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Farmas USA

136K respuestas
Farmas USA
86 suscriptores
Farmas USA
11.184 / 17.041

Re: Farmas USA

Lo leí hace unos meses pero no tengo el link, si luego puedo lo busco, de todas formas con los datos que he dado, no debe de ser difícil encontrarlo.


Re: Farmas USA

Framus, el gap que comentabas ayer noche, lo ha cerrado?
No lo aprecio bien en el móvil


Re: Farmas USA

Lo he mirado por curiosidad, esto es todo lo que encuentro:

Esto tras un +278% en el año:
"Pharmasset: Pharmasset has had some clear victories this year, but the company has never turned a profit -- in fact, its losses have only gotten larger over the years. Though that's not unusual for a development-stage biotech company, investors -- particularly those who don't know the science well or don't have the time to fully grasp the risks -- should be cautious with biotech stocks."

El bastardo nominando a John Martin (Gilead) como peor CEO del año. Según él, la adquisición de Pharmasset era un Hail Mary. Para el que no siga la NFL, un Hail Mary es una jugada desesperada y con muy poca probabilidad de convertir cuando no queda apenas tiempo y vas por debajo en el marcador. Se lanza el balón a la endzone para que "pase lo que Dios quiera" pero esperando que "se aparezca la Virgen".

PD: 10 top Hail Mary:


Re: Farmas USA

-5% por un informe que dice que:

Gene-Drive Modified Organisms Are Not Ready to Be Released Into Environment; New Report Calls for More Research and Robust Assessment.

The report finds that the current regulatory practices for assessing risks or potential environmental effects of field experiments or planned releases are inadequate for gene drives. At present, the regulation of gene drive research does not fit within the purview of any of the U.S. agencies involved in the Coordinated Framework for the Regulation of Biotechnology, which includes the Food and Drug Administration, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Gene drive research also raises regulatory concerns about biosafety, biosecurity, and the potential for this technology intended for human benefit to be intentionally misused for harmful purposes.


Re: Farmas USA

pero todo eso ya se sabe nada nuevo, no?