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Farmas USA

136K respuestas
Farmas USA
86 suscriptores
Farmas USA
7.136 / 17.039

Re: Farmas USA

Son 180 acciones. No hagas ni caso.


Re: Farmas USA


Un movimiento de 180 acciones te parece relevante? No hay que hacer mucho caso a esos movimientos que se producen con tan poco volumen.


Re: Farmas USA

De un forero usano al que siempre leo con detenimiento. Sobre el Ebola. Lectura para entretenimiento. Copio y pego directamente:

” There is nothing to be concerned about.

This is not a simple study, and it will require some time to analyze all of the results from the Primate model.

All of the primates need to be euthanized, and tissue/cells needs to be examined. And since these tissue/cells may have Ebola, it needs to be done by specialized labs by trained scientists to handle this level of infectious diseases. Novavax can easily report how many primates died and on which days, but it cannot give a complete picture with immune response, how well the Ebola replicated, and all of the details.

I think if they want to get it published in a NEJM, for instance, they would want to have the whole data package and write a nice detailed report. So while the public may not get a nice PR to address their concerns, I think Novavax knows what they are doing. They will work behind the scenes to get the Phase I started if the results are good, and after they have discussed with regulatory bodies.

So don’t be all concerned over nothing. It’s just these tests take time. Relax.

By the way, there is also possibility that they don’t want to disclose all of the information just yet. Remember, this is a very close competition with various big pharma. The less the competition knows about the Novavax results, the better it is for Novavax to move ahead.

Remember when Novavax released the H7N9 data in NEJM, and Novartis scrambled to get their results published as well, even when they were behind Novavax. They tried to steal Novavax’s thunder, and that is the type of data release that is probably to be avoided as well. I think Novavax just needs to keep going, let the big pharma think they have the best vaccine. And when Novavax is really ready, then release all of the information when funding is about to be rewarded, and there is a RFP.

For now, I’m content just knowing that Novavax is a player in the Ebola game. Just be patient, when the opportune times comes, I think Novavax is going to surprise a lot of people with their data. They need to work with BARDA closely and WHO…then we’ll see who get the last laugh. “


Re: Farmas USA


Belviq aprobado en Corea del Sur.
3 kilos por conseguirlo.


Re: Farmas USA

Ostia, que buena !!
Thanks por la primicia !


Re: Farmas USA

tranquilo tanto ir el cántaro a la fuente se comprarán una moto, probar y probar esa es su máxima, algún día valdrá para algo aunque sea para broncear afroamericanos y blanquear asiáticos.


Re: Farmas USA

pues con esta noticia y como se ve el gráfico, otra onda de subida no es descartable, a ver el pre como despierta


Re: Farmas USA


Pues no tengo ni idea. Para mí el problema aquí siguen siendo los grupos varios de presión. El medicamento está aprobado y va a estar en el mercado, pero la etiqueta va a seguir siendo la misma que hasta ahora, así que seguiremos teniendo presión en contra y dependiendo exclusivamente del conocimiento de los médicos.

Más adelante veremos los datos de drogadicción que surgen con la nueva formulación, o no. Y mientras no se demuestre fehacientemente que la liberación lenta evita la adicción, pues seguiremos igual. Yo también me resisto a creer que estamos como la semana pasada, pero por lo pronto ese parece ser el sentimiento de mercado.

No sé hasta qué punto lo de la etiqueta es una formalidad o algo más complicado, pero por el artículo de The Street no debe de serlo, porque si no hubieran hecho más sangre:

"Zogenix expects to have that data available for review by the end of the year, president Stephen Farr said in a statement."

Esa frase me da esperanza.

«Después de nada, o después de todo/ supe que todo no era más que nada.»