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Farmas USA

136K respuestas
Farmas USA
86 suscriptores
Farmas USA
4.738 / 17.039

Re: Farmas USA

Y isgue subiendo al rumor de las recomendaciones.
ARNA 5.60 +0.81 (16.88%)


Re: Farmas USA

yo estoy como tu, y confiaba en lo mismo que tu , doble posiciones y ahora me han doblado las rodillas!!!! que put....
en fin me olvidaré de estas esta 3 años , a ver si multiplican como las de urdangariiin y se convierten en un millon de pavos.... jjjaaa que dolor!


Re: Farmas USA

Siento de verás por lo que estábais en ZLCS, este mundo de las pharmas no respeta nada.

Yo si condigo salir vivo de ARNA y AMRN aprenderé una lección que no olvidaré jamás.


Re: Farmas USA

habeis visto esto?


VASCAZENTM is manufactured according to FDA (Food and Drug Administration) current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) and each capsule of VASCAZENTM provides 680 mg of EPA and 110 mg of DHA, for oral administration. The recommended 4 capsules/day dose delivers 3g of EPA and DHA, attaining levels that cannot be reasonably achieved through normal diet alone. A review of the scientific and medical literature identifies that there are medically determined nutrient requirements supporting the recommendation of consuming up to 3g of EPA and DHA per day in patients with cardiovascular issues*. It would be difficult to achieve this high level of EPA and DHA through mere modification of the “normal” diet. Exclusive consumption of fatty fish for breakfast, lunch and dinner, every day may sufficiently approach the level of 3g of EPA and DHA per day. However, the typical American diet consists of approximately 1/15th of these levels and increasing fish consumption 15-fold to reach the clinically beneficial EPA and DHA levels through diet modifications, would not be considered “normal”*, as required by the medical food definition. Our proprietary EPA/DHA formulation delivers the required EPA and DHA levels (3g/day), levels not achievable through diet modifications alone and act to elevate and sustain Omega-3 fatty acids in patients to levels associated with reduced risk for sudden cardiac death*. Long-term physician monitoring of blood Omega 3 levels to remain in the cardioprotective range outlined in clinical studies* is critical, ensuring effective dietary maintenance of the distinct, medically determined nutritional requirements of patients with cardiovascular disease and Omega-3 deficiency.


Re: Farmas USA

Mucho animo a todos.En unos dias, serán buenos momentos para analizar si este tipo de inversiones merece la pena.
Eso tendrá que averiguarlo cada cuál.
Mucha fuerza y deciros que existen mas de 3.000 valores en el mercado de todo tipo, y que algunas empresas hasta ganan dinero,no estan apalancadas a lo bestia,tienen fondos propios positivos, no fallan continuamente en sus presentaciones e incluso reparten dividendos!!! aqui no se acaba nada, en todo caso empieza a operar con valores de verdad y no con la verdad que nos hacen creer.
Un abrazo


Re: Farmas USA

Como viagra tb? :P
manda carallo!