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Farmas USA

135K respuestas
Farmas USA
86 suscriptores
Farmas USA
13.734 / 17.001

Re: Farmas USA


Por lo que leo, tiene que ver con un determinado status con Medicare (“pass through”), que perdieron en su día, y ya saben que recuperarán pronto, pero como no la llevo tampoco he profundizado en el tema.


Re: Farmas USA


Busca en su AF y/o PR ahi debe estar la explicacion y en AT valora que ha hech +de 100% desde Abril hasta aca y en grafico diario /2018 una Tasa con Asa o HCH Invertidos  son figuras parecidas y de repercusion alcistas ,con un canal alcista de corto plazo a la derecha  que le ha hecho entrar en el tirangulo que a la vez ha formado con intenciones de romper su linea superior ,..a eso lo apoya que un 10% de osos se han retirado a su madriguera desde mayo hasta aca es decir del Q1/ER a Q2/ER, El semanal es casi una replica de g/diario

No tengo nietos todavia pero  me he esforzado por hacerte un dibujito wuapo para que lo pudieras ver mejor, je,je,je


Re: Farmas USA


Sigo pensando que es compra ,..con miras a medio largo plazo,   recalco LA MOLECULA NO ES TAN MALA y hay mas Trials en marcha que no se han parado, ahi estan   y ese es el corazon de ACAD que 3 meses  despues de Warning FDA seguia teniendo 97% de institUcionales y lo dicen los prescriptores tambien.. please ... vease NUPLAZID® (pimavanserin) Q2+ 87 % ventas, joee ..Eso es poco..? incluso y lo mejor... eso... 3 MESES DESPUES DEL  W FDA.. ya verais dentro de unos meses el sorpreson, PR/FDA ...recuerden hay una FIV en marcha que ya se ha dicho que no va mal pero ademas , detengase a valorar , son paciente ancianos en su mayoria pluripatolgicos y polimedicados , entonces no sera tan facil demostrar a que la culpa es de NUPLAZID® (pimavanserin) otra cosa es que el mercado solo ve numeros y si estos no se ajustan a la expectativas y hay lowering guidance,... latigazos , patadas y bofetones 



Re: Farmas USA

El EUR/USD amanece despenandose x debajo de 1.15 a 1,1443 ya va


Re: Farmas USA


Ahora surge la duda conforme se va acercando al precio que puse cuando estaba a más de 1,2.

Llegará, estaré comprando caro, mantengo la orden, la bajo???

Ha hecho 1,143 ya está en 1,146. Lo sigo esperando, de momento, en 1.139

Si te sientas en la mesa y no descubres al "primo" es que lo eres tú.


Re: Farmas USA


Bioinvest (ayer me leí los últimos números y seguían igual con respecto a ACAD buy under 32, pt 45. A ver el siguiente número):

MTSL (BioInvest) Breaking News: Sangamo (SGMO) - Q2 CALL BONANZA - Reiterate BUY

Breaking News - Sangamo (SGMO) - Q2 CALL BONANZA - Reiterate BUY (And Short CRSP, EDIT, NTLA)

First Hemophilia A SB-525 Results Ideal In The ALTA Study
MPSII Patient 6 Treated with SB-913 in the CHAMPIONS Study
First patient treated in the SB-318 Phase 1/2 EMPOWERS Study for MPS Enrolled the first patient in the Phase 1/2 Thales Study of ST-400 gene-edited cell therapy for beta-thalassemia
Presented further ZFN Safety via the Most Sensitive Assays 

SB-525 Achieves Therapeutic Levels of FVIII In A Safe, Dose Dependent Fashion - The Alta Phase I/II dose-ascending gene therapy trial uses the AAV6-based SB-525 construct. The trial was designed to enroll up to 20 patients who would be treated in 6 escalating dose cohorts. A total of 5 patients have been treated so far (2 in each Cohorts 1 and 2, and 1 in Cohort 3), with the 6th to be dosed soon upon screening completion. SGMO released preliminary top-line yesterday, which delivered what we believe is the ideal profile in hem A gene editing based upon the first patients treatea). These and even more mature data will be presented at ASH in December with partner Pfizer.

Safety - Very Safe So Far - So far SB-525 gene therapy was very well tolerated, with no treatment-related SAEs in any of the 5 patients, and none of the patients required tapering oral steroid treatment. After the recent immune response concerns released with competitor ONCE and their respective gene therapy, in our view this safety profile is even more critical albeit the early stage of development and few patients. Most important, there has been no immune responses seen. Safety is paramount, and increasing doses have also been safe.

Efficacy - Dose Dependent Factor VIII Levels - The 5th patient who has received the highest dose so far (Dose Cohort 3 and potentially up to 6) has achieved levels of Factor VIII expression above the therapeutic threshold, which SGMO defined as >12% (supported by epidemiological studies). Moreover, this patient was only treated in June, and as such these threshold levels were reached only recently and could continue to trend upwards. Observed early dose-dependent benefit indicated by decreased Factor VIII use in Cohort 2 is also comforting, though it is not clear whether such effects have been observed on expression levels too. On the call, SGMO noted that achieving consistent expression levels in the therapeutic window of >12% as well as factor utilization reductions of >90% would be a meaningful achievement for their gene therapy. Such levels have indeed been associated with improved clinical outcomes in Hemophilia A patients, Based upon the diminution seen in other hem A gene therapy (e.g., BMRN), some cushion of over-expression is likely needed to overcome any waning of effect which may very well occur over time.

6th Patient Treated In CHAMPION Trial/ERT Withdrawal Next - SGMO has treated the sixth patient in the Phase I/II trial of SB-913 gene editing study. As a follow-up to last week’s KOL/lead investigator call, on yesterday’s call the Company noted that following a review of all 6 patients with the SEMC (Safety/Efficay Monitoring Committee), SGMO and its investigators will then consider withdrawing ERT (enzyme replacement therapy) in the MPSII sub-jects with GAG stabilization expected to be established within weeks. This new comment increases our confidence in the data that is to be presented on Sep-tember 5 in Athens, although as noted only patients 1-4 will be reviewed at that time.

As a reminder, the abstract, "Novel treatment of MPS II (Hunter Syndrome) with SB-913 ZFN-mediated in vivo human genome editing: Update from a Phase 1/2 clinical trial," is scheduled for an oral presentation on during the Ly-sosomal Storage Disorders session beginning at 2:30PM local time (Eastern European Summer Time), which is 7:30AM EST/4:30AM PST.

MPS I and Beta-Thal Trials Treat Initial Patients As Well - Both gene editing trials just add further evidence of SGMO’s ZFN dominance in starting clinical trials (and the recent delays in both CRSP and since EDIT studies). We can go on and on, but for now the large hemophilia A market (with Pfizer) and first-in-man gene editing study (MPSII) are proof enough to begin the human evi-dence to deliver consistent and safe efficacious levels of a single gene thera-py/editing. This is both absolute and relative competitive advantages and clini-cal lead of the dominance of SMGO’s technology, fortified further by the re-cent (and relatively inexpensive) TXCell acquisition. Finally, SGMO CTO re-viewed a recent presentation showing the lack of off-target effects with the ZFNs (presented in Europe) that further separates Sangamo from the CRSPR crowd (remember our short recommendation on CRSP, EDIT and NTLA) - check out the Q2 Slides

Conclusion - SB-525 Is A Bonafide Hem A Competitor & SGMO Gene Ed-iting Is Another Clinical Leader - Before the call, Sangamo had not been in-cluded in Wall Street models for hemophilia gene therapy (mostly BMRN and ONCE were). Based upon the recent initial results, the first look of SB-525 constitutes what we now believe is the ideal gene therapy product. As the pre-clinical data predicted and is now beginning to be confirmed by de-risked hu-man data, SGMO’s candidate may be as or more effective as the other two at a lower dose.

More clinical catalysts are on the way to widen SGMO’s gene editing lead with SB-913 in MPSII at the SSEID (9/5 in Athens) and with SB-525 at ASH (12/1-4, San Diego).

SGMO is a BUY under 30 with a TARGET PRICE OF 40


Re: Farmas USA

Ja,ja,ja , 

Hay que innovar y romper moldes, Framus ja,ja,ja es que en bolsa todo es imaginacion y en ocasiones hasta supesrticion ....


Segundo viernes de agosto que vendrá marcado por la  comparecencia del presidente de Turquía, por primera vez en estos días de depreciación de su divisa. En el frente macroeconómico por la publicación del  IPC americano del mes de julio, para el que las expectativas apuntan que se mantenga en el 2,9%. En los últimos días hemos recibido otras referencias de precios en EE.UU., ayer mismo, el índice de precios de producción (ligeramente más débil de lo esperado, 3,3% a/a) o, el más seguido por la Fed, el deflactor del Consumo Personal que en junio se mantuvo en el 2,2%. Todos ellos, unidos al fuerte crecimiento del PIB preliminar del 2T18 (+4,1% t/t), son  consistentes con las expectativas de dos nuevas subidas de tipos por parte de la Fed este año (en sept. y dic. al 2,25%/2,50%). 
En el lado  empresarial sin grandes referencias en resultados para hoy, ni en EE.UU., ni en Europa. A pesar de ello, el tono de los ya anunciados está en el buen fondo de los mercados de renta variable (89,8% del SP500 publicado, con un 81% de sorpresas positivas, en un 6,1%). 
Por tanto, esperamos una  jornada con toma de beneficios y volúmenes a la baja  (lo que suele implicar horquillas de precios de compra/venta más amplias ) .


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