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Farmas USA

136K respuestas
Farmas USA
86 suscriptores
Farmas USA
3.268 / 17.039

Re: Farmas USA

CYTR, gooooodddd!!!

sigue imparable...

algun sabio que pueda decir algo sobre esta farma. lleva un +50 en meses, y con posibilidades de seguir, el PO que le dan es de 8'5, y está en 3, que pensais?? (me gusta)


Re: Farmas USA

HZNP, al fin hoy quiere despegar, un +10 y con volumen.



Re: Farmas USA

CYTR, se ha desinflado... pero con volumen.. tomando aire??


Re: Farmas USA

Ni puto caso a las sandeces del bastardo de AF.
Lamentablemente muchos le leen.

Esto es de un post usano:

"Although IMS is reporting scripts data for Vascepa that is higher than Lovaza launch, it seems investors are not pleased. But, are they reading that data right? The answer is not at all. If you are assuming that AMRN only has the scripts reported by IMS, you are not paying attention to what is going on. Amarin has a free drug program going on that to my estimates is pulling 3X more patients in than IMS is reporting. Free scripts don't get reported. You will eventually see these come on board as paid prescriptions down the line, but to ignore the promotional strategy would be a mistake. It's likely scripts are over 4-5K / week already, but AMRN will not offer any PR..And they shouldn't. Why let a competitor know what's going on. "


Re: Farmas USA

Significa que el lanzamiento de Vascepa esta siendo incluso mejor que el de lovaza, y ademas tienen un programa promocional de medicinas gratis que en breve serán de pago y se sumaran a las recetas nuevas, ademas ims no contabiliza este programa gratuito?

Muchas gracias por la info.