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Farmas USA

136K respuestas
Farmas USA
86 suscriptores
Farmas USA
14.382 / 17.039

Re: Farmas USA

AMD viene subiendo medio dólar. Interesante para la compra de putt, un sistema difìcil de acertar plenamente, de hacerlo, puede generar mucha tela.
QQQ 0,63 positivo

Si te sientas en la mesa y no descubres al "primo" es que lo eres tú.


Re: Farmas USA

Más de b2K:

So what is cheap?

I will preface this with a risk warning. Sometimes cheap is cheap for a reason. These are a few very promising companies that I think are worth taking the risk on. They are super cheap and left for dead by the market.

SGMO - This company is super cheap. Mostly because a few clinical failures in MPS gene editing have left this company with no credibility anymore. Its going to take time for this company to win back the favor of the market. Right now those investors are in love with CRSP. Not that I am complaining since I am selling CRSP into that excitement. I think SGMO below $10 is a steal as it doesn't even fully price in the cell therapies of CAR-T, Stem cell editing and Gene therapy. All of these programs are heavily partnered, but they are strong programs and justify the valuation alone. Everything beyond that provides bonus if the science works out in CAR-T reg, Gene regulation, Tau, HIV and in-vivo gene editing.

ATRA - This company has been left for dead as the CEO is retiring, and their main program in EBV+PTLD has run into delays. Its hard finding patients for such an acute and rare disease. This has completely wrecked the stock. I think its a real steal if the new CEO turns out to be just as good or better then the old CEO. He certainly has the resume' for it.

DCPH - is the underdog in the pathways space as everyone loves BPMC better in GIST and SM. I get that since I do love BPMC better too. I just realize that DCPH has a lot more going for it then just that one program. This company has a new CEO for only a few months. He seems to be doing everything right since he got moving. He has done a few conferences, announced a new RAS drug, and now he announced a partner for China. All good things in my book. Its going to take successful data in some of their other programs before this one gets any love. 


Re: Farmas USA


Entre que estaba comiendo y arrancando el PC se me ha ido para comprar putts. He estado en posición y al final nada.

Siguiendo una ausencia de lógica aplastante he vendido una putt 31 para el viernes, no en el mejor momento,, si se mantiene así no vamos mal.

AMRN y HIIQ bajan un poco por lo que no se van de la cartera aún.

Sigo trabajando encarecidamente vendiendo calls de las de contado, STMP y YELP.

Si te sientas en la mesa y no descubres al "primo" es que lo eres tú.


Re: Farmas USA

Bueno pues ayer chungi-velas en los indices y hoy el crudo retomando la senda correctiva tras la subida en los inventarios publicados ... Propicio caldo de cultivo para ver mas rojo hoy y supongo que el oro subira … A ver como se da ...







Mirando de reojo desde la barrera, y este sera el cuarto dia consecutivo...


Re: Farmas USA

No se si se comento, no me suena haberlo visto (y fallo mio no haberlo compartido que ayer aqui fue festivo)

Hay reunion hoy (ayer preliminar) de la FDA sobre la crisis de opiodes. Asi que hay nerviosismo y se han querido asegurar su seguro jj.

Hoy veo adjudicacion de Teva. El pak de 12 concretamente. Se habia cobrado la prima menor asi que era el peor paquete obviamente (y ya me estrañaba que no hubiera sucedido antes).

Solo se que no se nada.