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Kodak - Chapter 11: Quiebra

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Kodak - Chapter 11: Quiebra
Kodak - Chapter 11: Quiebra
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Re: Kodak - Chapter 11: Quiebra

Acabo de buscar la info por encima en el plan de la página de Kodak y los datos son los que os pongo: emisión de 40 millones de acciones ordinarias. Si mis números de tonta son correctos, eso es un 14% de corrección (actualmente hay 272 millones de acciones). La bajada será acojonante, pero no os dejéis intimidar, que no es para tanto y la desinformación está orquestada. Yo aprovecharé para comprar. :D

Voy de culo con los diversos informes trimestrales, pero intentaré leerme el plan completo en algún momento, aunque es demasiado técnico para que pueda entenderlo bien.

On the Effective Date, Reorganized Kodak shall issue or reserve for issuance 40
million shares of New Common Stock to Holders of Class 3 Claims.

With respect to the portion of such Allowed Second Lien Notes Claim representing the Outstanding Principal Amount, a number of shares of New Common Stock equal
to the Outstanding Principal Amount multiplied by 0.09066667.

The Plan allocates 85% of the New Common Stock to Class 3 (subject to dilution for the New Equity Plan and potential dilution if the Retiree Committee Conversion Right is exercised), assuming 100% of the Outstanding Principal Amount of the Second Lien Notes Claims is A llowed. Currently, the Debtor s take no position on the
Committee’s Lien Challenge. The Plan currently reserves the Creditors’ Committee’s ability to request theCourt, if the Committee’s Lien Challenge is resolved in
favor of the Creditors’ Committee, to grant appropriate relief, including potentially recharacterizing any post-petition interest paid to the Holders of Allowed Second
Lien Notes Claims and any fees and expenses paid to their advisors as payments of principal on the Second Lien Notes. In that event, the Creditors' Committee may seek to have additional shares of New Common Stock issued to the Holders (as of the Distributions Record Date) of Allowed Claims in Class 4 and Class 6. For the
avoidance of doubt, the Debtors retain the right to settle the Committee’s Lien Challenge under the Plan or otherwise.

375,000,000 * 0.09066667 = 34,000,000 shares.

«Después de nada, o después de todo/ supe que todo no era más que nada.»


Re: Kodak - Chapter 11: Quiebra


Esta es la noticia original no dice que nos dejan en o










Eastman Kodak Company today filed its Plan of Reorganization and Disclosure Statement with the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York.

The Plan of Reorganization and Disclosure Statement contain a detailed description of Kodak’s post emergence business plan which maintains and extends Kodak’s leadership position in the Commercial Imaging Industry. Kodak will help define the future development of that industry through its high-quality, cost-effective products and services, leveraging its unique combination of technological and market strengths and competitive differentiators. The Disclosure Statement also includes a historical profile of the company, a description of the proposal of distributions to the company’s creditors, and financial forecasts.

The documents also describe the comprehensive settlement reached with Kodak’s largest creditor, the U.K. Kodak Pension Plan, which includes the spin-off of Kodak’s Personalized Imaging and Document Imaging and settles $2.8 billion in claims. That transaction was announced yesterday.

The company expects the court to schedule a hearing in mid-June to determine the adequacy of the disclosures contained in the documents to provide creditors the ability to evaluate the company’s Plan of Reorganization. The company will then schedule a vote on the plan by creditors. In the interim, Kodak will work with its creditors’ committees to obtain their support of the plan and may, from time to time, file amendments and supplements to the documents. The company expects to emerge from Chapter 11 restructuring in the third quarter.

“The filing of the Plan of Reorganization and Disclosure Statement represents a major milestone in our reorganization: this initiates our emergence process,” said Antonio M. Perez, Kodak’s Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. “We now have a clear path forward for Kodak, and we are positioning the company for a profitable and sustainable future.

“This process is clear evidence of the outstanding dedication and innovative spirit of the people of Kodak in serving customers worldwide and in supporting the company’s transformation to a commercially-based business. Through the actions we have taken, Kodak has successfully fulfilled the four primary objectives for its Chapter 11 filing – bolstering liquidity, monetizing non-strategic intellectual property, fairly resolving legacy liabilities, and focusing on our most valuable business lines.”

Please see Notes to Editors below for a summary of the description of Kodak Commercial Imaging from the Disclosure Statement.

Kodak’s Plan of Reorganization and Disclosure Statement are at The Disclosure Statement is subject to approval by the Court, and the Plan is subject to confirmation by the Court. This press release is not intended as a solicitation for a vote on the Plan within the meaning of section 1125 of the Bankruptcy Code.


Kodak is a trusted leader in conventional and digital technologies that serve the $720 billion commercial, packaging and functional printing market. Kodak is focused on meeting customer needs and leading the Commercial Imaging industry, in which Kodak has a compelling and unique combination of advantages. These include:
• Strong technology: Kodak’s innovative technologies enable the company to provide its customers with qualitatively different advanced solutions and to shape the development of commercial printing markets in the future.
• Strong market mix: Kodak operates in a highly advantageous mix of large, established and steady markets, which continue their digital transition, as well as early-stage markets with excellent prospects for dynamic growth.
• Strong position: Kodak is a recognized leader in these markets, with cash-generative businesses in the large markets and excellent positioning to achieve volume and profitability gains in the growth markets.

The company’s Commercial Imaging portfolio meets two distinct needs for its customers:
• Transforming large printing markets with digital offset, digital print and hybrid solutions; and
• Developing new solutions for high-growth markets.

Its innovative technologies are encompassed in two business segments:
•Graphics, Entertainment and Commercial Films (GECF) includes Computer-to-Plate output devices that currently image more than 30% of offset printing plates used worldwide; digital plates like the innovative KODAK SONORA Process Free Plate which, as it is durable and does not require processing, improves cost savings, efficiency, and sustainability practices. GECF also provides front-end controllers for digital presses, and workflow and other software solutions for commercial printers. The unit also includes Kodak’s leading films and services for the motion picture and entertainment industry; aerial and industrial films; and inks, chemicals and components.
•Digital Printing and Enterprise (DP&E) includes continuous inkjet technologies like KODAK PROSPER Presses and Systems that deliver offset-class digital printing at very high speeds; electrophotographic technologies for short-run, personalized print applications; Kodak’s industry-recognized FLEXCEL Solutions for use in flexographic package printing; and a variety of business services, including content, document, brand, and security management. DP&E also includes technologies for functional printing which will initially be used for touch panel sensors, and will expand to manufacturing of other materials including transistors, fuel cells and display screens.


This document includes “forward-looking statements” as that term is defined under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements include statements concerning the Company’s plans, objectives, goals, strategies, future events, future revenue or performance, capital expenditures, liquidity, financing needs, business trends, and other information that is not historical information. When used in this document, the words “estimates,” “expects,” “anticipates,” “projects,” “plans,” “intends,” “believes,” “predicts,” “forecasts,” or future or conditional verbs, such as “will,” “should,” “could,” or “may,” and variations of such words or similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. All forward-looking statements, including, without limitation, management’s examination of historical operating trends and data are based upon the Company’s expectations and various assumptions. Future events or results may differ from those anticipated or expressed in these forward-looking statements. Important factors that could cause actual events or results to differ materially from these forward-looking statements include, among others, the risks and uncertainties described in more detail in the Company’s most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2012, under the headings “Business,” “Risk Factors,” and “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations–Liquidity and Capital Resources,” and those described in filings made by the Company with the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York and in other filings the Company makes with the SEC from time to time, as well as the following: the Company’s ability to successfully emerge from Chapter 11 as a profitable sustainable company; the ability of the Company and its subsidiaries to develop, secure approval of and consummate one or more plans of reorganization with respect to the Chapter 11 cases; the Company’s ability to improve its operating structure, financial results and profitability; the ability of the Company to achieve cash forecasts, financial projections, and projected growth; our ability to raise sufficient proceeds from the sale of businesses and non-core assets; the businesses the Company expects to emerge from Chapter 11; the ability of the company to discontinue certain businesses or operations; the ability of the Company to continue as a going concern; the Company’s ability to comply with the Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization (EBITDA) covenants in its debtor-in-possession credit agreements; our ability to obtain additional financing; the potential adverse effects of the Chapter 11 proceedings on the Company’s liquidity, results of operations, brand or business prospects; the outcome of our intellectual property patent litigation matters; the Company’s ability to generate or raise cash and maintain a cash balance sufficient to comply with the minimum liquidity covenants in its debtor-in-possession credit agreements and to fund continued investments, capital needs, restructuring payments and service its debt; our ability to fairly resolve legacy liabilities; the resolution of claims against the Company; the Company’s ability to retain key executives, managers and employees; the Company’s ability to maintain product reliability and quality and growth in relevant markets; our ability to effectively anticipate technology trends and develop and market new products, solutions and technologies; and the impact of the global economic environment on the Company. There may be other factors that may cause the Company’s actual results to differ materially from the forward-looking statements. All forward-looking statements attributable to the Company or persons acting on its behalf apply only as of the date of this document, and are expressly qualified in their entirety by the cautionary statements included in this report. The Company undertakes no obligation to update or revise forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances that arise after the date made or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events.

Media :
Christopher Veronda, +1 585-724-2622
[email protected] .


Re: Kodak - Chapter 11: Quiebra


Este documento contiene "declaraciones prospectivas" tal como el término se define en la Ley de Reforma de Litigios sobre Valores Privados de 1995. Las declaraciones prospectivas incluyen declaraciones sobre los planes de la compañía, objetivos, metas, estrategias, eventos futuros, futuros ingresos o rendimiento, gastos de capital, la liquidez, las necesidades de financiación, las tendencias comerciales, y otra información que no sea información histórica. Cuando se usa en este documento, los términos "estima", "espera", "anticipa", "proyecta", "planea", "pretende", "cree", "predice", "previsiones", o verbos futuros o condicionales, tales como "podrá", "debería", "podría", o "puede", y variaciones de dichas palabras y expresiones similares tienen la intención de identificar declaraciones prospectivas. Todas las declaraciones a futuro, incluyendo, sin limitación, el examen de la gestión de las tendencias y datos históricos de funcionamiento se basan en las expectativas de la Compañía y varias suposiciones. Los eventos futuros o resultados pueden diferir de los anticipados o expresados ​​en estas declaraciones prospectivas. Los factores importantes que podrían causar que los eventos o resultados reales difieran materialmente de las declaraciones prospectivas incluyen, entre otros, los riesgos e incertidumbres que se describen con más detalle en el último Informe Anual de la Compañía en el Formulario 10-K para el año finalizado el 31 de diciembre de 2012, en los epígrafes "Empresas", "Factores de Riesgo" y "Discusión de la Gestión y Análisis de la Condición Financiera y Resultados de las Operaciones-Liquidez y Recursos de Capital", y que se describen en documentos presentados por la Compañía ante el Tribunal de Quiebras de EE.UU. para el Distrito Sur de Nueva York y en otros documentos presentados por la empresa hace a la SEC de vez en cuando, así como las siguientes: capacidad de la empresa para salir con éxito del Capítulo 11 como una empresa rentable y sostenible, la capacidad de la Compañía y sus filiales a desarrollar, obtener la aprobación de y consumar uno o más planes de reorganización con respecto a los casos del Capítulo 11, la capacidad de la empresa para mejorar su estructura de funcionamiento, los resultados financieros y la rentabilidad, la capacidad de la compañía para alcanzar las previsiones de tesorería, proyecciones financieras, y se proyectan crecimiento, nuestra capacidad de obtener ingresos suficientes procedentes de la venta de empresas y activos no estratégicos, las empresas que la compañía espera salir del Capítulo 11, la capacidad de la empresa de suspender ciertos negocios u operaciones, la capacidad de la Compañía para continuar como una empresa en marcha, la capacidad de la empresa para cumplir con las Ganancias antes de pactos de intereses, impuestos, depreciación y amortización (EBITDA) en los contratos de crédito de deudor en posesión, nuestra capacidad de obtener financiamiento adicional, los posibles efectos adversos de las Capítulo 11 en la liquidez de la Compañía, los resultados de las operaciones, de la marca o negocio perspectivas, los resultados de nuestra propiedad patentes litigios intelectual, la capacidad de la empresa para generar o recaudar dinero y mantener un saldo en efectivo suficiente para cumplir con los compromisos mínimos de liquidez en su deudor en acuerdos de posesión de crédito y para financiar las inversiones continuas, las necesidades de capital, pagos de reestructuración y el servicio de su deuda, nuestra capacidad para resolver bastante pasivos heredados, la resolución de las reclamaciones contra la empresa, la capacidad de la Compañía para retener ejecutivos clave, gerentes y empleados, de la Compañía capacidad de mantener la fiabilidad y calidad del producto y el crecimiento en los mercados de referencia, nuestra capacidad para anticipar eficazmente las tendencias tecnológicas y desarrollar y comercializar nuevos productos, soluciones y tecnologías, y el impacto del entorno económico mundial sobre la Sociedad. Puede haber otros factores que pueden causar que los resultados reales de la Compañía difieran materialmente de las declaraciones prospectivas. Todas las declaraciones a futuro atribuibles a la Sociedad o personas que actúen en su nombre, sólo se aplican a partir de la fecha del presente documento, y quedan sujetas, expresamente en su totalidad por las declaraciones cautelares incluidas en este informe. La Compañía no asume obligación alguna de actualizar o revisar las declaraciones prospectivas para reflejar eventos o circunstancias que surjan después de la fecha o para reflejar la ocurrencia de eventos no anticipados.


Re: Kodak - Chapter 11: Quiebra

recuerdan el movimiento de ayer de kodak abrio con una buenisima subida llegandoa 0.48 pero al medio dia empeso la bajada orquestada ahora a que horas fue la reunion con el juez de banca rota eso me indica que la bajada empeso antes.
mi hipotesis es que los manipuladores empesarona tradear y por el temos de quedarse fuera y no agarrar lo suficiente mandaron el rumor como veran el informe que sale de kodak no dice dejarnos en 0
ese panico brutal bajara y veremos fuertes volumennes de compra y despues disparar.
por que pienso que lo hasen asi por que ya les queda muy poco tiempo para la salida y ya no podrian coger y acumular


Re: Kodak - Chapter 11: Quiebra

¿Cómo vais a actuar, mantenéis acciones o vendéis y hacéis recompra más adelante?


Re: Kodak - Chapter 11: Quiebra

yo mantengo


Re: Kodak - Chapter 11: Quiebra

miren en otc hay un comprador 7.35 am en 0.35


Re: Kodak - Chapter 11: Quiebra

Acumulación acumulación acumulación

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