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Farmas USA

136K respuestas
Farmas USA
86 suscriptores
Farmas USA
11.653 / 17.039

Re: Farmas USA

Porque creen en lo que estan haciendo, de otro modo nunca hubieran empezado. Y porque el mercado del RSV es enorme!! O acaso solo hay UNA vacuna para la gripe?

Ademas considero que seria muy poco coherente detener unos ensayos en marcha porque otros que ya sabias lo que estan haciendo ... Siguen haciendolo, y seguro que esperan que NVAX se la pegue, por supuesto.

A mi me encanta que rebusques a ultima hora entre los cajones, si encuentras algo que huela realmente mal sera bueno saberlo.



Re: Farmas USA

La cuestión de TGTX y lo que ha acentuado el selloff, son las news de Junio de INFI. No cabe duda que escepticismo ha crecido desde entonces.


Re: Farmas USA


Salvo que el IBB se gire y continuemos para bingo , los 300 y mas alla ... esto es lo que ven todos los osos que dibujan rayas y leen graficos.

Este Q4 promete ser intenso ..


Personalmente salvo la entrada de NVAX, no pienso comprometerme con ninguna farma hasta que esto no se aclare.

En lo que se refiere al cortisimo plazo, como comentaba ayer, ojala superemos la MM200 y tambien los 283,5 ... seria buena señal para pensar en un rebote mas alla del gato muerto de marras. 



Re: Farmas USA

Que viene el coco!

Clinton campaign to propose consumer response team to monitor drug price hikes

Hillary Clinton on Friday released a new plan to combat soaring drug prices, following the latest public outcry over Mylan's nearly 400 percent increase in recent years of the cost of EpiPens.

The Democratic presidential nominee said there have been too many price hikes for long-standing drugs.

The Clinton plan would create a consumer response team to monitor drug price hikes and imposing penalties for unjustified price increases to hold drug companies accountable and fund expanded access.

Se adelantó framus! Punto para él!


Re: Farmas USA

If this group of federal officials decides that an increase is excessive, it could take a number of enforcement actions, including making emergency purchases of an alternate version of the drug, allowing emergency imports of a similar product from other developed countries, and imposing penalties on the companies, such as fines.

y de otra página
The team, according to Clinton's plan, will "monitor price increases" and have the authority to intervene in the drug market by "supporting alternative manufacturers that enter the market and increase competition, to bring down prices and spur innovation in new treatments.
The group, which will be made up of federal public health officials, patient advocates and independent experts, will also be able to approve importation of similar drugs from "developed countries with strong safety standards" and penalize drug companies who hike prices.