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Rober.3.0 28/06/20 16:10
Ha respondido al tema Cobas AM: Nueva Gestora de Francisco García Paramés
Supongo que la caida del 40% de Exmar al paralizar YPF el contrato del FLNG Tango de Exmar tiene que ver mas con la deuda que han asumido sobre este barco.¿Puede esto llevar a Exmar a la quiebra?, malos tiempos para intentarlo colocar rapidamente, quizas si se dan las necesidades para que el gas se dispare a final de año. Otra mas para apostar por la subida del gas que esperamos.TANGO FLNG facility - USD 161.9 million (2018: USD 177.4 million) End of June 2017, EXPORT Lng Limited (a 100% subsidiary of EXMAR NV) has signed a financing agreement of USD 200 million with the Bank of China (Boc), Deutsche Bank and Sinosure for the financing of the TANGO FLNG. This loan has been drawn on 27 July 2017 at the time of the delivery of the CARIBBEAN FLNG, renamed TANGO FLNG. The agreement with BoC provides a repayment period of 12 years and the loan bears interest at a rate of six-month LIBOR plus 3%. The yearly estimated debt service amounts to USD 25 million. All obligations of the borrower are guaranteed by EXMAR NV (“guarantor”). There is a requirement for EXPORT to deposit an amount equal to 30 months principal plus interest, i.e. an amount of USD 67.3 million, on an escrow account as long that no long-term employment is in place. Further to the successful performance acceptance tests of the TANGO FLNG on 5 June 2019, EXMAR met all conditions for the partial release (USD 40 million in a first phase) of the debt service reserve account (amounting in total USD 67.3 million) in respect of the USD 200 million loan with Bank of China and Deutsche Bank. This release was subject to the approval of SINOSURE, the latter took more time than expected. On February 26, 2020 Bank of China finally released the amount of USD 40 million from the debt service reserve account. The amount of USD 40 million has been partially allocated to the repayment of the bridge loans and to cover EXMAR’s capital commitments. Covenants, ¿posible ampliacion de capital? :
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Rober.3.0 26/06/20 17:00
Ha respondido al tema Cobas AM: Nueva Gestora de Francisco García Paramés
Vaya palo, otra posicion importante del fondo. Ahora cae casi un 41%, seria para estudiarla muy a fondo, porque a este precio puede llegar a ser interesante (sobre todo si antes lo era). Era un barco con poco mas de 6 meses en el proyecto y con una prevision de 10 años, me parece mucha caida.
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Rober.3.0 24/06/20 16:21
Ha respondido al tema Cobas AM: Nueva Gestora de Francisco García Paramés
Pagar lo pagamos todos solamente con el miedo a los rebrotes y a tener la economia bloqueada durante tanto tiempo, ni idea de cuando volveremos a la normalidad real, no la nueva normalidad que es lo que tenia que haber sido durante la etapa de confinamiento. Como consigan la inmunidad de grupo van a salir adelante mucho antes que los que hemos bloqueado la economia.Ahora mismo no es facil la decision, pero el proximo año igual nos damos cuenta que no era una opción tan mala y digo esto, porque parece que los rebrotes no paran de surgir, y cada vez parece mas que los meses de confinamiento han podido ser tiempo perdido (Esperemos que realmente haya valido la pena). En estos momentos no es tan letal como parecia ser al principio de la pandemia. Para mi el canario en la mina es Brasil, y lo que suceda los proximos 2 o 3 meses. Ayer tuvieron unos 1400 muertos en 24h y mas de 40.000 nuevos infectados (En españa con unos 8000 nuevos infectados teniamos mortalidad de 800, un porcentaje mucho mayor)
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Rober.3.0 23/06/20 20:17
Ha respondido al tema Cobas AM: Nueva Gestora de Francisco García Paramés
Buscando algun motivo para la caida de TGP hoy, solo veo esto que afecta a la competencia y no se si puede ser relevante o no. company said in its statement that it has agreed with CCB Financial Leasing (CCBFL) to make certain temporary amendments to financial covenants in the sale/leaseback facilities for the WilForce and the WilPride.The required minimum consolidated cash and cash equivalents financial covenant of $10.0 million has been reduced to $2.0 millio.nAdditionally, the required consolidated positive working capital financial covenant has been waived, both effective for a six-month period from July 1, 2020, to December 31, 2020.The amendments to covenants are a precautionary measure as a result of the current weak market conditions in LNG transportation as a consequence of Covid-19 leading to a temporary reduction in demand for energy.Market analysts expect an improvement of the LNG shipping market in the second half of 2020 as the world reopens from lockdowns and economies recover.
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Rober.3.0 25/05/20 21:22
Ha respondido al tema Cobas AM: Nueva Gestora de Francisco García Paramés
Nuevo comunicado de Aryzta: Schlieren/Switzerland, 25 May 2020 - EGM Request Further to its announcement of the receipt of a request from COBAS SELECCIÓN, FI and COBAS INTERNATIONAL, FI and VERAISON SICAV to convene an EGM of the Company, ARYZTA confirms that the Board has carefully considered the request and commissioned its governance and nominations committee to review and report on the proposed changes to the Board.The Board will move to call the EGM by mid-July in accordance with its obligations under ARYZTA’s articles of association with the EGM to be held by mid-August. The proposed timing of the EGM has regard to avoiding further organisational and operational instability and to supporting management’s efforts to protect the Company’s business at a time of significant challenge as a consequence of COVID-19 and its economic impact. Further, it facilitates the strategic and financial review which is an urgent and important initiative for the Company in all circumstances. The timely completion of the review and identification of strategic options is of paramount importance and in keeping with the Board’s fiduciary duties to all its stakeholders. The proposed timing also gives other shareholders the opportunity and time to present resolutions, and increases the prospect of holding an EGM in person should current COVID-19 restrictions ease. 
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Rober.3.0 23/05/20 22:40
Ha respondido al tema Cobas AM: Nueva Gestora de Francisco García Paramés
Hace tiempo pensaba que esto del coronavirus seria grave, pero que pasaria relativamente rapido (2 o 3 meses), pero la expansion del virus ni se ha contenido, ni parece que se vaya a contener a corto plazo.En europa parece que muchos paises van reduciendo sus casos, pero me sorprende que Italia a dia de hoy tiene mas nuevos casos que España comenzando la cuarentena antes. ¿Seguiremos el mismo camino con constantes positivos, aunque sean pocos?Estos son los datos de hoy (parece que siguen actualizandose porque tenia otra captura de pantalla que se me quedo obsoleta):Eso si, algunas bolsas siguen arriba del todo.
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Rober.3.0 21/05/20 17:30
Ha respondido al tema Cobas AM: Nueva Gestora de Francisco García Paramés
A mi los resultados me estan diciendo en la conciencia, compra TNK, compra TNK, pero ya voy cargado de TGP y TK. Si en los proximos dias caen fuerte, no me lo pensare, el segundo trimestre esta claro que va a ser bueno, y algo rascaran hasta final de año, aunque es cierto que da miedo lo que pueda pasar los 3 primeros trimestres de 2021, pero sin vencimientos que no puedan cubrir con lo ganado.
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Rober.3.0 21/05/20 08:13
Ha respondido al tema Cobas AM: Nueva Gestora de Francisco García Paramés
Teekay Tankers Ltd. Reports First Quarter 2020 ResultsThu May 21, 2020 1:57 AM|GlobeNewswire|About: TNKHighlightsReported GAAP net income of $106.8 million, or $3.17 per share, and adjusted net income(1) of $110.0 million, or $3.27 per share, in the first quarter of 2020 (excluding items listed in Appendix A to this release).Total Adjusted EBITDA(1) of $155.4 million in the first quarter of 2020.Generated over $140 million of free cash flow(1) and completed approximately $60 million of vessel sales in the first quarter of 2020, reducing net debt(2) by approximately $200 million and increasing liquidity to approximately $368 million as of March 31, 2020.Secured strong second quarter to-date spot tanker rates of $52,100 per day for its Suezmax fleet and $33,600 per day for its Aframax-sized fleet.Entered into nine six-month to two-year time charter-out contracts for six Suezmaxes and three Aframax-sized vessels at attractive rates to a total of 13 time charter-out contracts since October 2019, securing $170 million of fixed forward revenues.Closed the previously announced sale of a portion of the ship-to-ship transfer support services business.
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Rober.3.0 21/05/20 08:11
Ha respondido al tema Cobas AM: Nueva Gestora de Francisco García Paramés
Teekay Corporation Reports First Quarter 2020 ResultsThu May 21, 2020 1:56 AM|GlobeNewswire|About: TKHighlightsGAAP net loss attributable to shareholders of Teekay of $49.8 million, or $0.49 per share, and adjusted net income attributable to shareholders of Teekay(1) of $25.3 million, or $0.25 per share, in the first quarter of 2020 (excluding $44.9 million of income relating to the Foinaven transaction and other items listed in Appendix A to this release).Total adjusted EBITDA(1) of $342.2 million in the first quarter of 2020.Teekay Parent secured a new bareboat charter contract for the Foinaven FPSO, which included a $67 million upfront payment received in April 2020; and also eliminated its Teekay LNG incentive distribution rights (IDRs) in exchange for 10.75 million Teekay LNG common units.Teekay LNG reported record-high adjusted net income in the first quarter of 2020; increased its quarterly cash distributions by 32 percent paid in May 2020; and rechartered three of its 52 percent-owned LNG carriers, resulting in its LNG fleet now 100 percent chartered on fixed-rate contracts for the remainder of 2020 and 94 percent is fixed for 2021.Teekay Tankers reported highest adjusted net income in more than 10 years in the first quarter of 2020 and entered into nine six-month to two-year time charter-out contracts for six Suezmaxes and three Aframax-sized vessels at attractive rates to a total of 13 time charter-out contracts since October 2019, securing $170 million of fixed forward revenues.
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