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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
1.063 / 3.346

Re: PRESION, CONFUSION, MIEDO, VENTA, y el volumen y precio

Ya falta poco... Segundos afuera... El momento de la verdad se aproxima... Aca estaremos...


Re: PRESION, CONFUSION, MIEDO, VENTA, y el volumen y precio

Buenas tardes.
He estado leyendo un poco por los foros de USA(Como he podido por mi nivel bajo de ingles) y por unos foros latinoamericanos y hay un desanimo general.
Desde que empece a escribir por aqui nunca habia visto tanto desanimo com este fin de semana, incluso en aquel fatidico viernes no estaba la gente tan desanimada.
A ver que ocurre este lunes y los que tenemos la caña puesta pescamos algo barato(lo de barato en un principio, porque como no haya cash para las preferentes sera carissiiiisssiiimo,je,je)
Me queda un 75% de liquidez y mañana veremos si realmente van a menear el arbol.


Re: PRESION, CONFUSION, MIEDO, VENTA, y el volumen y precio

No queda otra que promediar y seguir atentos!
Si pague por las ultimas 80 y 0,35, si en horas caemos... Cargare hasta el ultimo penique... GO WAMU!

Sino habra que escribir el libro y recuperar el Mercedes!!!



The Critical Showdown

Will be around the evaluation of wmi estate assets.

The POR came out as most of us expected. So stay calm. What's surprising is not what the debtor/jpm/(fdic?) presented, but what's not included in the POR, especially in the Disclosure Statement. As many posters pointed out repeatedly, the critical financial data (assets and valuation of wmi estate), or the balance sheet as someone succinctly put out, is missing. Simply put, they cannot convince the shareholders to give up their shares without showing a convincing, courtroom contested balance sheet. That's the stuff they want to hide, and that will be exactly the heart of the issue we shareholders are going to strike on. You bet, the EC/Venable/Soloman are working twice as hard on the evaluation issue as the days go on.

As Madhawn's thread "Requirements Of Disclosure" indicated (thanks to IHUB’s byrdog for the info.), before the POR is accepted or rejected, a detailed Disclosure Statement with adequate financial information should first be approved by the Court. The Court will hold the hearing on the issue (Disclosure Statement), so the EC/Venable/Soloman will have plenty of preparation and their chance to challenge/contest the asset evaluation by the debtor. It will be a critical showdown between us (shareholders/the EC/Venable/Soloman) and them (the debtor/jpm/fdic). The numbers don't lie. I expect the EC and its counsels will do a fine job of tearing apart the debtor's current nonsense plan and revealing the true worth/value of wmi estate.

It is also interesting to note fdic didn’t sign off the proposed POR yet. It’s possible that fdic is afraid that once it signs off the current plan, it in fact indirectly admits it seized a likely solvent bank with abundance of cash on hand. According to the plan, fdic will receive approximately $2 billion from the debtor’s tax refunds, add original sale’s receipt of $1.88 billion from jpm, unless it pumps in some dollars from its own funds, fdic has only $4 billion to pay wamu bank bondholders’ $13 billion bonds. It will certainly draw fire from wamu bondholders, as well as face relentless lawsuits from WMI shareholders for fraudulent transfer and illegal seizure of a solvent bank. The proposed POR is a gift to jpm and wmi creditors, unjust to shareholders, and ironically poisonous to fdic. The fdic may start to realize it has been played by jpm all along. I am not guessing what it will do next. The agency messed up.

At this stage, it’s getting clear who are our friends and who are our enemies. This is a war with multiple fronts: the SJ ruling, the shareholders meeting, the asset evaluation, and the continuing lawsuit charges against both jpm and fdic if the shareholders prevail at the shareholder meeting.

The real war just started.



Si esto se confirma las más de 500 páginas del POR se caen y Rosen ha perdido su oportunidad.
Ayer se decía que no se presentaba el POR y entró a última hora. Capáz que esto sea la explicación.



Buenas noches entonces crees que no se desplomara la accion mañana????el ec a que hora actuara,le dara tiempo a evitar la sangria???