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Plissken 28/11/17 15:23
Ha respondido al tema Chicharros USA - bolsa internacional
ARGS Pues estaba pensando en largarlas si subía a 0.25 -las llevo a 0.18- pero si estas noticias significan lo que parece..... igual merec la pena mantenerlas. EARS Según cómo sea el rebote de gato muerto, igual es interesante meterse para moverlas rápidamente. Pero sólo apto para corazones sanos. Me mantengo al margen y me entretendré leyéndoos, valientes ;) Los yankis están dando por seguro un RS
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Plissken 28/11/17 14:15
Ha respondido al tema Chicharros USA - bolsa internacional
ARGS Alégrame el día!! Ha presentado resultados financieros "As a result of these transactions, the Company believes it now has sufficient cash to execute its business plan at least through June 2018. Jeff Abbey, president and chief executive officer of Argos, stated, “We are pleased to have significantly extended our cash runway through these recent transactions. As noted previously, we expect the next interim data analysis of the ADAPT clinical trial of Rocapuldencel-T in combination with sunitinib for the treatment of metastatic renal cell carcinoma to occur during the first half of 2018, subject to agreement with the FDA on an amended protocol. We therefore believe that we now have sufficient funding to achieve this important milestone, as well as to continue to support the ongoing Phase 2 clinical trial of AGS-004 in combination with vorinostat targeting HIV eradication in adult patients.” Lo dice el CEO, claro, que simepre va a ser optimista, pero parecen buenas noticias.... El mercado hablará!! Edito: sube un 16% en PM, pero sólo con 100 acciones... ya veremos
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