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Fraude en chapter kodak

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Fraude en chapter kodak
Fraude en chapter kodak
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Re: Fraude en chapter kodak

Rochester Democrat and Chronicle

Kodak bankruptcy-related lawsuits streamlined
Bill Rochelle, Bloomberg News; 3:21 p.m. EDT April 4, 2014
The reorganization plan of Eastman Kodak Co., which became effective in September, created a trust to file lawsuits to generate cash for creditors.

To kick off the process, the creditors’ trust sent almost 1,000 demand letters in November telling former suppliers they would be sued unless they voluntarily gave back so-called preferences, payments received within 90 days of bankruptcy. The trustee followed with lawsuits in January.

Thursday, the trust had the bankruptcy court in Manhattan approve procedures to forestall filings that would otherwise deluge the bankruptcy court with papers in the preference suits.

Basically, the judge set up mediation procedures. So long as a mediation doesn’t conclude without a settlement, a preference defendant isn’t required to file an answer in a lawsuit.

The trust and the defendant will share the mediator’s costs. For suits with less than $25,000 at issue, the shared cost is $1,000. The price rises on a sliding scale until it reached $3,000 for alleged preferences over $500,000.

Kodak filed a petition for Chapter 11 reorganization in January 2012. Unsecured creditors with $1.6 billion to $2.2 billion in claims were projected in the disclosure statement describing the reorganization plan to recover 4 to 5 cents on the dollar.

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Re: Fraude en chapter kodak

miren este documento
resalto este parrafo
(B) (i) The court may extend the period determined under subparagraph (A),
prior to the expiration of the 120-day period, for 90 days on the motion of the
trustee or lessor for cause.


Re: Fraude en chapter kodak

cual fue la causa justificada quitarnos la empresa
miren fecha de ddecision de griopper 29 de agosto del 2013
y eldia 03 de septiembre nos cancelaron acciones
si vendian el parque con 150 edificios kodak salia del chapter 11
por que 150 edificios y 12,000 hectareas de un parque industrial super equipado valen mas
de los 375 millones que les deben a los acreedore sen pcesion y mas del 5% que les pagaron a los demas acreedores.
podrian valer 10 millones cada edificio por 150 serian 1500 millones y me quedo corto


Re: Fraude en chapter kodak
The Court recognizes that if Kodak’s current plan is confirmed, its shareholders will lose
their entire investment. However, its creditors, who include employees who may have lost their
jobs, retirees who worked for Kodak for their entire careers, and small suppliers who may have
been dependent on Kodak for their business, will also suffer great losses. These creditors did not
take an investment risk when they contracted with Kodak, and under the Bankruptcy Code they
are entitled to recover before the shareholders.
Based on the foregoing, there is no evidence that the Debtor or creditors are hiding value
or that an equity committee would be appropriate, much less “necessary” in Kodak’s case. The
testimony of the Shareholders’ two expert witnesses is stricken, and the Motion is denied.

Dated: August 15, 2013
New York, New York
/s/ Allan L


Re: Fraude en chapter kodak

no hay evidencia que se esconda valor dode estan el valor de patentes del parque que eviraron vender para alquilarlo 120 dias mas hasta despues del chapter 11 y ahoraponerlo a la venta
por faveor eso es fraude solo se busco beneficio de acreedores blackstone silver poin marx moses y otros
ello pudieron cobrar todo con la venta de las patentes pero paagron bonos que vencesn en el 2019
eso no perjudica a otros acreedores tabien


Re: Fraude en chapter kodak

For the foregoing reasons, the Shareholders’ motion to appoint an official committee of
equity security holders is denied. Kodak’s counsel shall settle an order on three days’ notice.

Dated: June 28, 2012
New York, New York
s/Allan L. Gropper


Re: Fraude en chapter kodak

veo que juez se baso en rechazar el pedido de comite de equidad en lo extensivo de la cdocumentacion para valorar los activos pero juez debio de proteger a todas las partes interesadas por que dejar de lado auna parte vuelvve unjusta toda decicion dekl juez


Re: Fraude en chapter kodak

el echo de no tamarnos en cuenta por la cantidad de informacion y tiempo demuestra parcializacion hacia una parte lo que puede volver nulo todo el proceso

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