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Farmas USA

136K respuestas
Farmas USA
86 suscriptores
Farmas USA
4.481 / 17.039

Re: Farmas USA

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Amarin Corporation PLC Pre-Market Trading
0.17 negative 2.67% Get AMRN Alerts


Re: Farmas USA

Que significa el termino "head fake" ?

$AMRN Head fake developing, positive Adcom with only one dissent looking at who the docs are on the panel.

$AMRN Been getting tons of questions. To clarify, my head fake comment meant panel will be positive, current trading levels will double...

Steven Rosenman


Re: Farmas USA

1. head fake
In market trading, a situation where a market appears to be moving in one direction but suddenly reverses.
The price of equities increase, and all indications prior to that are that it will increase, but shortly after reverses direction and lowers.

head fake, head-fake n slang (sth misleading) truco para despistar

(De la web


Re: Farmas USA

Para mi que head fake es un amago....pero será lo que esta haciendo AMRN??...baja ahora para luego subir??


Re: Farmas USA

Means that someone thought something was true and then found out it wasn't
BUT in financial markets is where the market appears to be moving in one direction but ends up moving in the opposite direction.
A q se refiere el tio a la cotización o a la compañía?!


Re: Farmas USA

RNN, ya la tenemos bajando un 7%....
Esta había subido desde los 0,4 hasta un máximo de 0,6 las sesiones anteriores....

Se podría aprovechar para entrarle.....
Investigan un producto de quimio, en forma de pastilla, no por vía intravenosa....


Re: Farmas USA

va a estar la cosa movidita hoy!.
Veremos que pasa,aqui yo veo mucha manipulacion y poco hecho contrastado...que ahora ya parece que todo va a ir mal,y hace 10 dias todo era cojonudo...
Nervios!,veremos que pasa!