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Rober.3.0 28/09/20 12:36
Ha respondido al tema Cobas AM: Nueva Gestora de Francisco García Paramés ARYZTA has received the requisite consent of the majority of its lenders for an amendment to its financial covenants. Formal documentation effecting the amendment is expected to be executed shortly. The amendment shall apply to the two covenant tests relating to the interim Financial Statements as of January 2021 and to the annual Financial Statements of July 2021. In each case, the Net Debt: EBITDA Coverage Ratio shall be lower or equal to 6.0x and the Net Interest Coverage Ratio shall be greater than 1.0x, providing ARYZTA with increased headroom in the coming year to accommodate the continuing uncertainty around and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. 
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Rober.3.0 11/08/20 09:53
Ha respondido al tema Cobas AM: Nueva Gestora de Francisco García Paramés
Comunicado de Aryzta: Schlieren/Switzerland, 11 August 2020 - July revenue and liquidity update July trading continues to improve in line with expectations Liquidity position better than expected - ARYZTA has seen further improvement in the revenue trend of the business in July, currently tracking to an organic revenue evolution of c.(18)%1 for month to date to 25 July 2020, versus (23)% in June, (36)% in May and (49)% in April. - In Europe most economies are re-emerging from lockdown but there is concern about a second wave of restrictions in some countries. The monthly revenue evolution is now tracking at c.(20)%. QSR and Retail are gradually improving whilst Foodservice is still significantly down. - In North America, sales are improving but are still experiencing volatility as some States and major cities reinstate restrictions. The monthly revenue evolution is tracking at c.(15)%. QSR and Retail remain relatively strong whereas Foodservice is still heavily impacted by COVID-19 related restrictions. - In Rest of World, the monthly revenue evolution is tracking at c.(20)%. Similar to all other regions, Foodservice remains negatively impacted. The performance in Brazil is improving but remains challenging whilst there is growing concern over impact of a second wave of infections in Australia and Japan. - Management has taken decisive action to protect and maximise liquidity since the consequences of COVID-19 became visible in mid-March. This included pausing productions in bakeries to reduce capacity in line with demand, furloughing headcount, availing of government relief initiatives, suspending capital expenditure and eliminating discretionary cost to the maximum extent possible. - While restrictions are loosening in markets and more localized regulations appear, ARYZTA has adjusted production upward using adapted shift patterns. However many lines are still operating at reduced capacity: » In Europe only one bakery is still fully paused compared to three as of 30 April while 69 out of 83 lines are currently operational. » In North America only one bakery is still fully paused compared to five as of 30 April while 63 out of 70 lines are currently operational. » Overall ARYZTA has c.14% of staff furloughed versus c.30% as of 30 April. - ARYZTA continues to actively manage production capacity to match demand as it improves over time. The company continues to expect a bumpy recovery over the coming months. Liquidity Reflecting the Group’s focus on cash conservation, ARYZTA maintains liquidity in excess of €415m on 31 July compared to €370m on 25 June, ahead of previous expectations. This is consistent with our expectations that the Group would finish the year with a good overall liquidity position. ARYZTA has no material debt maturities over the coming 13 month period (€17m due March 2021). 
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Rober.3.0 10/08/20 13:01
Ha respondido al tema Cobas AM: Nueva Gestora de Francisco García Paramés
Las koreanas Hyundai y LG electronics dando un alivio al fondo, esta madrugada subieron ambas un 11%. Si no fuera porque Hyundai tenia bastante peso al principio del fondo y se ha ido desinflando, porque al cierre del trimestre la podrian vender como una gran ganancia como han hecho con otras que no han sido asi.Los graficos son de largo plazo, en corto plazo la subida de los ultimos dias es bastante significativa.LG al precio actual, es una compañia que si nos daria dinero, sin tener en cuenta el dividendo (no es muy grande).
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Rober.3.0 04/08/20 22:35
Ha respondido al tema Cobas AM: Nueva Gestora de Francisco García Paramés
La presentacion de resultados de la familia es el Jueves 13.All shareholders, unitholders and interested parties are invited to listen to the live conference calls by choosing from the following options: Entity | Date | Time (ET) | Telephone Number (North America) | Telephone Number (International) | ConferenceTeekay | August 13, 2020 | 11:00 a.m. | 1 800 367 2403 | 1 647 490 5367 | 2738323Teekay Tankers | August 13, 2020 | 12:00 p.m. | 1 800 437 2398 | 1 647 792 1240 | 1825962Teekay LNG | August 13, 2020 | 1:00 p.m. | 1 800 367 2403 | 1 647 490 5367 | 9339565By accessing the webcasts, which will be available on Teekay's website at at the times noted above (the archives will remain on the website for a period of one year).Accompanying Second Quarter 2020 Earnings Presentations will also be available at in advance of the conference call start times.
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Rober.3.0 04/08/20 19:52
Ha respondido al tema Cobas AM: Nueva Gestora de Francisco García Paramés
Acabo de estar mirando Vesselfinder pensando eso mismo, porque parece ser que la explosion de la pirotecnia era al lado de algun petrolero y algun metanero.Intuyo que no, porque no consigo ver ningun barco de Teekay por alli cerca, pero ya no me sorprenderia nada. Esperemos que no haya muchas victimas, pero tiene mala pinta una explosion asi.Para el que no sepa nada (hay muchos videos que ponen los pelos de punta): Veo dos Chemical/Oil Products Tankers por la zona, Duke I y Baltic Monarch.
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Rober.3.0 04/08/20 00:17
Ha respondido al tema Cobas AM: Nueva Gestora de Francisco García Paramés
Hablemos de Kosmos Energy, que el foro esta muy apagado.Me acabo de fijar que ha bajado un 16% justo despues de presentar resultados, resulta que en el ultimo trimestre Cobas ha subido su participacion (posicion 11) en esta empresa, y Azvalor la vendió entera. Ambas la llevaban en el trimestre anterior.No suelo ser de los pesimistas, siempre pienso que el cambio de tendencia esta por llegar. Pero la realidad es que no aciertan ni una.Los resultados de la empresa es:
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Rober.3.0 01/08/20 13:19
Ha respondido al tema Cobas AM: Nueva Gestora de Francisco García Paramés
Acabo de subir las posiciones de Azvalor internacional ordenadas por peso al hilo de Azvalor, la de Cobas internacional es casi la misma que el seleccion.Al hacer la de Azvalor me ha llamado la atencion que han vendido toda la posicion de Kosmos Energy, frente a Cobas que ha aumentado su posicion bastante.
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