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Farmas USA

136K respuestas
Farmas USA
86 suscriptores
Farmas USA
12.835 / 17.041

Re: Farmas USA

Nadie sabe que pasará y a bombo y platillo nunca lo anuncian. Como poder ver los 25.000 si quieren.
A mi tu bull flag me parece un dragón chino ;)


Re: Farmas USA

La gente mira cosas sin tener mucha idea, ve datos de SAEs y a pesar de las advertencias, publica ciertas informaciones como si fueran ciertas (a saber con qué intenciones):

  1. Duplicate and incomplete reports are in the system: There are many instances of duplicative reports and some reports do not contain all the necessary information.
  2. Existence of a report does not establish causation: For any given report, there is no certainty that a suspected drug caused the reaction.  While consumers and healthcare professionals are encouraged to report adverse events, the reaction may have been related to the underlying disease being treated, or caused by some other drug being taken concurrently, or occurred for other reasons. The information in these reports reflects only the reporter's observations and opinions.
  3. Information in reports has not been verified: Submission of a report does not mean that the information included in it has been medically confirmed nor it is an admission from the reporter that the drug caused or contributed the event.
  4. Rates of occurrence cannot be established with reports: The information in these reports cannot be used to estimate the incidence (occurrence rates) of the reactions reported.

SRPT -7% ha llegado a estar por esto mismo.


Re: Farmas USA


Rebotillo por scripts, recojo bártulos a 2,78 Profits modestos a la saca y el lunes será otro día


Re: Farmas USA

fiesta fiesta!!!!!!!!!!!


Re: Farmas USA

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