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Farmas USA

136K respuestas
Farmas USA
86 suscriptores
Farmas USA
12.396 / 17.039

Re: Farmas USA

MM50 MENSUAL en 263 y estamos a 5 sesiones y lo que queda de esta para cerrar el mes.

Un cierre por debajo de esa cota es para cerrar el chiringuito.


edito: HZNP he pecado en 16,35 ... a ver como sale la broma intradia ... 

edito: y me he arrepentido a 16,40, fuera. Que no, sector con el MACD en rojo, HZNP con el MACD en rojo, mejor no hacer el chorra


Re: Farmas USA

Trump's Activism on Drug Pricing May Help Biotechnology

This is kind of a hard statement to believe in, and may even appear counter-intuitive.
But perhaps, Trump can be that catalyst which spurs M&A activity in Biotechnology and provides a support to valuations.

We suspect that Trump's tweets and a monthly dose of diatribe on the pharmaceutical industry can exert sufficient public pressure to begin pushing the large pharmaceuticals to shift more towards innovation, and away from relying significantly on price increases. This shift, we strongly believe, can spur the pharmaceuticals to accelerate their M&A activity, which despite much hope was fairly dormant last year. There are programs at Biotechs that have advanced over 2016 without much reflection in the valuations. In addition, the Biotechnology sector as a whole corrected over 21%, as represented by Biotech ETF (NASDAQ:IBB), in 2016, thus becoming more attractive for acquisitions. This contrasts with a relatively much better performance of the broader healthcare sector, represented by healthcare ETF (NYSEARCA:XLV), which declined only -4% last year.
So in addition to all the other reasons that are guiding towards a more active M&A season in 2017, as pointed in Biotech Bonanza - 5 Reasons For Biotech Stocks To Shine, we now have another reason:

Mr. Trump himself. Can Trump be the catalyst that spurs M&A in an already favorable environment for consolidation? We believe so.


Re: Farmas USA

DVAX fiel a mi sistema dentro con 1k a 3, sin pocas dudas....pero el sistema es el sistema ....GILD pensando y sin prisa...🤔


Re: Farmas USA

dice que GILD "has no net debt"... hmmm
quizá no le entienda bien, pero en las slides de la propia compañia tras resultados de septiembre'16 se dice: Total debt, net: 27.07 (USD billions)


Re: Farmas USA

Framus, parece que el ambiente esta ma propicio para entrar en cortos que a largo, no se espera un rebote a corto plazo, mientras exista la incertidumbre sobre las decisiones del gabinete de Trump y su repercusión inmediata sobre el sector y mientras sea así ira saliendo capital del sector para irse al sector financiero o de la construcción que prometen mas con Trump.. Bueno eso opino yo,


Re: Farmas USA

• The big boys in fund management, Fidelity, Gamco, Thornburg and others, are betting against President Trump rewriting the Affordable Care Act (ACA), known as Obamacare. They believe he may "nibble around the edges" but the broad outlines will remain intact. As such, they have been buying hospitals, health insurers and biotechs that have oversold due to the political uncertainty.
• Repealing Obamacare will require at least 60 votes in the Senate, a number that will require some support from Democrats, an unlikely scenario.
• Representative Tom Price, the health secretary nominee, said in a recent hearing that the administration will initially focus on individual health plans sold on exchanges as well as Medicaid but is not interested in "pulling the rug out on anybody."
• Biotech could get a boost if Congress passes legislation cutting taxes on repatriated earnings. The extra cash could goose a new wave of M&A activity.


Re: Farmas USA

Los índices directores de caer, lo tenían que haber hecho ya.
Tienen toda la pinta de superar máximos.
Si es así, el IBB no debería desplomarse.
El punto que comentas parece sólido si se da la situación que propongo.
Acabo de cerrar los cortos EUN2 Eurostoxx.



Si te sientas en la mesa y no descubres al "primo" es que lo eres tú.


Re: Farmas USA

no se si te refieres a indices directores por SP500, Nasdaq , etc ... o al IBB/XBI.

Creo que a lo primero, de ser asi, lo que haga USA en ese aspecto lo considero como algo que va a una bola diferente a la del sector. USA puede ir para arriba y las bios hundirse en la miseria. Vamos, creo yo ...

edito: mientras no bajemos de 240 o no superemos los 300 ... yo sigo con pies de plomo por aqui ...