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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
1.147 / 3.346

Re: El Show en TV

Chikis, prueba con Ameritrade. Al entrar a la página de inicio ingresa a la pestaña de client services y ahí tienes la opción de comunicarte con una persona en español quien te dará toda la información para la apertura de la cuenta; y con Ameritrade puedes hacer cualquier compra o venta de acciones en seguida.


Re: El Show en TV



Re: Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

Hola ptolomeo no entiendo como pueden llevar l accion hasta 0.0001 su hay mucha gente que no vende cuantas acciones se habran comprado a precios de risa???menuda plusvalia


Precedentes asunto Reg'd Junta General de Accionistas

I am sure most of you want to go about your day talking about "imminent settlement this weekend" threads. However, for the few of you that actually care about the actual case the above link should shine some light on what to expect at the next court date.

Going off of case precedent it would appear we will have our way in regards to the SJ on a shareholders meeting.

For the ones that are on the side that WMI equity is going to lose this one, please provide a rebuttal as to why the above case(s) won't take precedent. It would be quite helpful to see the other side on this issue.

No way Rosen proves shareholder abuse here.


Re: Precedentes asunto Reg'd Junta General de Accionistas

No le entendi muy bien me imagino que te lo tradujo el google



Whistleblower, Andrew Maguire, blew the lid off of the world’s largest fraud committed by JP Morgan Chase and HSBC in London – the downward manipulation of the price of silver (and gold) using naked short selling and leverage to the tune of 100:1.

Bloggers, including this one, have been all over this story for the past several days to break the obvious media blackout, pressuring the media in stories like this, and this and this, and interviews with Andrew Maguire and GATA, to DO THEIR JOBS on behalf of the American People and report the truth of the banksters misdeeds.

A related story arose hard on the heels of this revelation that demonstrates clearly that the oligarchs have moved the people’s gold, and replaced it with mere paper promises (or in some cases, gold-plated bars filled with tungsten. It is now revealed that Scotiabank, the ONLY precious metals vault in Canada, is nearly empty – and has been selling precious metals certificates, alleged to be receipts for actual metal held in their vaults on their client’s behalf, and charging fees for the storage of this alleged metal.

The revelation of the gold and silver Ponzi Scheme is evidence of the largest crime ever committed by the banks against the people. On whose behalf do these banks operate to steal all of the world’s gold from the people – leaving nothing but paper promises in their place?

All the dots Connect Here.

The Globalist’s CONSPIRACY is confirmed. The alleged "Theorists" have been proven correct. It’s time to call the ringleaders out by name, and hold them to account. It’s time to reveal the mainstream media’s complicity in the ongoing fraud against the people. It’s time to admit that Fascism has indeed arrived on America’s shores.

Kudos to Dylan Ratigan for his efforts thus far, and we look forward to his reporting to explode this story into the major television news.

It’s time to take back the ill-gotten gains of the banksters, track down all of the gold and silver they have misappropriated, and return it to the vaults where they have stolen it from. Audit The FED. Shut them down. They are the enemy of the American people and sound money. Audit Fort Knox. Check the alleged gold bars (if there are any) to see if they are actually filled with Tungsten.

When you watch the Masters coverage today, notice that Barclays (The Rothschilds) and Exxon/Mobil (David Rockefeller) are among the few companies that can afford to sponsor these elite sportsman and this event.





Llegara el dia que estos banksters paguen por lo que hacen???lo que te comentaba de si en caso de probarse que wamu fue intervenida de manera torticiera y precipatada has encontrado si se contempla algo en la ley??este caso creara jurisprudencia ojala wamu sea el acicate para que a los de jpm les den lo que se merecen



Bueno, yo solo queria comentar una cosa. Vosotros creeis que van a ser capaces de "fastidiar" a un banco como JPM, en favor de otro como Wamu? Yo creo que no. Si fuera asi, ahora mismo meteria todos mis ahorros en Wamu, pero la verdad es que soy escéptico en cuanto a que vayan a sacar algo en limpio (con "limpio" me refiero a que cobren algo los de las acciones ordinarias, las preferentes cobren bien, etc...).