this sale? Why is the real story of Wamu and the possible scandal surrounding its seizure still being redacted, hide away and not allowed to see the sunlight? What is the real purpose of this investigation?
I am not naive to the fact that our Government is severely influenced and somewhat controlled by the "powerful financial institutions that have ever so deep roots in our elected government, however I ask you Senator Coburn, one who appears to care about getting to the truth of the matter, to stand up and use your influence and position to expose the factual events, redacted documents, and back door dealings that led to the subsequent fire sale and inhalation of this bank at the hands quite possibly officials in our very own government and select officers of JPMC.
I think all Americans are getting very familiar with the interconnections of government and corporate power infiltrating this Great Countries Democratic Republic. I am asking you Senator please push to find, uncover and expose the real facts that you and Senator Kaufman were starting to hit upon on. The country needs now more than ever, and it’s very future depends on, GOOD men and women to stand up and protect this great country in its time of need....I think you Senator are one of those people! I am asking you please do not let this opportunity just slip into the annals of corruption, rather use this investigation and help this greatest of countries move back towards our framers greatest intent.

Respectfully submitted


Re: Dear Senator Coburn

Ni siquiera recuerdo que es lo que quería hacer si esto salía bien! Solo recuerdo que alguien quería una SICAV que cansancio me invade.!!


Re: Estaría bueno...

Estimado Venerado, con adruna solo intenté ser "galante", cuando confirmó que estaba casada, nos metimos de cabeza y solo en el tema WAMU ! juajuajua :)

Goooo---... . . . . . . wamu.-



Re: Dear Senator Coburn

Wall Street y la crisis financiera: el papel de los reguladores bancarios
Subcomité Permanente de Investigaciones
Viernes, 16 de abril 2010
09:30 AM
Dirksen del Senado edificio de oficinas, sala 106

El Subcomité Permanente de Investigaciones ha programado una audiencia ", Wall Street y la crisis financiera: el papel de los reguladores bancarios," en Viernes, 16 de abril 2010, a las 9:30 am, en la Sala 106 del Edificio de oficinas Dirksen del Senado.
Esta audiencia será el segundo de una serie de audiencias Subcomisión examinar algunas de las causas y consecuencias de la reciente crisis financiera. Esta segunda audiencia se centrará en el papel de los reguladores bancarios en la crisis financiera, utilizando como los esfuerzos de supervisión historia de un caso por la Oficina de Supervisión de Ahorros (OTS) y la Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) con respecto a Washington Mutual Bank y su filial , Long Beach Mortgage Company. Washington Mutual Bank, el mayor ahorro de la nación con $ 300 millones en activos, 188 mil millones dólares en depósitos y 43.000 empleados, fue cerrada por la OET el 25 de septiembre de 2008, e inmediatamente vendidos por la FDIC a JPMorgan Chase, resultando en la mayor quiebra bancaria en la historia de EE.UU. . Una lista de testigos estarán disponibles Lunes, 12 de abril 2010.

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Grupo 1
Inspector General
Estados Unidos Departamento del Tesoro
Inspector General
Depósito Corporación Federal de Seguros
Grupo 2
•MR. John Reich
Ex Director
Oficina de Supervisión de Ahorros
•MR. Darrel DOCHOW
Director Regional del Oeste de Antigua
Oficina de Supervisión de Ahorros
•MR. Lawrence Carter
El ex examinador encargado (2004-2006), Examinador Nacional actual
Oficina de Supervisión de Ahorros
Grupo 3
•MR. JOHN Corston
Director Adjunto Interino, las grandes instituciones y Análisis
Depósito Corporación Federal de Seguros
•MR. GEORGE J. Doerr
Director Regional Adjunto de la División de Supervisión y Protección del Consumidor
Depósito Corporación Federal de Seguros
Grupo 4
•EL HONORABLE Sheila C. Bair
Depósito Corporación Federal de Seguros
Director Interino
Oficina de Supervisión de Ahorros