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Chicharros USA - bolsa internacional

89,2K respuestas
Chicharros USA - bolsa internacional
175 suscriptores
Chicharros USA - bolsa internacional
1.234 / 11.203

Re: Chicharros USA - bolsa internacional

si, tenia buen volumen, al final a aguantado como una campeona jejeje. GEVO
Buena tarde!!!


Re: Chicharros USA - bolsa internacional

DNAI estaria bien volver a comprar aquí, pero el cementerio está lleno de valientes


Re: Chicharros USA - bolsa internacional

ACPW otro chicharrón. El viernes llegaron a un acuerdo para ser comprados, subió y bastante, para acabar muy por debajo y hoy sigue bajando. Se comenta que el acuerdo es bueno ¿porqué baja entonces?


Re: Chicharros USA - bolsa internacional


Pues me estoy intentando informar y no encuentro nada relevante. Yo tb ví la subida del viernes y flipé como bajó despues..
No sé, algo se nos escapa.


Re: Chicharros USA - bolsa internacional


Iba a decir órden de compra a 1.70, pero me parece que me lo voy a pensar, jejeje.

"Buf, se me está haciendo más largo que un dia sin bolsa"


Re: Chicharros USA - bolsa internacional


Para mi hay 2 puntos para una posible entrada.

1,57 y 0,98.


Re: Chicharros USA - bolsa internacional

ACPW de un usano

$ACPW ADDITIONAL DUE DILIGENCE / VALUATION LANGLEY BOUGHT ALL DEBTS/LIABILITIES ACTIVE POWER (Operations and Brand Name)/ The Purchase price of $1.00 is Symbolic in the matter that the Purchase Price was for all of the debts, liabilities, committements, employee obligations, vendor obligations etc. So Yes $1.00 means nothing. The Real Purchase Price was likely Between 15-20 Million as the liabilities on the books were probably around $8-10 Million Alone!

With that being said, this deal is fantastic for shareholders. We were able to shed a business that was losing money and all of the businesses debts/ liabilities and obligations tied to the operations of the business!

What we are left with is the actual shell of Active Power, which consists of roughly 23 Million Shares Outstanding and some Non-Core Intellectual property which also has value in the millions.

In my opinion, we also have ZERO DEFAULT RISK, once Langley Closes the Purchase agreement.

Where the true value is unlocked for shareholders is the NOL's.

Net Operating Losses are losses that can be used to offset, a profitable companies Gains. Which means a company generating profits, could acquire the shell and use the losses to offset gains. This will allow a company to re-invest all of the extra funds they would of paid to the government for taxes, improving their ROI- Return on Investment.

The new company would not need to pay taxes on about $280 or $285 Million in State Taxable Income and Approximately $250 Million on Federal Taxes PLUS an additional Research And Development Tax Loss in the neighborhood of $5 Million up to October 2016. These figures could be more, depending on how much more they book in losses up the date the transaction closes with Langley.

We have $280 Million X a Min Tax Rate of 3% in Taxable Income depending on the state that gives us an Conservative Estimate of about $8,400,000

We Have another $250 Million Or So in Federal Tax Losses with a Conservative Estimate at 15% Depending on the Tax Bracket of the organization which range from 15 - 39% of an approximate Value in the neighborhood of $40 Million!

Then We Have a RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT Tax Loss of $4 to $5 Million or so that can be applied to a companies bottom line giving us another $1+ Million Value.

Then we Have the Non Core Intellectual Property / Patents Etc with value in the Millions.

This is how I get to a $2+ Valuation.

Now if the company that acquires or Reverse Merges into $ACPW's shell is a solid company, you will have additional value on top of the $2+ that already exists.

I would say anything under 50 Cents is an absolute gift and I would recommend that anyone saying otherwise revisit the Valuation of NET OPERATING LOSSES to an acquirer.

IM LONG BIASES BASED ON MY RESEARCH AS the risk has ALMOST been Eliminated in any possible downside with the current terms and conditions of the recent transaction.

This company will be an easy target for an acquirer with stock already listed on the NASDAQ! It will save a company Millions of dollars alone in listing fees, based on my knowledge of the industry!

Reminds me of $MGT and a #McAffee Reverse merger into #MGT a HUGE GAINER for its Shareholders just as I had told people when it was 45 CENTS

Everything I state is my opinion and includes certain assumptions based on the information I have gathered while researching the current situation.


Re: Chicharros USA - bolsa internacional

De XGTI no se comenta nada??como que ha subido tanto??alguno la llevaba no?

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