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Farmas USA

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Farmas USA
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Farmas USA
6.831 / 17.003

Re: Farmas USA

Ruble gains after Russia’s interest rate hike
Dec 16 2014, 03:39 ET | By: Yoel Minkoff, SA News Editor Contact this editor with comments or a news tip
After hiking interest rates to 17% from 10.5% in an emergency midnight move, Russia's central bank seems to have halted the ruble's collapse for now.The currency fell more than 10% yesterday, its worst intraday drop against the dollar since the 1998 financial crisis. The ruble last traded at 63.48 rubles per dollar, compared to 65.50 before the announcement.Hammered by sliding oil prices, western sanctions and geopolitical tension over Ukraine, the currency has lost about 50% of its value against the dollar this year.Russia's central bank also increased the maximum volume of foreign currency it offers banks at repo auctions to $5B from $1.5B.RSX +3.5%, RUSL +11.3%, RUSS -11.2% After hoursETFs: RSXJ, ERUS, RBL


Re: Farmas USA

Pues yo me incluyo más en el segundo tipo que en el primero...jajajaja


Re: Farmas USA

Por cierto, ¿IBB en pre -1,57%??????



Re: Farmas USA


El Bastardo twittea directamente "RIP". Leo la noticia y resulta que, aunque la modulan diciendo que siguen tratando a los pacientes, no hay resultados significativos. Entro a corto si puedo.


Presenta formulario alegando incapacidad para presentar los resultados financieros anuales en el plazao establecido. Otro posible corto.

within the prescribed time period because the Company needs additional time to complete its accounting and related disclosures and internal control over financial reporting assessments related to errors discovered during the closing process. These errors are still being evaluated and relate primarily to the accounting treatment for (i) capitalization and amortization of dosimetry devices, (ii) revenue recognition, and (iii) income taxes..

The Company has not completed its testing and assessment of the effectiveness of its internal control over financial reporting due in part to identified control deficiencies related to these errors. Upon completion of the evaluation of these errors and of its assessment of the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting the Company may determine that there are additional material weaknesses in its internal control over financial reporting. The Company previously disclosed the following material weaknesses: (1) the Company did not design and maintain effective controls to ensure that revenue was recognized in accordance with contractually established terms and conditions; this material weakness was disclosed in the Company’s Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 2014; (2) the Company did not design effective controls over the preparation and review of the statement of cash flows; this material weakness was disclosed in the Company Form 10-K/A for the year ended September 30,2013.

«Después de nada, o después de todo/ supe que todo no era más que nada.»


Re: Farmas USA

Digo yo, este personaje, será bioquímico o médico, como mínimo, no?
Por qué si no, ¿qué autoridad tiene para opinar sobre farmas?

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