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Farmas USA

136K respuestas
Farmas USA
86 suscriptores
Farmas USA
3.734 / 17.039

Re: Farmas USA

pues una alegría general no nos vendría mal...

unas sonrisas veraniegas...


Re: Farmas USA

pues yo acabo de cerrar 50 a 7.93
tengo que tapar mas agujeros que Nacho Vidal

edito; evidentemente eran 500.Con 50 no tapaba ni la taza del wc.


Re: Farmas USA

AEGIS CAPITAL en relacion a la Fase 1 de hoy. Publica nota:

“Represents a key cornerstone of AMRN’s long term strategy to eke out a solid market position in the cardio space. We reiterate buy and $35 target.

Contrary to claims that the sole advantage of a fixed dose combo product would be convenience we would point out that combo agents are popular in the cardio space and that they are designed to provide additional long term benefit beyond that achievable with single agents alone.

FDA panel does not present cause for concern…both ANCHOR and REDUCE-IT are subject of SPA.

Also contrary to what some have stated, that there is no outcomes data in mixed dyslipidemia for V, there is substantial cardiac outcomes based evidence most notably from the JELIS trial conducted in Japan..

Various catalysts approaching.

We believe AMRN remains highly likely to receive NCE status for V.

AMRN also expects to complete enrollment in the REDUCE-IT cardiac outcomes study soon, we believe full enrollment could be reached early n 2014. Roughly 4,500 patients to date ."


Re: Farmas USA

Pues ha roto su mínimo anual...
Tampoco parece que se esté desencadenando una avalancha de ventas, pero ese link que has puesto sugiere que testeará el soporte de los 6U$D