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Farmas USA

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Farmas USA
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Farmas USA
5.229 / 17.003

Re: Farmas USA


Re: Farmas USA

off topic

valores ibex recomendados y no si hay corrección de estrategias de inversión


Re: Farmas USA


Un post interesante, pero cayendo. Edito: y stock options para el nuevo director clínico contratado a 0,0899 para 2024. Ya falta menos :D Y eso debería mantener el precio a esos niveles digo yo. Ah, son 10 millones de acciones para su primer contrato.

Another biotech company I was invested in had a very similar 6-8 week news blackout period while they were in the process of raising funds with institutional investors, and apparantly the agreement was that no major news would be PR'd while the funding negotiations were in process. Something similar could be happening with ACTC which could be very positive for shareholders. Here's a possibility that would explain the recent silence from ACTC, including the lack of PRs for the recent conferences....

* ACTC is not permitted to PR during the window of time when they're negotiating the 1st equity raise, which Ted said was coming late 2013/early 2014. But, to get around that ...
* ACTC indicates that TLD is coming soon to help support and increase the pps (i.e. PR late last year by GR stating expectation of TLD by end of 2013... which may have been released before ACTC entered into formal funding negotiations, "imminent" comment from their PR firm that was leaked via the article in the Worchester Business Journal)
* Increasing pps enables ACTC to negotiate the 1st equity raise at a decent pps, much higher than the recent 2 year lows of .06

Sequence of events could then be....
1. PR 1st equity raise is complete at a decent pps, thereby stabilizing the company financially, and allowing ACTC to get away from toxic Lincoln funding. That PR by itself could be a huge catalyst if funding is done anywhere near current pps levels, as the financial storm clouds will be taken care of, and expectations of imminent iTLD will increase. We just saw Gern's pps increase after they announced funding at a discount to current pps levels.
2. Immediately afterwards (or at the same time) PR the iTLD. The iTLD PR could just be waiting on the 1st equity raise to be completed.

Personally, I'd like the above approach as IMO we'd get a pop out of the funding PR, and would have a higher base to move higher with the iTLD PR. This sequencing would also reduce the risk of a pullback after iTLD is released because the "bad news" of the financing/dilution would be taken care of first, giving investors less reasons to take profits.

Ted may be navigating through all of the above, so I'm going to cut him some slack. I have confidence that the ACTC management team will execute and have things sequenced in a way that makes sense for shareholders, even if events don't unfold as outlined above.

«Después de nada, o después de todo/ supe que todo no era más que nada.»


Re: Farmas USA

pues es fibo y coincide con un buen soporte y el martillo del 18 diciembre.

esta compradera.

hasta la linea verde del proreal pasa por esos 5,50 mañana.


Re: Farmas USA

no amrn no, como con algunas relaciones sentimentales mejor pasar pagina.
me quedo con las aezs y baxs, se están poniendo interesantes.

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