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Farmas USA

136K respuestas
Farmas USA
86 suscriptores
Farmas USA
3.916 / 17.039

Re: Farmas USA

Para aguantar así, hay que tener mucha paciencia y mucha pasta, ya que con unas cuantas enganchadas, te quedas sin cash...

Un saludo y felicidades....

Pon un stop, sobretodo....


Re: Farmas USA

Se suele castigar a una farma cuando comienza a vender su producto y aun mas si lo hace en solitario.
A los 5 se hubiera ido tb ARNA si no fuera porque tiene a EISAI de partner.

De todos modos no importa lo bien o mal que venda AMRN.
Lo unico que importa es la aprobacion del NDA para ANCHOR de Diciembre.
Es tan grande eso que todo lo demas queda en segundo plano.
AMRN tiene un blockbuster MULTI-BILLONARIO unico en su especie.



Re: Farmas USA

Pues no te cuento las pilladas AMRN,CLSN,HZPN,DCTH,y ACHN Y SNTA me sali en el unltimo momento por no entrar en la loteria de los eventos.Gracias por el consejo,S2


Re: Farmas USA

Bullish a tope . Si esa linea de tendencia realmente existe, proxima semana minimo 5,37 como mucho, aunque no creo que bajemos de los 5,5 salvo soltada de megabloque de golpe como ocurrio el pasado dia 12.

En DIARIO ha respetado el fibo 5,56-5,57 en minimos al milimetro.
Y el volumen tan bajo de 829.000 títulos de hoy es el segundo mas bajo desde que sucedio el gap.
RSI intradia rebajado a 60 ...
No le doy mas alla del Lunes-Martes para ver a esta bestia subir.



Re: Farmas USA

Otro articulo de Quoth The Raven (saca articulos como churros!!)

habla del descenso de las ventas pero no tiene en cuenta que la semana del 4 de julio fue muy festiva

edito: y por ello rectifica ( me gusta este tio )

"You are all 100% right. It was a huge oversight on my part not to account for the holiday weekend and the likely close of offices on Friday. I have submitted requests to two SA editors (Eli Hoffmann and George Moriarity) to remove this article in it's entirety. I take accurate facts and analysis very seriously. My sincere apologies."


Re: Farmas USA

Un interesante post usano, sobre el tema del trial REDUCE-IT y el impacto del estudio JELIS.

"Looking at the jaw dropping JELIS sub-group results at the 18 month mark has some serious meaning for those involved in the Reduce-It trial at this exact point in time. The patients in Reduce-It have an average life expectancy of around 5 years. That means if you enrolled 1000 patients in the first 6 months you are going to have maybe 50 deaths in the first 18 months, which is now. If say 40 of those were on statin therapy only and 10 on V+statin, there might be a moral hazard, (not sure that's the right term but close enough), in continuing the trial because the FDA would be concealing pertinent quantitative viable life and death information from patients. The FDA would probably want to review the findings before making a final determination, but then they might end the trial before enough solid evidence on adverse non-fatal heart events could be established; thereby depriving AMRN of long term meaningful data to show doctors and their patients. The JELIS study on the other hand is one that goes out 5 years and conclusively shows the correlation between pure Rx quality EPA and reduction of adverse heart events. The FDA may have suggested to AMRN they could get the go ahead to use JELIS data in their marketing on August 1st pending approval, because the FDA knows they're shutting down Reduce-It shortly. Far fetched for sure, but all Vascepa does are great things. "